« Low »
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1 | Low
 | 2 | Legions (In Hiding)
 | 3 | Hail Mary
 | 4 | Trail Of Tears
 | 5 | Shades Of War
 | 6 | P.C.
 | 7 | Dog Faced Gods
 | 8 | All I Could Bleed
 | 9 | Urotsukidoji
 | 10 | Chasing Fear
 | 11 | Ride
 | 12 | Last Call |
   Chuck Billy - vocals
Eric Peterson - guitars
James Murphy - guitars
Greg Christian - bass
John Tepesta - drums |
Special thanks to John Tempesta for performing the drum tracks on this album.
Additional backing vocals by Damien Gallegos
Additional Words of Widsom by Del James
"Urotsukidoji" voices by Peterson & Murphy
All music arranged by Testament |
 | 1. Low
[Music: Peterson]
[Lyrics: Billy]
Fuel the fire for war
It's man against mankind
Bruises that they bear
Been beaten down with time
Innocent people suffer the loss
Your broken hope so close to the cross
Sometimes, you just don't know
How low... how low you can go...
So low it' |
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 Ну ну... На 2 балла, значит... Впрочем, вкусы у всех разные и о них не спорят. Что касается этого альбома, то именно здесь Testament начал становиться тем... что мы имеем сейчас, это и попытки Чака Билли петь гроулингом, и заметное изменение звучания, не в лучшую сторону правда. Так-то альбом ничего, но... Всегда эти "но"... Мне не понравилась концовка, чего-то совсем странное заиграли ребята... |
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1994 год стал ознаменованием новой эры для Тестамента и горьким ударом для многих его поклонников. Уходит гитарист основатель группы Алекс Скольник, потерявший интерес к металлу и занявшийся джазом. Но на этом перестановки в группе не закончились. Барабанщика Луи Клемента сменяет Джо Темпеста (ex-Exodus). Ну и последним и самым значительным событием в жизни команды есть приход такой легендарной личности как Джеймс Мёрфи, заслуживший свой статус благодаря участию в таких группах как Death, Obituary, Disincarnate, Cancer. И что же вы можете подумать, услышав о том, что старый добрый Тестамент посетила такая личность как Мерфи? Конечно же, что группа заиграла техно-треш, а Чак Билли ударился в эксперименты с гроулингом! Смею заметить, что не в весьма удачные эксперименты, поскольку его гроул звучит достаточно бедно и убого по сравнению с грандами этого стиля пения. Самое худшее что выплывает из этого – это то что всеми своими сомнительными хрипами Чак просто испоганил множество вокальных партий на альбоме. Конечно, тот факт, что музыка группы стала супер техничной и навороченной не может не радовать, особенно любителей сложных гитарных вывертов и виртуозных ударных партий. Но будут ли рады именно поклонники Тестамента заслужившего свою славу именно благодаря такому стилю музыки как Bay Area Thrash или Old School Thrash? Я думаю, что на этот вопрос должен ответь каждый сам себе. Мне же, как меломану всё равно в каком стиле начал играть данный коллектив. Но вот мне совсем не всё равно когда музыка, исполняющаяся хорошей группой превращается просто в склад какого-то навороченного хлама, теряя при этом и мелодику, и весь свой индивидуальный стиль. Альбом «Low» намного тяжелее своего предшественника. Намного агрессивнее и техничнее его, хотя уже на «The Ritual» начали проскальзывать некоторые нехарактерные фишки для простого треш рубилова, но всё же именно здесь они достигли своего пика. Несмотря на все мои критически настроенные заявления на диске всё же нашлось место для двух замечательных вещей. А именно забойный и драйвовый монстр «Hail Mary» и великолепнейшая баллада «Trail Of Tears». Эти темы могут стать вровень с другими самыми лучшими композициями Тестамента. Остальной материал чрезвычайно плох с мелодической стороны, но впечатляюще силён с технической. Так что «Low» адресован конкретно для технарей и правдивых поклонников банды. Другим же здесь слушать нечего. |
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Второй после Душ Тьмы по любимости для меня альбом этой группы. Итак, Алекс Сколник ушел в Savatage и его место занял сам Мерфи. По музыке - тестаментовский трэш с едва заметными элементами дэта. Чак Билли именно в то время начал впадать в детство и вместо нормального пения попытался гроулить через примочки. Но это еще альбом не портит, как в двух последущих отстойных релизах. Песни хитовые, музыка очень техничная - дает знать старая школа. Меня зацепило с первого раза. Мастхэв. |
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В отличие от всех предыдущих релизов банды, которые с натягом тянут на 2 из 10, здесь поп-трэш по большей части исчез. Поганый вокал значительно улучшился за счёт добавок гроулинга. Причём, без всяких примочек. И всё же элементы старого говна всё ещё присутствуют. Вердикт - значительно лучше всего, что было до, но значительно хуже всего, что было после этого альбома. Шаг в правильном направлении. |
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просмотров: 41078 |
Low... Low... show some mercy...
