 Все, кто когда-то считал Misfits панками, могут про это забыть. На “Earth A.D.”, также известном как “Earth A.D./Wolfsblood”, ребята играют то, что тогда называли хардкор, а теперь это впору называть трэшем. Следует заметить, что в те времена что только не звали хардкором, и Black Flag (барабанщика которых, кстати, позаимствовали заколачивать гвозди на "Earth A.D.") попали под эту планку, а это была все же другая музыка. И показателен тот факт, что после реюниона без Данцига Misfits стали пилить металлизированный панк, потому что после выпуска такого шедевра чернухи как “Earth A.D.”, играть что-либо еще или возвращаться к самым корнями смысла не было никакого. Так, как играли в 1983 эти чуваки, тогда не играл никто. Да, это 1983 год, Venom уже успели выпилить свои «черно-металлические» шедевры экстремальности, и надавать по ушам поднимающим головы главным командам трэша в Bay Area и тевтонского металла, и тем не менее, одновременно так быстро, тяжело, злобно и мрачно на тот момент не играл никто. В то время как басист команды Джерри Онли назвал этот прогресс как смесь Misfits с Motorhead, Эри Вон, тогдашний фотограф Misfits (а потом прославившийся как басист Samhain и Danzig), написавший аннотацию к бокс-компиляции “Misfits Coffin”, назвал пластинку «спид-металлической библией» и, пожалуй, они оба правы. В “Queen Wasp” и великолепных “Death Comes Ripping” и “Bloodfeast” еще слышен панк, но остальные вещи, “Earth A.D.”, “Devilock”, “Green Hell”, “Wolfsblood”, “Demonomania” – это метал, на котором учились будущие корифеи трэша Metallica. Что касается текстов, то чернокнижники из Ньюкасла в такие дебри ужасов точно не забирались, а американцы еще и расчлененкой не гнушались.
Стоит учесть, что именно после этого релиза основные панк-метал вампиры мира сего приказали долго жить, а вернулись аж через 14 лет. Развал произошел, по словам Данцига, из-за того, что в группе постепенно стала иссякать творческая атмосфера, да и от высоких скоростей исполнения он попросту устал. Что вполне можно понять – эта хоррор-метал вакханалия идет максимум двадцать минут и заскучать не даст. Жесткая и скоростная для своего времени музыка, тексты, навеянные ужастиками категории Б, и подходящее жуткое оформление - хотите вы этого или нет, перед вами подлинная классика трэша! Всем металлюгам обязательно для ознакомления! |
You bet your life there's gonna be a fight
You bet your life because the hills have eyes, yeah
You bet your life there's gonna be a fight
You bet your life because the hills have eyes
And then you're gonna die
And then death is mine and then you
Oh, boom, on earth as it is in hell
We'll see you get to like it in
People gonna talk about
Bloody hell and sacrifice
You, your head's on a big display
Oh, you're really gonna like it here
The people gonna talk about
Living hell is not so bad
You bet your life there's gonna be a fight
You bet your life because the hills have eyes, yeah
You bet your life there's gonna be a fight
You bet your life because the hills have eyes
And then you're gonna die
And then death is mine and then
You bet your life there's gonna be a fight
You bet your life because the hills have eyes, yeah
You bet your life there's gonna be a fight
You bet your life because the hills have eyes
And then you're gonna die
And then death is mine and then you
Queen Wasp
Go, go, go, go
Vampire girl gonna strike to kill
Gonna kiss your vertebrae
With the kiss of poisoned love
Well, I'm a king and you're a queen
Queen wasp go
Dive in warrior wasps
Queen wasp go
Go, go, go, go
Human-looking from the thorax up
Human stomach and a tiny waist
My God we're living the life of
My God we're wasting what I hold
Queen wasp go
Dive in warrior wasps
Queen wasp go
Gotta want to see it, baby
Put the stinger in your back, baby
Hot stinger in burning, baby
Human arms and a head of your love
Think nothing about eating your love
Think nothing, I'm a king and you're a queen
Queen wasp go
Dive in warrior wasps
Queen wasp go
Go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go
So make this demon offering
Best demon offering
Curious about the eye of death, oh
Gonna make it public
Gonna make you pay
Gonna rip your skull out
Eye of death, I know
Devilock, you rip your heart, I have 'em
Devilock, I rip your eyes out of hell
Hell is pumping something
Into lots of people
Curious about the eye of death, oh
Gonna make it public
Gonna make you pay
Gonna rip your skull out
Eye of death, I have them
Devilock, you rip your heart, I have 'em
Devilock, I rip your heart out of hell
Devilock, I rip your heart out, I have 'em
Devilock, I pluck your eyes out, I have 'em
Devilock, I rip your heart out of hell
Go, go, go, go, go
Death Comes Ripping
Turn the lights down low
And bolt the door up
Future is coming
Future rising up
Shotgun blast, a demon piece of lead
With both eyes open
I wait up for the kill
Feel the evil
Feel the heat as I blast you open
Death comes ripping
And it's going, death comes ripping
You feel the heat as death comes ripping
Rip your back out
And death comes ripping out
Flesh and blood
Too weak for you
Turning it over
A little too late to penetrate
Death comes ripping
And it's going, death comes ripping
You feel the heat as death comes ripping
Rip your back out
Death comes ripping
And it's going, death comes ripping
You feel the heat as death comes ripping
Rip your back out
Death comes ripping
And I know that death comes ripping out
Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa
Green Hell
Here in this place lies the genie of death
Touch it, see it
Here in this place is a means to your end
Touch it, feel it
Green hell
You've come to this like no one could
I bet you never knew you woke it
And don't you run away from anything
I bet you thought you really could in Hell
We're gonna burn in hell
Green hell
Like every hell but kind of green
In hell, green hell
We're gonna face the mess we're
In hell, green hell
I think I'd rather be up here
In hell, green hell
You know I fucking shake apart
In hell, green hell
Gotta find a way that you will stay
Green hell
Cannot forget about the heat
In hell, green hell
Hell is green, I need a flame
In hell, green hell
Gotta burn in hell
Green hell
You've come to this like no one could
I bet you never knew you woke it
And don't you run from anything
I bet you thought you really could take it
Here in this place is the genie of death
Touch it, see it
Here in this place is a means to your end
Touch it, feel it
Green hell
You've come to this like no one could
I bet you never knew you woke it
And don't you run away from anything
I bet you thought you really could
You've come to this like no one could
I bet you never knew you woke it
We're gonna burn in Hell
Green hell
Wolfs Blood
You don't know who I'm talking to
Why? Because...
