 Я восхищался Кингом Даймондом после знакомства с его «Кладбищем», но проникся еще большим уважением, когда прослушал качественное творение его группы, выпущенное в том же году. Вот так производительность! После многолетнего перерыва Ким Петерссон решил возродить группу своей молодости. Разница между двумя проектами, если судить по этим двум альбомам, в том, что сольники Даймонда по-прежнему являются рок-операми, в которых металл соседствует с прогрессивом и классикой, а в альбомах Mercyful Fate каждая песня является отдельной историей, а музыка представляет собой отличный запоминающийся металл, но без лишних наворотов. Первой темой идет «Lucifer», серьезная пародия (по-другому охарактеризовать не могу) на «Отче наш» – под зловещие клавишные Кинг Даймонд одновременно несколькими голосами произносит молитву дьяволу. Все остальные треки представляют собой металлические вещи, в меру тяжелые и в меру мелодичные, лирикой для которых служат различные истории-страшилки. В «The Uninvited Guest» мы знакомимся с жителем одного дома, к которому приходит какой-то странный старик маленького роста, утверждающий, что раньше он жил здесь, а позднее герой песни узнает, что этот старик умер еще год назад. «The Ghost of Change» повествует о встрече с духом женщины, с которой герой был когда-то знаком, «Listen to the Bell» – о зловещей церкви, в звонах колоколов которой слышатся крики дьявола. «Fifteen Men (and a Bottle of Rum)» – веселенькая история о корабле «Единорог», застигнутом штормом в Карибском море в 1640 г.; все перепили рома, поэтому совладать со стихией не удалось; никто не выжил, но по-прежнему в шторм можно услышать, как призраки поют «Пятнадцать человек и бутылка рома» («сундук мертвеца» куда-то подевался). «Into the Unknown», с акустической гитарой, придающей песне некоторую лиричность, рассказывает о какой-то секте, решающей вопрос, кто из них должен умереть и возродиться для новой жизни. Герой «Under the Spell» становится свидетелем ведьмовского ритуала и вряд ли сможет убежать. «Deadtime», с колыбельным пением а капелла в начале, представляет собой совершенно извращенческий пересказ «Красной Шапочки», в которой самым страшным персонажем оказывается кровожадная бабушка, приканчивающая Волка и затем поджидающая свою внучку. «Holy Water» – интересная история об озере, полном демонов, и пруде со святой водой (их местонахождение – Германия); герой песни делает выбор между двумя этими водоемами в пользу первого, потому что не хочет обманывать самого себя: коль согрешил, то уж отправляйся в ад. В качестве завершения идет «Kutulu (The Mad Arab Part Two)», продолжение истории безумного араба с предыдущего альбома «Time», который нашел амулет зла и постепенно сходит с ума, потому что слышит голоса. (Кстати, Kutulu – это то же самое, что Ktulu у Metallica и Cthulhu у Лавкрафта, – подземный мир у шумеров.) Возможно, альбом не так наворочен, как сольные работы Кинга Даймонда, но от него у меня остались только хорошие впечатления. |
For thine is the Kingdom
And the Power
And the Glory
The Uninvited Guest
(Music: Diamond / Lyrics: Diamond)
Solo: Shermann
There's a little old man... standing by my window
There's a little old man... hiding in the shadows
The uninvited guest, could never have been a friend
The uninvited guest, he would never come back again
There's a little old man... I'd say he looks like Misery
There's a little old man... I could really use his company
The uninvited guest, could never have been a friend
The uninvited guest, he would never come back again
Solo: Denner
Come inside... and stay for a little while
Come in from the cold and warm your heart
Come inside... and tell me who you are
Come in from the cold and warm your heart
"You would not know of me... we never met before
The name is Damian and I used to live in this house"
Solo: Denner
The uninvited guest, could never have been a friend
The uninvited guest, he would never come back again
There's a little old man... I'd say he looks like Misery
There's a little old man... I could really use his company
The uninvited guest, could never have been a friend
The uninvited guest, he would never come back again
Solo: Denner
So I said farewell... until we meet again
You can come again my friend, any day you want
I later learned that he was never here
I later learned that he'd been dead a year
The uninvited
Ghost Of Change
(Music: Diamond / Lyrics: Diamond)
Walking... on a cold and white December night
I hear... the voices from the other side
Calling my name, must be that olden friend
I think she has come to see me once again
Do you... still rememver the old oak tree
I...do, the feeling's coming back to me
Calling my name, must be that olden friend
I think she has come to see me once again
Solo: Shermann
You are the ghost of change, and now we meet again
You are the ghost of change, but I will always be the same
Ghost of change... do you remember my name
Ghost of change... do you remember my name
I took her hand, and then we walked into night
I took her hand, and then we watched the moon go by
Memories... of old forgotten times
I took a chance to relive my life and then I saw her
She smiled
You are the ghost of change, and now we meet again
You are the ghost of change, but I will always be the same
The same
Walking... on a cold and white December night
I hear... the voices from the other side
Calling my name, must be that olden friend
I think she has come to see me once again
Ghost of change... do you remember my name
Ghost of change... do you remember my name
Solo: Denner
You are the ghost of change, and now we meet again
You are the ghost of change, but I will always be the same
Listen To The Bell
(Music: Shermann / Lyrics: Diamond)
Up in the hills where the sun goes down
There's an old black church and a broken town
The sun goes down
The trees are dead and the river is dry
And they blame it all on the old belfry
The devils cry
Why? Why? Why? Listen to the bell
Why? Why? Why?