Hey you piece of shit
Just leave the kids alone
Why can't you bear
The things that we endure
Innocent people suffer the loss
Lost hope with faith to the cross
Sometimes, you just don't know
How low... how low you can go...
Show some sympathy
Low... Low... show some mercy...
[Solo: James]
I don't like you for your warped demented ways
I hope the lock you down, so you never get away
Low... Low... show some sympathy
Low... Low... show some mercy...
2. Legions (In Hiding)
[Music: Peterson]
[Lyrics: Billy, James]
Domestically violent
With razor blade smiles
Infested with anger
A well hidden crime
Teaching those lessons so cruel
Ah, the torment spreads
War inside my head
Please just set me free
You call this... a family?
Battered, abusive
There's no wrong or right
When you're enslaved in your room
Hiding from demons
In urban daylight
Knowing that they'll be here soon
Confusion and bruises
And scars left for life
When physical evidence fades
Silently screaming
Just to be loved
Their innocence taken away
Ah, the torment spreads
War inside my head
Please just set me free
You call this... a family?
[Solos: Eric, James]
Virtues are shattered
By parents they trust
When all love they give is misued
The next generation
The damaged will learn
To keep spinning wheels of abuse
Ah, the torment spreads
War inside my head
Please just set me free
You call this... a family?
3. Hail Mary
[Music: Peterson, Murphy]
[Lyrics: Billy, James]
I am alive
I feel dirt in my eyes
There's no escape when redemption is lost
I'm not a saint
There's no use to looking
No sins to deny
Just my will to go on
Armas of darkness
Embrace me in madness
In my life it's mandatory
Hard to resist you
I still can't forgive you
For sins that I cannot wash away
Hail Mary full of grace
Throw some light upon this race
Intertwining final breath
Now... in the hour of death
[Solo: James]
Bound by the lies
Of constant denial
Pay for my sins that I bear for a child
I'm not a saint
There's no use denying
Falling from grace
Is my reason to go on
Hail Mary full of grace
Put me down, and kick me in my face
Intertwining final breath
Now... in the hour of death
4. Trail Of Tears
[Music: Peterson]
[Lyrics: Billy]
[Solo: Eric]
See the sun as the day is done
Life is of the broken ones
Some will stray as time will come
Al their lives, the live it well
Red man proud and giving hell
Some stand and shining tall
Can you hear them call?
See the sun as it's setting still
Tears fall from a warrior
Damn those who I feel
Set a trail to the promised land
Mother and child holding hand in hand
Through the snow or through the sands
All across the land...
Full moon's rising from the sky, a warrior's riding
Ride with the wind
So far away, the spirits will guide you
No more sorrow
Don't look back, your freedom will follow
Flying so free
Can't you see... on the trail of tears
[Solos 1&3: James]
[Solo 2: Eric]
Full moon's rising from the sky, a warrior's riding
Ride with the wind
So far away, the spirits will guide you
No more sorrow
Don't look back, your freedom will follow
Flying so free
Can't you see... on the trail of tears
[Solo: Eric]
5. Shades Of War
[Music: Peterson]
[Lyrics: Billy, James]
Burial of a human being
A man before a boy
Born to fight in another man's world
Not a world where there's a war
Born relihiously
Truth is what they see
Death won't come form peace
Who fuels this war?
[Solo: Eric]
Sacred ground of life
Burnt remains of the dead
Bodies lay to rest
Spirits of the earth
Rancid man, burned alive
Too blind to see what's wrong from right
Locked inside this cage
So many times blood has poured
Walk with shadows
Hear the shades of war... forever more
Brought into this world of bitter pain
Are we safe... or just insane
[Solo: James]
Rancid man, burned alive
Too blind to see what's wrong from right
Darkness veils their way
So many times blood has poured
Walk with shadows
Hear the shades of war... forever more
6. P.C.
[Music: Christian, Peterson]
[Lyrics: Christian]
Damn the machine the system's corrupted
Abusive power is everywhere
Our elected officals, pass laws to help
But who's paying them off
And in the end, we the people pay
Such a heavy price, just for being alive
And if this country was really free
We'd make paper from hemp and let the forest live
But corporate America, and billion dollar industries
Have so much power
Yet they stand to lose
Too much fucking money
There's nothing we can do... but...