No one ever did
I feel it coming down my head
It's wolfs blood
It's pumping like it's fucking in my veins
And I feel my vertebrae shaking
And I feel my heart is dead
And I feel my muscles twitch
And I feel my stomach split
And I know I'm not a man
And I know inside my head
It's wolfs blood
It's pumping like it's fucking in my veins
And I feel my vertebrae shaking
And I feel my heart is dead
And I feel my muscles twitch
And I feel my stomach split
And I know I'm not a man
You don't know who I'm talking to
Why? Because...
No one ever did
I feel it coming down my head
It's wolfs blood
It's pumping like it's fucking in my veins
I'm gonna get it up
And I'm gonna break it up
And I'm gonna break his head
With my arms
Oh, hey
Know why you're dead
Look upon me
I am the beast
Demonomania, Demonomania, Demonomania
My father was a wolf
Demonomania, Demonomania, Demonomania
My mother was a whore
You check and see
Reality of the wolf
It's in the blood
I wanna be the fucking savior
Humans are weak
What else you fucking do
Humans are weak
I want your blood
Demonomania, Demonomania, Demonomania
My father was a wolf
Demonomania, Demonomania, Demonomania
My mother was a whore
Demonomania, Demonomania, Demonomania
My mother was a whore
Demonomania, Demonomania, Demonomania
My father was a wolf
When they pull out her tongue
Pull off her face, pluck out her eyes
Well, the blood runs cold for
When it drips from the mouth
Be forewarned, be prepared
For a grizzly bloodfeast
And that blood's so real
Because I just can't fake it
And that blood's so real
Because I just can't fake it
When you think of severed heads
Think of my face, think that you're alive
Well, I guess I fooled you
When you think of my face
Think of your blood, think that you're dead
'Cause it's a grizzly bloodfeast
I'm possessing your death
Possessing your blood
Possessing your head
'Cause it's a privileged bloodfeast
I'm possessing your heart
Possessing your tongue
Possessing your blood
'Cause it just won't fake you
And that blood's so real
Because I just can't fake it
And that blood's so real
Because I just can't fake it
And that blood, and that blood
I'm possessing your death
Possessing your blood
Possessing your demise
For a grizzly bloodfeast
I'm possessing your heart
Possessing your tongue
Possessing your blood
'Cause it just won't fake you
And that blood's so real
Because I just can't fake it
And that blood's so real
Because I just can't fake it
And that blood, and that blood
Got a hellhound dog
That hellhound's gonna rip your face off
Got a hellhound dog
That hellhound's gonna tear right through
Got a hellhound born
A hellhound born to the pack
Got a hellhound dog
And I know that I might be dead
Those who seek it out
Those who stand a few
Hell, hell of Satan's pack
We are born of hate
Both feet into Hell
Take another step
Towards the bleeding light
Those who seek it out
Those who stand a few
We are a part of it
Got a hellhound dog
That hellhound's gonna rip your face off
Got a hellhound dog
That hellhound's gonna tear right through
Got a hellhound born
A hellhound born to the pack
Got a hellhound dog
That hellhound's gonna rip your face off
Got a hellhound dog
That hellhound's gonna rip your face off
Got a hellhound dog
Got a hellhound born
Die, Die My Darling
Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Just shut your pretty mouth
I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in Hell
Don't cry to me oh baby
Your future's in an oblong box, yeah
Don't cry to me oh baby
Should have seen it a-coming on
Don't cry to me oh baby
I don't know it was in your power
Don't cry to me oh baby
Dead-end girl for a dead-end guy
Don't cry to me oh baby
Now your life drains on the floor
Don't cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Just shut your pretty mouth
I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in Hell
Don't cry to me a baby
Your future is in an oblong box
Don't cry to me oh baby
Should have seen the end a-coming on, a-coming
Don't cry to me oh baby
I don't know it was in your power
Don't cry to me oh baby
Dead-end girl for a dead-end guy
Don't cry to me oh baby
Now your life drains on the floor
Don't cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Shut your pretty mouth
I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in Hell
Don't cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
Don't cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
Die, die, die my darling
Die, die, die my darling
Die, die, die, die, die, die....
We Bite
1, 2, 3, 4
We walk the streets, I'm out to get you
We bite
Just a feast of gore and blood
We bite
Carnivores live for pleasure
We bite
Strike out like a wolf's endeavor
We bite
And when I get your blood I rip your throat
Your blood I rip your throat
I want your blood, I rip your throat
To drink some blood
We bite, we bite, we bite, we bite
And when I get your blood I rip your throat
Your blood I rip your throat
I want your blood, I rip your throat
To drink some blood
We bite, we bite
And when I get your blood I rip your throat
Your blood I rip your throat
I want your blood, I rip your throat
To drink some blood
We bite, we bite, we bite, we bite