« Nordland II »
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1 | Fanfare 03:36
 | 2 | Blooded Shore 05:47
 | 3 | Sea Wolf 05:26
 | 4 | Vinland 06:39
 | 5 | The Land 06:23
 | 6 | Death and Resurrection of a Northern Son 08:30
 | 7 | The Messenger 10:02
 | 8 | Flash of the Silverhammer 04:09
 | 9 | The Wheel of Sun 12:27
 | 10 | Outro 00:24
 | | Total playing time: 63:23 |
   Quorthon - vocals & all instruments |
 | 2. Blooded Shores
Dark is the sea : raging waves
endless the sky above me
mighty is the wind that fills our sail
many of us will follow : our journey brave
The day when ice would break and sun was high
we sailed with wind of fate across the seas
we followed the stars bright in the night
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 Последний, к сожалению, альбом великого Томаса "Куортона" Форсберга. Вторая часть саги Nordland, которую Куортон посвятил всем нам... Признатюсь, без приувеличений, альбом мне показался много сильнее предыдущего Нордланда. Здесь есть, как мне кажется вещи, которые будут считаться бессмертными. Ни одной проходной вещи на альбоме нет в помине. С окровавленного побережья и по солнцеворот - весь альбом слушается на одном дыхании... Холодный ветер, зов предков, шум прибоя, задушевные распевки... Во время прослушивания приходят мысли о том, что мы родились не в то время и не в том месте. Северный альбом северных народов. Hail The Hordes! Спасибо тебе, Quorthon Seth, мы тебя никогда не забудем. So, all great clouds filled the air, and the thunder roared from o, so far away up in the sky, and for sure we know that you've reached the joyous hall up high... R.I.P. 07.06.04 |
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Это был первый для меня альбом группы Bathory. Я не ожидал такой красоты. Эта музыка (викинг метал) очень красива. Слушал я этот альбом 3 раза в подряд. При первом прослушивании я сделал вывод: музыка великолепна, но вот вокал не очень, и его слабо слышно. На 3-й раз, при прослушивании в наушниках, вокал стало слышно. Вокал очень даже не плох. Данный альбом является чистым Викинг Металлом. В нём есть всё: красота, агрессия (правда, мало), атмосфера на все 100%. Этот альбом убедил меня в способностях ныне покойного Куортона. Он и вправду гений. Жаль, что этот альбом последний для него и для нас. Ниже 10 рука у меня не поднимется поставить. Это ШЕДЕВР. |
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Тем, кому нравятся викинг-альбомы Bathory, наверно и объяснять ничего не нужно – они конечно уже купили себе обе части Северной Земли. Для тех, кто в танке: нетленное произведение от основателя стиля Квортона продолжает трилогию Hammerheart – Twilight Of The Gods – Blood On Ice. Чистый викинг без всякой примеси блека. Простые, но трогающие за душу народные напевы, хор, звуки природы. Ярость битвы и тишина леса, тоска по короткому северному лету – вот атмосфера этого альбома. Идеальная музыка для нашего климата и менталитета. (А ламбаду пусть латиносы слушают!) |
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Сложно оценивать этот альбом. С одной стороны - легендарное Имя, Дух, Традиция... С другой - рецензия есть рецензия и должна быть объективной. Как человек, не по-наслышке знакомый с творчеством Кворотона, я был несколько разочарован этим альбомом. Да, это очень качественный викинг, отлично исполненный, записаный и спродюсированый, однако в нем практически отсутствует воинственная агрессивность, которая отличает "Hammerheart", или возвышенная трагичность, свойственная "Twilight...", или же монументальная эпичность "Blood On Ice". Перед нами - просто красивые песни, которые продолжают линию медленных, "сонных" эпиков, намеченную в "Destroyer of the Worlds". Чувствуется как будто некоторая усталость, усталость человека после долгих трудов и боев, а может, и от самой жизни. Эх, как же жаль, что это последний альбом "Батори"... |
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просмотров: 40015 |
The land was bleak and could not provide
sail across the sea with the wind and tide
brothers at my side : our blood the same
Oden up high : I call thy name
Through the fog they will come in the dawn
with the wind from the raging sea
beware of the men of the North
they will sail down the blooded shore
with the wind they will return to the seas
Down foreign shores : all land would sleep
silent at dawn : with fire and steel
by our swords : silver and gold
our journey glorious : tales will be told
The day when ice would break and sun was high
we sailed with wind of fate across the seas
we followed the stars bright in the night
The land was bleak and could not provide
sail across the sea with the wind and tide
brothers at my side : our blood the same
Oden up high : I call thy name
Through the fog they will come in the dawn
with the wind from the raging sea
beware of the men of the North
they will sail down the blooded shore
with the wind they will return to the seas
3. Sea Wolf
Into the granite : stave by stave
carved ploughwise : now read my tale
the raging ocean I have sailed
many a man I have maimed
Shields I have crushed with my sword
women have I pleased endless nights
on foreign coast my brother did fall
he now dines in hall up high
Erected the stone against a twilight sky
read Sea Wolf's tale
From the coasts of the west to sarkland
to the marshlands and the forests of the east
high adventures : great riches and wine
blood shed : great battles and feasts
My stone firm in mother eart through rain and time
read Sea Wolf's tale
4. Vinland
Forward : ride the ocean's waves
be bold : glory to the brave
Deep the sea : above me eternal sky
freezing winds : cold to the limbs : the waves are high
sleepless nights : the bleak moonlight : the chill and damp
by morning light : a strip of land we see
Vinland : crossing the endless raging ocean
Vinland : follow the stars and the sign of the raven
Vinland : watch the horizon for the strip of the western land
Vinland : plough through the waves white wolfs at a raging sea
The wind : mighty : fills your sail
onward : to the land in your fathers' tale
Forward brothers : reward awaits the bold and brave
white sons of north : through hail and storms : we rode the waves
we beach the ship upon the coast of western land
and rest our tired limbs among the reed and sand
Vinland : crossing the endless raging ocean