Take back all that we've lost
At any price that it costs
Our freedom was worth fighting for
Resistance now or nevermore
[Solo: James]
And what about the CIA
What the fuck is their real job anyway
Starting civil wars in Third World countries
Importing heroin from the far east
Talk about cocaine, neither kept away
From the youths of today... now
There's nothing we can do... but...
Take back all that we've lost
At any price that it costs
Our freedom was worth fighting for
Resistance now or nevermore
7. Dog Faced Gods
[Music: Peterson]
[Lyrics: Peterson, Billy, James]
Of dog faced gods
Through the Nile sands whisper
Of ancient times, mayfly names
Flickered and gone
The blood and honey
Dripping from their jaws
Through the Nile sands whisper
Ancient times, fade into the dawn
Of dog faced gods
Manifest in the night
The sacred rights
Handed down through tiems of old
Dark words of power
Blood upon their tombs
Through incantations
Locusts fly, signaling doom
Confirm who I am
Confort all I can
Conceive sorcery
Corrodes disbelief
[Solo: James]
Of dog faced gods
Dead civilzation
Through priests of power
Invoking life of the ancient one
The blood and honey
Dripping from their jaws
Through the Nile sands whisper
Travel through time to the land unkown
Confirm who I am
Confort all I can
Conceive sorcery
Corrodes disbelief
8. All I Could Bleed
[Music: Peterson]
[Lyrics: Billy]
I like to dominate
I create your fate
Many years gone by
I rule society
You cannot be me
I am the master
Can't you hear me, breathing for you
Do not ignore
Reach out to me, put your knife through me
Watch me bleed for you... yeah... right
Try to retaliate
I release your hate
Why don't you bleed for me
What do you need to prove
I can see through you
You're not the master
Can't you see me, dying for you
Do not ignore
Reach out to me, put your knife through me
Watch me bleed for you... dying... dying...
All I could bleed
Can't you understand
Grab life by the hand
Where's democracy
I gave all I could bleed
[Solos: 1 & 3: Eric]
[Solos: 2 & 4: James]
Fuck government
Land is of the free
Don't take away
Your two bit society
Dying for your greed
Now watch them bleed...
Yeah... all I could bleed
9. Urotsukidoji
[Music: Peterson, Christian]
[Solos: Greg, Eric, James]
10. Chasing Fear
[Music: Peterson, Christian]
[Lyrics: Billy, James]
And never coming back
Even when your eyes are open
Everything turns to black
Soon forgotten senses
Incubates the soul
Hiding from the light fantastic
Waiting for the show
Reality starts to fade
Creeping stare behind dead eyes
As the minutes burn the day
Inactive wandering
Still can't get a grip
Can God hear your cry
Before you start to slip
Chasing fear
Human mind unglued
That fear is chasing you
Endless waiting
For nothing to appear
Even when your eyes are shut
The visions are so clear
Harmonious dissidence
Obscure reckoning
Did you hear that final note
Of silent suffering
Chasing fear
Human mind unglued
The sickness inside of you
Chasing fear
Nothing you can do
That fear is chasing you
[Solos: Eric, James]
Loss of function
Withering of the will
Condemned to a state of nothing
Moving in for the kill
Brain cells slowly boil
With memories intertwined
Listening to that empty space
Atrophy of the mind
Chasing fear
Human mind unglued
The sickness inside of you
Chasing fear
Nothing you can do
That fear is chasing you
11. Ride
[Music: Peterson]
[Lyrics: Billy, James]
Doesn't know what to do anymore
Jesus makes love to the spike
A trick for a fix and feeling so sck
Just can't seem to get right
Once he was the king of his world
A world without any order
Sold it all without thinking twice
Just for a spoonful of water
Ride, ride on through
Ride, ride through you
Ride, ride on through
Ride, ride through you
Ceremonious ritual
Raising of the veins
Always early and feeling so late
Waving goodbye to the rain
Ride, ride on through
Ride, ride through you
Ride, ride on through
Ride, ride through you
Slowly scratching away at the world
Fearless when he is stoned
Obsessed by dreams of what could've been
Trapped in his kingdom alone
Ride, ride on through
Ride, ride through you
Ride, ride on through
Ride, ride through you
12. Last Call
[Instrumental Outro]
[Music: Peterson, Christian]