 Несколько слов об альбоме, который мне скорее не понравился, чем понравился.
После прослушивания этой пластинки меня одолевают противоречивые чувства. В середине второй песни я уже понял, что "это - не моё" (это склоняет чашу весов к трём большим буквам Н Е Т), но не имея привычки бросать альбомы на середине, всё же решил дослушать до конца.
Музыку, которую играют шведы я не назвал бы "прогрессивным металлом" в широком понимании этого термина. Скорее Freak Kitchen - это экспериментальный хэви, с небольшими инъекциями прогрессивности. Также налицо влияние современного альтернативного рока (и это, пожалуй, самый главный недостаток для меня) - песни имеют достаточно упорядоченную структуру, гитары звучат в меру модерново, многие песни достаточно форматны - при прослушивании так и кажется, что они с успехом заняли бы свою нишу в репертуаре некоторых известных рок-радиостанций.
В лирике группа затрагивает в основном злободневную социальную тематику - "оболванивание" населения СМИ, коррупция, детская порнография и раннее сексуальное взросление:
My old man stuffed 17 candles up a poor slut's butt
Well done, dad
He fucks for a living, calls it acting
And says it's the best damn job he ever had
Самый лучший трек на альбоме - вне всякого сомнения - первая песня "Propaganda Pie": запоминающийся припев, актуальный с социальной точки зрения текст, удачно подобранные образы и намёки. К сожалению, песни лучше этой на альбоме уже не было.
Главный минус пластинки "Move" от Freak Kitchen - однообразие альбома. Песни не сильно отличаются друг от друга при первом прослушивании. Причём они сливаются воедино вовсе не из-за навороченности, присущей стандартным группам стиля. Наоборот, в каждой песне очень легко выделить чёткий ритмический рисунок, куплет и припев. Тем не менее, ходы, которые использует группа перетекают из песни в песню, и к концу альбома начинают надоедать.
Ещё один минус: материал неровный - если в начале есть неплохие песни и мелодии, то в конце все композиции сливаются в однородную массу, и перестают искрить запоминающимися ходами и припевами.
У альбома, несомненно, есть и плюсы. Первый - это вокал фронтмена, и одновременно с этим мастермайнда группы, Матиаса Эклунда. Матиас здорово владеет своим голосом, и хорошо знает, где надо прибавить агрессии. На фоне музыки Freak Kitchen его пение звучит очень даже здорово!
Второй плюс - легковесность восприятия музыкального материала. Не буду спорить - эту группу действительно легко слушать и воспринимать, в отличие от многих их коллег по прогрессивному цеху.
Хронометраж песен, в среднем, не превышает четырёх минут (порой и того меньше). |
We serve the only version
The daily six o clock buffet
We edit your dinner
Cut the improper parts away
Special flavorings
Make sure you stay obedient
Nothing is more efficient
Than a tampered ingredient
The propaganda pie
Have a slice of lie
Propaganda pie
How about some desert?
More manipulated wine?
We got the most delicious cake
To send shivers down your spine
It's got a funny smack
And the icing is malign...
The propaganda pie
Have a slice of lie
Propaganda pie
2. Nobody's Laugthing
Nobody's laughing here
Nobody's laughing
Your mouth is open wide
Words spin a cynical swing
It's getting cold in inside
While I hear you joking...
Sarcasm Boy
You know, some of us are not amused
Nobody's laughing here
Nobody's laughing
Nobody's laughing here
Nobody's laughing
The superficiality
And verbal diarrhea's OK
What scares the pants off me
Is what you really say
Sarcasm Boy
You know, some of us are not amused
Nobody's laughing here
Nobody's laughing
Nobody's laughing here
Nobody's laughing
Tell me, do I have a hunch?
Should I take you seriously?
We're such a clever bunch
Generation Irony
But nobody's laughing here
Nobody's laughing
Nobody's laughing here
Nobody's laughing
Nobody's laughing here
Nobody's laughing
You have a ball your way
And I am entitled to mine
Still, I think my hair will turn gray
Waiting for the punch line
3. Snap
Hurry! Hurry!
I know you can do it
Faster! Faster!
Never mind that bleeding from your nose
Busy! Busy!
Always under pressure
Rush it! Rush it!
Shoot another climber overdose
Dive into the Burn Out Trap
You don't need to take this crap
Snap! Snap!
Or stay true to yourself
Snap! Snap!
Or stay true to yourself
Blackout! Blackout!
Too much of everything
Routine! Routine!
Dance to the corporate bullets
Failure! Failure!
You're never good enough
Push it! Push it!
Far beyond your limits
Fall into the Burn Out Trap
We don't need to take this crap
Snap! Snap!
Or stay true to yourself
Snap! Snap!
Or stay true to yourself
4. Humiliation Song
I'd be happy to humiliate myself
I'd be happy to bend over just to be somebody
Be somebody
Be somebody
I'd do anything for ten seconds of fame
I'd be happy to bend over just to be somebody
Be somebody
Be somebody
Fly me to some tropical island today
Where I can tempt your brains away
Lock me in a bunker for a year or two
The tabloids love it and so do you
That's entertainment!
That's entertainment!
I'd be happy to humiliate myself
I'd be happy to bend over just to be somebody
Be somebody
Be somebody
I'd do anything for ten seconds of fame
I'd be happy to bend over just to be somebody
Be somebody
Be somebody
Young, old, singles, husbands and wives
I give meaning to your worthless lives
And when it's all over and I leave your TV
Half the country will need therapy
That's entertainment!