Listen to the bell and it just might tell you why
Solo: Denner
It's a dark and lonely road to the old belfry
And if you're alone, you'll never survive... No... No... No
Deep... in the shadows
Everywhere I hear the devils cry
Why? Why? Do the devils cry?
Why? Why? Why? Do the devils cry?
Solo: Shermann
I have seen the gateway that leads beyond
So far away from the burning sun
I've seen the Maker, I've seen the Taker
I've seen whatever you call THEM there
The blazing ruby eyes in the old belfry
Listen to the bell if you wanna know why
You gotta listen to the bell
And then you might just hear the sound of HELL
Why?... Why?... Why?... You gotta tell me why
Why?... Why? Why do the devils cry?
Why?... Why? Why do the devils cry?
Fifteen Men (And A Bottle Of Rum)
(Music: Denner / Lyrics: Diamond)
1640. The Carribean Sea, the wind was just a breeze
Heading for a Western shore, the barque was sailing East
Close hauled into the eye
The "Unicorn" was riding hide on the tide
And the rum went down their throats... with a twist of wine
Just... after midnight, nobody saw the Antigua shore
Just... after midnight, nobody heard the thunder roar
Ohh... they were heading straight for the reefs
Just... after midnight, they were caught by the storm
Solos: Shermann - Denner
1640. The Carribean Sea, the wind was not just a breeze
The captain and the crew were fighting for their lives
But they didn't stand a chance with their drunken minds
Going down.... to their watery graves
Going down.... Going down.......
Fifteen men and a bottle of rum
It's the captain and the crew of the "Unicorn"
Listen hard on a stormy night
And you just might hear them singing that rhyme
Oh yeah... A ghost that never dies
Fifteen men and a bottle of rum
It's the captain stuck in the "Unicorn"
Oh yeah... A ghost that never dies
It's a warning, storm is coming, yeah, you better look out
Into The Unknown
(Music: Shermann / Lyrics: Diamond)
Darkness we are here tonight to select who's gonna die
Has everyone arrived?
Darkness open wide and let the lights go dim
While I dig into your soul my friend...
Looking for sin... sin... sin. Looking for sin... sin
Oh yeah, You're going into the unknown
Oh yeah, You're going into the unknown
Darkness we are here tonight to select who's gonna die
Has everyone arrived?
Darkness open wide and let the show begin
While we look into the Southern wind
Oh yeah, You're going into the unknown
Oh yeah, You're going into the unknown
Solo: Shermann
The journey of a lonely soul, now you're on your own... yeah
The maker's waiting down the road, the dying has begun
Now my finger points at you
It's time for you to pay what's due
Now my finger points at you
And you must know... what you never ever knew
Oh yeah, You're going into the unknown
Oh yeah, You're going into the unknown
Solo: Denner
Now my finger points at you, and you must know...
What you never ever knew
Solo: Denner
Under The Spell
(Music: Diamond / Lyrics: Diamond)
Solo: Shermann
There's something out there waiting for me
With an evil glow
There's something out there that will
Never let me go
Twisting, turning, I'm looking out for my soul
Twisting, turning, I'm looking out for my soul
I have seen the Southern witches, in the church of God
I have seen the Southern witches, and the Holy Ghost
Dancing, blasphemous, waiting for HIM to call
Dancing, blasphemous... uniting them all
Solo: Denner
And I know this night so well
'cause I walked from here to hell
The only thing I can never tell
Is why they put me under the spell
Under the spell...
Was it the deadly moon that gave me away
On Walpurgis Night
Was it the deadly moon that gave me away
Or the EVIL eye
Twisting, turning, I'm looking out for my soul
Twisting, turning, I'm looking out for my soul
And then HE came at last...
