« Under a Stone With No Inscription »
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1 | Shackled To Guilt
 | 2 | A Problem Yet To Be Solved
 | 3 | Entropy Within
 | 4 | Dance To The Song Of Apathy
 | 5 | Severages Of The Mind
 | 6 | Built On Sand
 | 7 | Under The Debris
 | 8 | The Drowning
 | 9 | Leaving The Spirit Behind
 | 10 | Any Kind Of Magic Or Miracle |
   Fredrik Schälin – вокал, гитара
Andreas Allenmark – гитара, вокал
Canny Pettersson – ударные
Henrik Drake – бас |
 | 1. Shackled To Guilt
All was settled from the start
Immaculate and pure
I invited chaos to stain, defile
And purity was no more
Demose of the crown, hereditary prince
I stand by the gate of what is not
The castle now has turned
To a hole in the ground
Free fall
Sad gods glare at me
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 "Under a Stone with No Inscription" представляет собой 45 минут яростного, драйвового, мелодичного и эмоционального технодэта с обилием прогрессивных фишек, количество которых неуклонно увеличивается по ходу развития альбома. Музыканты с лёгкостью переходят от мелодичного поливалова к брутальному мочилову, попутно украшая всё это великолепие мастерскими и запоминающимися гитарными соло, нетривиальными риффами и детально проработанными аранжировками. Все композиции талантливо написаны, качественно исполнены и накрепко застревают в памяти. Особой похвалы достойны неутомимые гитаристы и ещё более неутомимый ударник, чьи партии то похожи на ураган, то блещут своеобразной жестокой изысканностью. Рассматривать каждую композицию по отдельности или выделять особо удачные песни бессмысленно - это очень ровный, но разнообразный материал, составляющий единое, монолитное целое. Этот альбом полон особой, экзальтированной атмосферы, чудесных мелодий и вызывающих удовлетворённую улыбку композиторских фишек. Короче говоря, если вы любите Necrophagist, Obscura, Spawn Of Possession, Martyr, да и техничный/прогрессивный дэт в целом, то сей релиз (как и остальные записи Anata) доставит вам море почти физически ощущаемого удовольствия. Сказать особо нечего - это "всего лишь" крутой альбом. |
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Какой тебе "вход" организуют - так процесс и пойдет... Отсутствие спокойного интро с плавным переходом в сами композиции нынче дело уже больше редкое, чем обычное. А здесь так всё роскошно: "Канаты" первым номером преподносят великолепную "Shackled to Guilt", очень бодрую, быструю и мощную композицию. И как по ходьба по канату - балансирование между брутальщиной и мелодичностью... Сразу не надоедает однообразием и не "насилует" мозг сверхтехничностью. Нет, техники у музыкантов немало, но они не перебарщивают - один из главных плюсов альбома. Далее "A Problem Yet to Be Solved" и "Entropy Within" - очень классные композиции, причем вторая повеивает трэшем в самом начале! Хождение по канату продолжается, но теперь ещё местами присутствует атмосферность - блестящая тэппинговая партия в "Entropy Within" ещё не скоро вылезет из головы, ещё один плюс.
Основы написаны, остаётся вспомнить самих исполнителей, звук и т.п. Всё очень разборчиво, не заметил серьёзных изъянов в звуке в общем - очередной большой плюс. Сыграно "на ура", особенно внушает работа барабанщика и басиста. Из понравившихся для себя выделю вышеназванные темы + к ним "Any Kind of Magic or Miracle", "The Drowning", "Under the Debris".
В итоге действительно получается хождение по канатам - балансировка между мелодичностью и атмосферностью, техничностью и простотой, быстротой и медленными композициями... При хорошем исполнении такие балансировки и вылились в один замечательный альбом. |
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просмотров: 11693 |
These gods are for real
But maybe not omniscient creators
I live in a fantasy
And when I dream, let me dream
And never wake me up again
Choke on guilt
Near-death experience
And I can not see
The light at the end of the tunnel
All that was is again
Those I let down have forgiven me
Once more they have faith in me
All I was I am again
Reborn, I am a child
It's but a dream and I hate myself
All was settled from the start...
