 "The Black Metal Flame" - седьмой по счёту полнометражный альбом авторитетного португальского ансамбля DECAYED. Безусловно, сей плодовитый квартет составляет достойную компанию SABBAT и NUNSLAURHTER - количество релизов этой группы поддаётся подсчёту с большим трудом. В рамках свежей работы португальцы не стали выдумывать новые формы или экспериментировать с различными направлениями металлической музыки - материал, записанный на диске, представляет собой микс из Black- и thrash Metal в соотношении 2/1, аккуратно приправленный редкими мелодичными отступлениями и мрачными электронными эмбиенсами. Такому стилю DECAYED не изменяют на пртяжении последних нескольких лет, и поклонники предыдущих сочинений группы без труда узнают знакомые расклады и мотивы. Разве что атмосферности (благодаря которой мне чрезвычайно приглянулся прошлогодний сплит-альбом с итальянцами DARKNESS) стало поменьше - синтезатор на этот раз вынесен за скобки гитарного напора. В то время как ритмика пьес тяготеет к thrash metal, а риффы питают склонность к блэковому тремолированию и слабому дроблению, общее впечатление материал производит как Black-металлический - трэш всё-таки жёстче и динамичнее. Не обошлось без "медляков", которым является первая половина "Hordes Of The Antichrist"; признаться, я так и не сумел прочувствовать настроение этой дорожки - оно совсем не меланхоличное и не очень мрачное... невыразительное, в общем, да и само сочинение звучит не более чем просто замедленный блэк-металл. В совокупности, здесь нет ни слишком ярких фрагментов или пьес, ни откровенного порожняка - всё ровно и гладко... и даже, быть может, слишком понятно.
Сам альбом заканчивается после седьмой композиции - шесть оставшихся дорожек являются бонусным балластом и необязательным довеском... среди них есть кавер-версии песен BATHORY и RAMONES, а также всякий unrealised-стафф, сыгранный в упомянутом выше олдскульном атмосферно-среднетемповом ключе. И вот в чём нестыковка: пять заключительных вспомогательных трэков приглянулись мне чуть ли не больше, чем семь предыдущих в основной части - придуманы интереснее и исполнены оригинальнее.
В целом "The Black Metal Flame" мне напомнил чуть менее колоритный аналог первых официальных сочинений CARPATHIAN FOREST - там тоже присутствовали идеалы Чёрного Металла и лёгкие трэшевые касания. По мне, нынешний DECAYED менее изобретателен и более скучен - на протяжении 47 минут основного времени и 26 дополнительного слух ни разу прочно не уцепился ни за один из риффов, но вместе с тем успел отметить приемлемое звучание и качественное исполнение. Окончательный вывод о ценности релиза на этот раз оставляю за читателями. |
Bow to the Fire-God and kiss the purification flame. Listen to the agony cries of the Christian ones. Armageddon in their holy flesh without shame. Come, be a witness to this sacrifice and break their bones. King Satan will judge the One to blame…
Merchant of disillusion, traitor of truth. Elevated upon the rusty nailed bloody cross. Those who worship Him step forth. All gathered fear to watch His loss. Lurking Paradise fades into the black mouth…
Feasting legions of Hellish creatures. Lust unleashed upon the blood of Christ. Amongst the catacombs demon prayers. Moaning sorrows and praising the priest. Enter the altar and bring the virgins for the slayers…
Onslaught the Holy Flock!
Death to the called Righteous…
(Lyrics by Aion, re-arranged by JA. Music by JA and DKD. Composed on the Ninth month of the year Two Thousand and Seven…)
2. Blood of the Altar
Welcome to our unholy lair. Tonight we will drink of the fair. Lay down on the pentagram. Here, no place for the holy ram…
Blood of the altar. Blood from the altar. Blood of the altar. Blood from the altar…
Feel the dagger so dark and cold. Hear sacred words once told. On this nether shrine we celebrate. We shall honour her crimson fate…
Blood of the altar. Blood from the altar. Blood of the altar. Blood from the altar…
Blood of the altar…
The blood takes us out and high. One silent prayer, no cry. Taste the sweet liquor of life. Forever we shall sharpen the knife…
Blood of the altar. Blood from the altar. Blood of the altar. Blood from the altar…
(Lyrics by JA. Music by JA and DKD. Composed on the Eighth month of the year Two Thousand and Seven…)
3. Mistress and Luxury
Turn your eyes to me, possession is a must. Drop the sweat, salty on my mouth. As you strangle me, with your hands. Trough the roads of sin, and lust…
Mistress and luxury. Dressed in red, damned in black. Mistress and luxury. With blood red lips, you will bite back…
Impaler of nuns, slaughter of angels. Release the black plagues from your cunt. Murder, Luxury, Raping, Orgies. Unleash your pleasure armies, with bestial horns up in front…
Mistress and luxury. Dressed in red, damned in black. Mistress and luxury. With blood red lips, you will bite back…
I can feel the heat, the nuclear well. Open your legs, the secret, the key. Assassin, manipulative, luxurious hell. Soaked in sperm, humanity…
Mistress and luxury. Dressed in red, damned in black. Mistress and luxury. With blood red lips, you will bite back…
(Lyrics by W. Music by JA and DKD. Composed on the Second month of the year Two Thousand and Seven…)
4. Hordes of the Antichrist
Against the sunset we march. With Antichrist banner stand strong. Horses hot breath, like venomous fog. Crushing bones and skulls, unholy…
Hordes of Demons and undead beasts. Swinging their swords, rusted, sharpened crosses. Searching for the false prophets. To hang the pigs, to cut their throats.