Vinland : follow the stars and the sign of the raven
Vinland : watch the horizon for the strip of the western land
Vinland : plough through the waves white wolfs at a raging sea
5. The Land
This land is mine to the end of time
none it shall claim or conquer
the mountains high : the endless sky
the forests and the sea
Oh land rejoice : your son has sailed
beyond the seas : adventurous trail
now heading north : to Asa Bay
my place of birth : home of the brave
A man he may wither away
or die in battle with sword in hand
but the river will flow and the wind will blow
forever across my northern land
This land is mine to the end of time
none it shall claim or conquer
the mountains high : the endless sky
the forests and the sea
Oh fatherland : oh Northstar high
two hundred days and night have I
been away from you my hearts most dear
returning home : great wealth to share
Work those oars : the wind is still
no southern breeze our sail to fill
the dusk is here and our bay is far
the Dragon soon to sweep the night
so work these oars an Sorsemen : brother's row
The land where deep in heavyturf the bones and crushed skulls testify
the violent times and troubled days when land was claimed
and paid for in blood and human lives
The land where gold of star will glow in silvery water
and on black wings high the ravens soar above
the glade where as child I was baptised in fire and ice
6. Death And Resurrection Of A Northern Son
Here I am : enemies : come and taste the steel of my sword
the earth was still young and the land all new when it was forged
ore of themountain towering wowards endless sky
the runes down its blade the last thing you will see before you die
In the spring we sailed from Asa Bay with wind and tide
twenty-nine in all we were : bloodbrothers side by side
down foreign coasts : across the ocean : wind would fill our sail
high adventures : better to fall by the sword than to die from age or ail
The emperor I served in Miklagard : grand guard was I
me and my brothers in gold were paid : on my sword I did rely
returning to Nordland by horse : ambushed were we
and so here I am : come enemies : cornered with my back to the sea
The ground beneath our feet all red awash with human blood
severed limbs and bodies dead : prepare to meet thy God
shoulder by shoulder : knee by knee : bloodbrothers by my side
forgive me mother for missing the unseen blow that cut me down from behind
All still : no more pain : the wind whispering my name
this wound my last : the darkness around me seems vast
Then a bright light I see : the clouds swirl and part before me
in the distance a woman approaching : with a gesture she invites me to proceed
Then a bronze horn I hear : it calls me : and the bridge seems to stretch for a lifetime
way before me a palace is rising : out of the mist : like a mountain it stands
And it greets me with gates open wide : all around me bloodbrothers by my side
and they show me the seat that bears my name : my place at the table of Oden I do claim
7. The Messenger
Clear was the sky : now storm clouds are forming
the sun disc was high : the dusk came too soon
sighted : a forest of masts and sails
ride swift yee messenger : the word must get through
Carry the news to the villages westward
Asa Bay is under attack
light the signal fires along the shoreline
sound the bugle : upon us is the storm
Ride up the coast : sound the alarm
the enemy fleet soon to land
women and children to the hill : the enclosure
to the shore every brave able hand
Sons of ours afar in foreign land
their swords will be missed on this fateful day
brother of Eigil : who set sail for Vinland
with Torgeir the strong and Ashur the brave
Upon us the storm : the twilight was sudden
the clear sunny day : now bitterly cold
may the Gods be all with us : and fate by us stand
let the livestock all run and bury your gold
The messenger riding swift through the forest
crossing the wide open plains
carrying the news of the storm : the fleet fast approaching
to arms all : defend Asa Bay
Clear was the sky : now storm clouds are forming
the sun disc was high : the dusk came too soon
now restless the waves : unruly the sea
red are the sails : may the message get through
Now dark is the sky : the storm clouds assembled
the enemy fleet soon to land
in the dark grey haze glimmering sharp steel is drawn
the swelling sails nearer now : stand and fight every man
Ride through the forest : past mountains and creeks
upon us is fire and doom
carry me : run swift : my good able steed
the news of the storm must get through
8. Flash Of Th Silverhammer
Storm clouds are forming : darkening the sky
the wind gather speed up the mountains
along the horizon : lightning strikes
then the deafening rumble of thunder
Rain beat against my face
quench the thirst of mother earth
the wind in my hair
behold the flash of the silver hammer
Shadows across the land : all clad in grey
the waves raging wild along the shoreline
cutting through black clouds : a finger of fire
bonding the earth with the heavens
Mighty : the wind of storm
forks of lightning lacerates dark sky
from within : the clouds : ablaze
by the flash of the silver hammer
9. The Wheel Of Sun
As the night divides the day : the dark will come to everyone
fear will strike the hearts of all : the hearts of all both old and young
the fool may be carefree : unknown to him the troubles upon his masters brow
but death us all will grasp with hand so cold to pull us down
And so the sun is low again : along horizon a crimson blaze
soon the dusk us all embrace : the shadows long as life itself
but in the light of moon and stars above be sure yee everyone
tomorrow new a day will dawn : none stay can the course of the wheel of sun
As sure as it is true once we all shall die : true it is not all men lives
a king shall fall : a child be born : the Gods will take and Gods will give
before your time has come : do climb your mountainside on a morning fair
and smell the fragrance carried by the wind : let it blow freely through your hair
damned he who sits still and curse woe the dark but will do not a thing
to light the torch : to shed the light : for him the dark is all within
slowly across the sky the golden disc of life it tumbles on
the wheel of life and light : rebirth : the seasons : behold the wheel of sun
10. Outro