 Знакомство с Darkest Hour началось у меня с прослушивания именно этого альбома. И с первого раза я был впечатлён настолько, что хотелось ещё не раз повторить весь трэк-лист. Что и говорить, лучшие традиции американского hardcore и шведского melodic death metal собраны воедино в этом альбоме. И не просто прилеплены друг к другу как две лепёшки, а слиты в единое целое, прекрасное и неповторимое творение. Мощный и агрессивный, но и одновременно не режущий слух противными хрипами и всхлипываниями, вокал наверняка не оставит кого-либо равнодушным и не даст отдохнуть на протяжении всего альбома, за исключением двух инструментальных композиций. Да, целых две инструментальных композиции, однако они настолько качественно исполнены, что без них альбом не был бы настолько хорош. Если сказать, что саунд великолепен или прекрасен, значит не сказать ничего! Сразу чувствуется профессионализм и техничность исполнения. Всё сведено практически идеально, каждый элемент дополняет друг друга. А гитарные соло практически в каждой композиции заставляют слушателя получить неописуемое наслаждение от прослушивания альбома.
Если пройтись по списку песен, то хочется отметить следующие композиции:
«With а Thousand Words to Say but One» – первая композиция, которая сразу же поглощает своим звуком, после прослушивания которой ты уже точно не сможешь остановиться.
«Pathos», «Ethos» – две инструментальные композиции, о них я уже писал выше.
«Sound the Surrender», «Tranquil», «Convalescence» – пожалуй лучшие композиции из альбома. А, на мой взгляд, и вовсе одни из лучших песен данного коллектива.
В завершении хотелось бы добавить, данный альбом (наряду с альбомом 2007 года) среди поклонников творчества данного коллектива считается вершиной их творчества. Именно поэтому я ставлю ему «9», и советую всем любителям данного стиля непременно прослушать данное творение. |
Lift each other up to see the bliss on the horizon been looking
In from the outside lately I've seen who I used to be and it's not me
And we can keep healing and we can keep holding on I just want to take
You where our time won't be waste anymore through the mountains on the
Water we'll stay engulfed in one another and when I can wake up to see the
Sunrise in your eyes and we'll finally be free I'll know I've made it home so lets go out west
And bask in the overcast and walking through the rain we'll see the
Beauty in life again
2. Convalescence
It's been a long night waiting to sleep the day away and it's been
A long time coming along with me every step of the way oh confinement
Binds you and nothing scares me nothing thrills me I've fooled myself
Into believing that nothing ails me nothing kills me and stagnant time
Is a breeding ground for regrets and wrongdoings and resolutions take
Their time that's if they even come at all always seeking redemption
Through the echoes I've listened and still came up missing these
Wounds will heal and nothing can stop me now
3. This Will Outlive US
Gone are the days of evasion existence is how you create it what ever
Compels you to keep on embrace it so long as the missing piece of the
Puzzle split down the middle we had better prepare ourselves for
Perpetual winter why do we do this to ourselves continuous escape
A living hell like those other lovers hidden under the covers it's
So empty in the arms of another see what you've done you're
Irresistible with your sordid stories the morbid glory of it all
Remember when times were worth celebrating pour the wine for the
Fallen friends and foes singing in unison my hell is a blank piece
Of paper staring back at me my hell is wasted potential haunting me
4. Sound The Surrender
This moment marks the severing of senses comatose distinctions the
Gathering of flies on a irrational mind filled with broken conviction
I've seen how lies take form in your eyes your suspicious ways
Followed a hollow gaze you fucking left me to rot but one day you'll
See first hand how I've paid for your biggest mistake sound the
Surrender embraced in vain what will you gain from this what will you
Lose secrets hidden behind your back your silence it serenades deceit
Secrets hidden behind your back your forever ideal fantasy sound the
Surrender you have gained all you could from this sound the surrender
But you've lost only one
5. Pathos
6. Low
Injected venom sucking the life from us away for eighty days
it's white noise
just white noise
staying awake for the music's sake
they say they listen but never hear a thing
mass deception illusion perception
we say they listen
to white noise
can this really be our time?
are we found to find the line?
disillusion me again
can we really be the only ones who see this charade?
the meaning is fleeting
all these egos competing
searching for an identity
through the series of misleadings
Injected venom
sucking the life from us
away for eighty days
it's white noise
just white noise
staying awake for the music's sake
can we really be, really be the only ones who see this charade?
can this really be our time?
are we found to find the line?
disillusion me again
7. Ethos
8. District Divided
We are the expatriated our fate cards have played us neighbors
Displaced us we've seen that these demographics are targets shot down
By the market I've felt the wrath of the greedy now complete with more
Monsters I've seen the needs of a city completely ignored surrounded
By vultures we are the sons and the daughters expecting betrayal
Neglecting out passions we know your plans don't include us that's why
We've made our own destroyers of culture insatiable their appetite the
Gluttons who consumed their way to the top
9. These Fevered Times
My heart's been racing with my mind to the finish line of these
Fevered times stuck down again this turbulence has overcome
Tranquility pounding the walls inside these thoughts I can't control
And shooting through my veins these heightened senses overwhelming
Confusion replaces clarity a neurotic rearrangement you know the
Feeling when down feels up to it's old tricks again so misleading when
It hits like a ton of bricks to the chest out of breath on the
Bathroom floor and I'll make light of this night and night of this day
It's what I tell myself to sleep when I dream myself awake
10. Paradise
After midnight's glow and morning's gloom has settled in its
Self-inflicted sense of self-loathing waking up from the longest dream
Where we're all running away it's a sobering experience still sinking
Still spinning still hanging by a thread I've been thinking I'll stop
Wasting the days away and make life worth living controlling these
Demons and stopping sirens from screaming lapsing in and out of this
Great escape a love-hate relationship we're all stuck in our ways and
As we drown everyday we revel in our self-indulgence and wonder why we
Feel so trapped in our bodies in out rooms in out cities with our
11. Tranquil
This decaying flesh is coming back to life reanimate me give me
A chance and I'll be right here where the sun hits the sea watching
These waves wash the pain away and it will radiate so brilliantly that
We can keep pushing on and get on with life cause we deserve it now
I know that the worst is behind us now onward and upward we take
Flight on bruised and battered wings we soar above our clouded
Thoughts never looking back we can regain a sense of balance that's
Been gone so long give me a chance to reason with the odds to pick
Myself back up regain a balance gone so long