Hounds of Hell greedy for blood. Following the holy smell, the virgins cunt. Following the Nazarene’s lying prayers. Wolves shall hunt them all at dusk, all at dusk…
Hordes of Demons and undead beasts. Swinging their swords, rusted, sharpened crosses. Searching for the false prophets. To hang the pigs, to cut their throats.
To cut their throats…
Our Messenger will spread the news. Among you martyrs he rides. On His lines the words are clear. You all shall die tonight…
Blessed are the bodies, lying severed on the ground. The church choirs, mixed up with howlings and raping sounds. Armies of the Antichrist to guarantee. The end of Christian faith…
Hordes of Demons and undead beasts. Swinging their swords, rusted, sharpened crosses. Searching for the false prophets. To hang the pigs, to cut their throats.
These are the hordes…
(Lyrics by W. Music by JA and DKD. Composed on the Third month of the year Two Thousand and Seven…)
5. ...Invernah... / Slaughter of the Righteous
Darkness embracing my immortal Soul. The icy Wind lacerates my essence. And yet, I fell warmth within. And Darkness turns into Light…
(Lyrics by JA. Music by JA and DKD. Composed on the Seventh month of the year Two Thousand and Seven…)
Slaughter of the Righteous
Take heed on this unholy night. The Hordes of Hell show their might. Nothing shall stand in our way. There will be no new dawn, no day…
Swords will drink their pure blood. The Earth drown in crimson flood…
Slaughter of the Righteous. Victory for the Blasphemous. Slaughter of the Righteous. Eternity for the Blasphemous…
Your God will fall from Paradise. We will perform the final sacrifice. Ruins will be all that remains. The white walls with blood stains…
Swords will drink their pure blood. The Earth drown in crimson flood…
Slaughter of the Righteous. Victory for the Blasphemous. Slaughter of the Righteous. Eternity for the Blasphemous…
No mercy shown for those in pain. The Lord’s flock all but slain. Driven by lust and moral depravity. We shall bring the ways of witchery…
Swords will drink their pure blood. The Earth drown in crimson flood…
Slaughter of the Righteous. Victory for the Blasphemous. Slaughter of the Righteous. Eternity for the Blasphemous…
(Lyrics by JA. Music by JA and DKD. Composed on the Ninth month of the year Two Thousand and Seven…)
6. Endless
Endless torment for you to bear…
Welcome to the land of nightmares. Insanity and madness all around you. Your soul ripped to shreds. Soundless screams for no one to hear…
Endless torment for you to bear. Endless pain your fate to be…
An honourless existence you have led. Betrayal the chosen path. With deceit, lies were sown. Welcome to where deeds are paid…
Endless torment for you to bear. Endless pain your fate to be…
Endless torment for you to bear. Endless pain your fate to be…
Welcome to the land of nightmares. Insanity and madness all around you. With deceit, lies were sown. Welcome to where deeds are paid…
Endless torment for you to bear. Endless pain your fate to be…
Endless torment for you to bear. Endless pain your fate to be…
Endless torment for you to bear. Endless pain your fate to be…
(Lyrics by JA. Music by JA and DKD. Composed on the Twelfth month of the year Two Thousand and Seven…)
7. Hatred Within (Burning) / ...Arrival
See the Hatred within me. See it as it burns the skies. Falling, from Heaven above. Angels lie dead, everywhere…
Hatred Within – Eternal. The Hatred within – Endless…
Feel the Hatred within Me. Feel it as it crushes you. Feel it burning and stirring. No mercy will be shown…
Hatred Within – Eternal. The Hatred within – Endless…
Ashes to ashes… dust to dust…
Timeless I am…
Touch my Hatred within. Touch it as it possesses you. Join Me in my quest. Together we can not fail…
Hatred Within – Eternal. The Hatred within – Endless…
(Lyrics by JA. Music by JA and DKD. Composed on the First month of the year Two Thousand and Eight…)
Through Space and Time I have wondered. Flesh is but a memory almost forgotten. This land that now stands before Me. My Homeland to be… Reborn… My Homeland to be…
To be…