That's entertainment!
5. Razor Flowers
You should know better, and so should I
That rapid tongue brings out my Evil Eye
So, here we are now, it's like a curse
I see you shaking, hyper ventilating
A blow without a warning
This can't get any worse
You must remember to forget you ever knew me
You must remember to forget I was ever by your side
Remember to forget you ever got the razor flowers
Self-esteem is running low
Ran out of good times much too long ago
Those lying pictures on our shelf
I pray that someday you begin to feel
All your wounds heal
I loathe my stinking self
You must remember to forget you ever knew me
You must remember to forget I was ever by your side
Remember to forget you ever got the razor flowers
Don't trust my charming smile
The Razor Flowers
Will only bloom a while...
6. Heroin Breakfast
That junkie logic is bound to fail
We've heard it all before
You defend yourself with tooth and nail
But never fight the downward spiral war
Here we go again...
When everything is said and everything is done
One could always suck the barrel of a gun
Get your shit together, beat that rotten past
There's no way a starving soul like yours would last
Another heroin breakfast
Every time you're getting back on track
And at least feel semi-well
You take a colorful little something
With side-effects from hell
Here we go again...
When everything is said and everything is done
One could always suck the barrel of a gun
Get your shit together, beat that rotten past
There's no way a starving soul like yours would last
Another heroin breakfast
7. Porno Daddy
My old man stuffed 17 candles up a poor slut's butt
Well done, dad
He fucks for a living, calls it acting
And says it's the best damn job he ever had
Porno Daddy
They call him Porno Daddy
And I am the invisible kid
What about you son?
Do you give a damn?
What about your daughter?
Do you give a damn?
Do you give a damn?
This is the last time
They tell me at school, Dad's far beyond cool
Well, his "hip factor" doesn't do shit for me
I am 14 years old, I have seen it all
Just another fat chunk of anxiety
Porno Daddy
They call him Porno Daddy
And I am the invisible kid
What about you son?
Do you give a damn?
What about your daughter?
Do you give a damn?
Do you give a damn?
This is the last time
My sister floats around in a pool of sedatives
We never speak about the way Dad lives
What about you son?
Do you give a damn?
What about your daughter?
Do you give a damn?
Do you give a damn?
This is the last time
8. Seven Days In June
I've walked around in circles far too long, but I know
That if I never told you I was wrong, you would go
And take my baby girl away from me for good
Still, this inflamed situation only gets worse when you say no...
Seven Days in June is all I want
Seven Days in June is all I want
Seven Days in June is all I want
Seven Days in June is all I want
Don't understand the accusations that I read, not a word
Don't know what's going on inside your head, it's absurd
But I ain't gonna let you do a single thing you threatened to
The fact that I'm the father to our child has not occurred to you?
Seven Days in June is all I want
Seven Days in June is all I want
Seven Days in June is all I want
Seven Days in June is all I want
I will never let you down
I promise I will never let you down...
9. Maggots Of Corruption
I used to be a man of dignity
A man of my word
You could depend on me
It hurts so fine
When you cross that line
The point of no return
I used to preach strict morality
An ethical man
Complete credibility
You try and try
Then Greed comes by
And you crash and burn
I need to believe in you
I need to have faith in you
I need to rely upon you
I need you...
The Maggots
The Maggots
The Maggots
The Maggots
We crawl through your weak pathetic brain
We thrive on your guilt
We thrive on your pain
Hideous crimes
For nickels and dimes
We corrupt your soul
I need to believe in you
I need to have faith in you
I need to rely upon you
I need you...
The Maggots
The Maggots
The Maggots...
10. Hateful Little People
They never tell you face to face
They are the one and only race
They always smile and are polite
They go thru life in black and white
They close their eyes and all is bliss
They always scent of prejudice
They cannot spell hypocrisy
They're everywhere; they're you and me
How did we become
Such hateful little people?
How did we become
The scab that we are?
Where's it coming from?
Hateful little people
How did we become
The scab that we are?
I hate you
You hate me
We hate ourselves
How did we become
Such hateful little people?
How did we become
The scab that we are?
Where's it coming from?
Hateful little people
How did we become
11. Logo
Tiny fingers from afar
Born to sow your push-up bra
Billions spent on your new campaign
The greater the profit, the greater the pain
Hey Mister
That nose of yours seems to grow
Hey Mister
I got to know
How about the kid down in Olongapo?
I got to know
I hate your stinking logo
Hey Mister
You sinister Pinocchio
Hey Mister
I got to know
How about the kid down in Olongapo?
I got to know
I hate your stinking logo
Spare me your attempts to charity
I smell business strategy
12. The Wrong Year
This is the wrong year
This is the wrong year
Believe me, I'm sincere
We could use some help here
This is the wrong year
The planet's state's a bloody mess
You and I could not care less
Bored we look the other way
The more we learn the less we know
Our way of life just has to go
It's about to ricochet
Do we get what we deserve?
This is the wrong year
This is the wrong year
Believe me, I'm sincere
We could use some help here
This is the wrong year
Simple fact: first we fry
We don't act: well, then we die
A global abscess hard to ignore
Tomorrow is a little late
Can you afford to wait?
Indolent we consume some more
We need to cut Tellus some slack
Endangered species won't come back
And we will all pay for sure
Do we get what we deserve?