There's a future looking bright
There's hope, I've got the strength
I've got a life
And a talent for irony
All is dead
All is over
Bury me under a stone
With no inscription
2. A Problem Yet To Be Solved
"God created man in his own image"
But ever since the fall of man
Man is but a sinner who must do penance
That is what god's servants say
A true believer was hit by misfortune
Although he had led a sinless life
"Can this be the will of an almighty god?"
Clouded skies are reflecting
His state of mind
Storm rages above him
In the dead of night
But also in his heart
His strength and will
Have failed him
And he's beginning to doubt
These were ever features of a higher might
Inside he feels emptiness
Might reflect a void in heaven
And the absence of god
Devoid of content
Is the word of god
Serves no purpose
In conformity
With his life
As all prosperity
Has been washed away
And no support
Is to be accounted for
From the "good" souls
He feel snaked and alone
As there's no one
To answer his prayers
No angels, in intervention divine
Would save him should he fall
All hope is lost but now he dares not believe
Or live in the lie that used to be his shield
If the meaning of life
To honor and live for god
Proves to be a lie
What's there to live for?
I deny that there ever was a god
Or a meaning of life other than reproduction
The rest is up to each and everyone of us
To seek or create
Scourge of the philosopher
Can there be a god if his world is a failure?
The problem is old but yet to be solved
So if there ever was a god
He's either dead, powerless, or a sadist
Only thing to know for sure
He's unworthy of our worship
3. Entropy Within
Under fire, we're at war!
Information is colliding
With our great intentions
And distracting our flow of energy
We are enslaved
By fear, rage, pain and jealousy
Incarnations of chaos
Rule our minds, kill our aspirations
Let's not fight ourselves!
But the netropy ruling our minds
It's a fight for our lives
A strife to take control of our perception
Keep fighting the enemies within
Fighting the entropy within
Key to unlock the treasury
Concentration undisturbed
State where body and mind unite
Time fades and we're filled with euphoria
Keep fighting the enemies within
Fighting the entropy within
4. Dance To The Song Of Apathy
Let's walk in a line
Let's do what the person in front of us does
Believe in what he believes
Let's forget our identity
So that we can assume no responsibility
For our lives
And the choice that we make
Or never make
Let us become one
With the bloodless crowds
Consequently, let us throw awayt our lives
"Where are you leading me?"
"Where are you leading me?"
The leader you follow is a follower too
In a round dance gone astray!
There's no beginning and there is no end to it
Join the round dance to the song of apathy
(Not fully awake...sleepwalk hand in hand)
You could have been a god
But we are keeping each other in place
Cling to the hand in front of us
To the submissive we submit
And we assume for responsibility
For our lives
And the choices that we make
Or never made
Let us become one...
Your future is doomed
Of you only do what you're expected to
Depart from the beaten track
Maybe the blind will see
But follow neither you nor me
They'll refuse to dance to the song of apathy
So, where are ou leading me?
The leader you follow is a follower too...
5. Severages Of The Mind
Torment, hatred, calamity
I've strived to overcome, for years
A recollection, I would like to believe
As a faded water-mark
Is the only thing that remains
Instead of deep impints of pain
Human brain, what a powerful device
Capacity we can't believe, can't conceive
What's erased can always be retrieved
All the pain drained from my mind
In violent streams ran underground
Where it arrived it putrefied
Rotted for life
Human brain, what a powerful device
Capacity we can't believe, can't conceive
What's erased can always be
Years have passed and rivers of hate
I have tried to dam
But the way you treated me
Made me who I am
My hands were clean
But you pissed upon my soul
Before I can be born again
I will have to explode
Vermin, bacteria, putrefaction
The sewage of the mind shall prevail
Because every cesspool needs an outflow
And if it should be blocked
The sewage finds new way
Now the time has finally arrived
Pipes are going to blow
Get in the way and you'll be crushed
Drown and become one
With the sewage of the mind
All the pain drained from my mind...
6. Built On Sand
Diagrams, blueprints, sketches are drawn
Infinite calculations so accurate
Lines, circles, angles, images are linked
To perfection be combined!