Solos: Shermann - Denner
Suddenly the Earth was shaking
And I... I couldn't feel a thing as I saw HIM...
Standing on the alter...
HE was drinking all the wine
While the Holy Ghost and the Southern witches...
Were turning every single cross around... and upside down
I never should have been there
I never should have seen it
I never should have understood
(Music: Denner / Lyrics: Diamond)
"Lie down in your dead little baby
You know it's getting late
Listen to this deadtime story
And hold on to your head"
And it was past her deadtime... the night has just died
Little blood red Riding Hood was passing through the woods
A basket full of poisoned fruit
She's absolutely way too cute
And it was past her deadtime... the night has just died
Good Old Nick is in her blood and it makes me feel so hot
Devil eyes, that's no surprise, she's colder than ice
The werewolf is hiding with its yellow glowing eyes
Drooling for some baby blood, he's jumping in the night
And he knows where Red is riding
He knows her grandma well
That big bad werewolf's got it down, he cannot fail
And it was past her deadtime... the night has just died
Solo: Denner
Grandma's waiting in her dead for sweetest little Red
When she ate the werewolf's head, you could not even tell
There's no way out
There's no way out for sweetest little Riding Hood
'cause Granny won't be full
Until Red is dead and gone... Bye, bye
Solo: Shermann
And it was past her deadtime... the night has just died
Holy Water
(Music: Diamond / Lyrics: Diamond)
I don't want that holy water, it makes me burn
I don't want that holy water, I guess I'll never learn
I'd rather drink from the Devil's well
And then I'll go to hell
I'd rather drink from the Devil's well
And then I will go straight to hell, Oh yeah
High on the mountain of Poltersberg there is a quiet lake
They say it's full of demons, that Satan keeps them there
Wash away your darkest sins, if that's what you believe
But keep in mind that if you do, who is it you deceive?
Cast a stone into this lake and soon a storm will rise
And suck out all the demons, up to the sky
Wash away your darkest sins, if that's what you believe
But keep in mind that if you do, who is it you deceive?
Solo: Shermann
Oh holy water... holy water
I don't want that holy water, it makes me burn
I don't want that holy water, I guess I'll never learn
I'd rather drink from the Devil's well
And then I'll go to hell
I'd rather drink from the Devil's well
And then I will go straight to hell, Oh yeah
Solo: Denner
Deep in the valley of Blankenstein there is a sacred pool
They say you can drink this water
It's cleansing of the soul
Wash away your darkest sins, if that's what you believe
But keep in mind that if you do, who is it you deceive?
I don't want that holy water, no... no... no... no... no...
It makes me burn inside
I don't want that holy water, oh... no...
Solo: Shermann
Ktulu (The Mad Arab Part II)
(Music: Shermann / Lyrics: Diamond)
Someone better come and save my life
Someone better kill those evil eyes
Is it in my mind or are they still behind
Turning slowly... I see, I see, I see there's no one there
Someone better tell me what it's all about
In the dying fire, moonlight has struck my eye
Feeling colder... I see, I see, I see the amulet of EVIL GODS... EVIL
Can you hear the voices in my head...
Can you hear the voices in my head
Can you hear the voices, what they say?
Traveling for years in the mountain side
Traveling for years to believe in the sign
And I know them well now, all of the Ancient Ones
Turning slowly... I see, I see, I see there's no one there
Someone must have broken the holy seal
'cause I know they're there, just like that fateful night
Feeling colder... I see, I see, I see the amulet of EVIL GODS... EVIL
Can you hear the voices in my head...
Can you hear the voices in my head
Can you hear the voices, what they say?
Hear me as KUTULU rises his EVIL head
Drooling for my soul
I must finish this book tonight
Tomorrow... I might be of the dead
I'm burning up... I'm burning up
I wish for you... the GODS will be mercyful...
Solo: Shermann
The Ripper
You�re in for surprise
You�re in for a shock
In london town streets
When there�s darkness and fog
When you least expect me
And you turn your back
I�ll attack
I smile when I�m sneaking
Through shadows by the wall
I laugh when I�m creeping
But you won�t hear me at all
All hear my warning
Never turn your back
On the ripper
You�ll soon shake with fear
Never knowing if I�m near
I�m sly and I�m shameless
Nocturnal and nameless
Except for the ripper
Or if you like jack the knife
Solo (glenn)
Any back alley street
Is where we�ll probably meet
Underneath a gas lamp
Where the air�s cold and damp
I�m a nasty surprise
I�m a devil in disguise
I�m a footstep at night
I�m a scream of the fright
All hear my warning
Never turn your back
On the ripper...the ripper....the ripper