(Lyrics by JA. Music by JA. Composed on the Tenth month of the year Two Thousand and Seven…)
8. Blitzkrieg Bop (RAMONES Cover)
Hey ho, let's go Hey ho, let's go
Hey ho, let's go Hey ho, let's go
They're forming in straight line
They're going through a tight wind
The kids are losing their minds
The Blitzkrieg Bop
They're piling in the back seat
They're generating steam heat
Pulsating to the back beat
The Blitzkrieg Bop
Hey ho, let's go
Shoot'em in the back now
What they want, I don't know
They're all reved up and ready to go
They're forming in straight line
They're going through a tight wind
The kids are losing their minds
The Blitzkrieg Bop
They're piling in the back seat
They're generating steam heat
Pulsating to the back beat
The Blitzkrieg Bop
Hey ho, let's go
Shoot'em in the back now
What they want, I don't know
They're all reved up and ready to go
They're forming in straight line
They're going through a tight wind
The kids are losing their minds
The Blitzkrieg Bop
They're piling in the back seat
They're generating steam heat
Pulsating to the back beat
The Blitzkrieg Bop
Hey ho, let's go Hey ho, let's go
Hey ho, let's go Hey ho, let's go
Hey ho, let's go
(Our name is Legion for we are many!)
9. Hell-Witch
Through darkened forests she dwells. Lurking, weaving her ancient spells. Praising the silvery Demon’s Eye. Worships forces of Earth and Sky...
Darkest dreams, brightest flame. Take heed of her unknown name...
She has walked the domains below. Witnessed the waters of Styx flow. Pale is her skin by the moonlight. She roams with creatures of the night...
Darkest dreams, brightest flame. Take heed of her unknown name...
Hellish Witch, the Unholy Witch. Hellish Witch, the Impious Witch. Hell-Witch…
Drinking from the chalice of Eternity. Forever she will live in blasphemy. Scorning the One who seats up high. She gloats as mortal men die...
Darkest dreams, brightest flame. Take heed of her unknown name...
Hellish Witch, the Unholy Witch. Hellish Witch, the Impious Witch.
The Hell-Witch…
10. ... And Ancient Spirit
Long ago we have met. In the darkness united. You have quenched my thirst. You have soothed my soul. Bare of flesh and bones. Ancient spirit I await you…
11. City Of The Horned One
In a time that was and shall never be again. In a land still immaculated from Christianity.
The sons of Lug arrange the symbols. Celebrate a sabbat in the castle by the abyss.
High Priestess Ahés recites the words…. By the Huelgoat in the Kastel Ar Gibel. Within splendorous halls, among sacred wealths. On this night one more will be drained of blood. To the depths his corpse delivered.
Summon the Dark Knight and let us depart…
Children of the fire who dwell in darkness.
In the city of the horned one, our father.
We shall meet again for eternity.
In the city of the horned one, our master…
Children of the night proudly united.
In the city of the horned one, Lucifer. We shall rule once again.
In the city of the horned one, unboundaried…
And now gather the sect for one last time.
His city shall be preserved through destruction. The last mass attended by the Dark Prince.
In union with the High Priestess in final rites. The secrets of Is engulfed by Ulmo’s realm.
Until the time when the bells toll once more…
12. You Don't Move Me (I Don't Give a Fuck) (BATHORY Cover)
Break my heart tear it apart
And spit me in my eye
Confuse my head treat me for dead
And fill me your lies
You don't have to know your lines very well
You don't have to lie the best
Just act at your class just be an ass
A c*nt among the rest
I couldn't care less
You don't move me
If you wanna roll around in shit
Just like the rest
I don't give a damn
I don't even give a f*ck
(You don't move me
I don't give a f*ck
You don't move me
I don't give a f*ck)
One is stronger I've read somewhere
You bet your ass it's true
Make sure to love yourself
'Cause no one will ever love you
You've got to treat yourself
Like the number one just to survive
Or else you'll go a sorry one
While choking on their lies
Take my advice
It's better than their lies
Man's best friend is still a greasy hand
You don't give a f*ck
You don't even give a damn
I don't give a f*ck [x 4]