Feverish movements to fulfill the plan
Frantic operation, sweat breaks on your brow
Foundations of a new world are soon to be seen
As soon as the old one has been crushed
Castles, built in the air
Powered by merely strength of will
Bulldozers follow pulling down amchines
Any remnants of the obsolete
Is soon to be crushed into dust
A new civilization is to be built upon
The steaming tombs of forefathers
Silent, choked, they are meant to be
In their coffins for eternity
Castles, built on sand
Oh you dream, oh you dream!
Valied are no scientific rules
The undead will take revenge
Coffins will arise, buildingds fall to the ground
The new civilization is now to decay
Blueprints to scorn your defeat will remain
Learn that inside is where to excavate
Or anything you build will be burnt down by hate
7. Under The Debris
Collapsing are the walls
Tha used to protect me
Ground under my feet cracks
My universe is imploding
Since my star died
Or was it me that ceased to burn?
A black hole is what's left of my world
Now crushed
Solid, as compressed
A chaos attracting chaos
I run but can not flee
I carry this core inside of me
Under the debris
There's still life but for how long?
I hear no rescue squads
They can't hear my silent screams
Or does this have to be
I deserve to die?
Mis-grown fate can't be stopped
It's harvest-time
And I did invite The Reaper
To help me with the crop
I used to be on an observing satellite
Sent here without a task
Collecting images
That I'd never supply
When a lost satellite
Crashes and burns
No one cries
We only know our own world
And can't do otherwise
I blame no one
But wish that I, on this ship
Had dared to believe
The navigator has always been me
Under the debris
There's still life but for how long?
I hear no rescue squads
They can't hear my silent screams
8. The Drowning
I feel like I'm about to drown
It feels like I have sunk too deep
The mass of water over me, pushing me down
Has now become too burdensome to overcome
I'm trying hard to see the sun
But from this angle
The surface reflects only
The bottom of the sea
At times I feel I'd like to stop
Holding my breath and just exhale
And let the water fill my lunge
To drown is said to be
A pleasant way to die
Maybe if I just let go
Of my burden I'll eventually
Approach the surface
And drift downstream
And once again see
The fire of the sun
Again I try to see the sun
But from this angle
The surface reflects only
The bottom of the sea
Oxygen fails me but I hold my breath
I swim and try to reach the shore
Swim under water, maybe in vain
For I have almost lost all my will to live
When I have lost my will to live
And my body is weak
Then carry me, pllease carry me
When my eyes are tired
Be my star
Shine for me
Shine for me my precious sun
9. Leaving The Spirit Behind
Did you ever feel
It's like myou're hanging over an abyss
Your hands are tired
You can't break loose
You're still hanging
Only because your teeth
Have grasped the outermost twig of life
The only that keeps you from falling
Is that you keep your teeth clenched
Your body can struggle
But you just can't stream
You know you'd be crushed
Hitting the floor of reality
You suffer on and feel
Soon you're about to give in
Do you assume a reality
Existing without our perception
I don't believe it is so
The motion of reality is just a conception
Created by senses and mind
Leaving the spirit behind
If you view reality
As existing without the persistence of minds
Then keeping teeth clenched may be what is right
But if reality is created by you
This image can also be modified
I'm speaking of bringing the ground
Closer to your feet
Reducing the distance between
You and reality perceived
Let go and land in the image
Of your consciousness
Ready to reconstruct
Do you assume a reality...
10. Any Kind Of Magic Or Miracle
"Again I offer you my life
Lay down my heart at your feet
But if you accept this offering
Some obligations will have to be fulfilled
Remember to worship no other deity
Leave your earth's steady ground
Pledge allegiance to my gravity
To Mother Venus be forever bound"
Three-legged amphibian with coin in mouth
Save me from this wicked dream
Any kind of magic or miracle
I welcome to redeem my being
"You must promise not to invoke the rain!
Through my walls detect just inaudible storms
Even before they are gathering"
Her thoughts have been heard in my words
Now the ivory goddess
Is sitting small on my table
Offering me this heart of clay
If took to long time to decipher the message
Soft heart was trampled in the mud
Storm crushed the ark
Only wreckage to hold on to in the flood
Three-legged amphibian with coin in mouth...
Any kind of magic or miracle
Any kind of magic or miracle