« We Are the Nightmare »
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1 | We Are the Nightmare 04:03
 | 2 | Shattering the Spell 04:04
 | 3 | Sightless Wisdom 03:39
 | 4 | Servants to the Night 04:16
 | 5 | Failing Winds of Hopeless Greed 03:36
 | 6 | Overthrown 03:45
 | 7 | Progressive Entrapment 04:17
 | 8 | A Feast for the Liar's Tongue 03:48
 | 9 | My Oath to Madness 03:54
 | 10 | Failure's Conquest 05:25
 | | Total playing time: 40:47 |
   James Malone - vocals, guitars
Ryan Knight - guitars
Noah Martin - bass
Darren Cesca - drums |
Produced by Zeuss (Agnostic Front, Hatebreed, Municipal Waste) at Planet Z Studios in Massachussetts and mastered by Alan Douches (Kataklysm, Unearth, Shadows Fall) |
 | 1. We Are The Nightmare
Two figures ride towards the sunset.
Searching for truth, only one shall return.
Bring it down, tonight.
Reprisal for our loss.
We are the nightmare, the chosen silence.
We are the night.
Three words to praise the reached.
Those wretched eyes of the drowning man.
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 Arsis – новые пророки смежного жанра технически-мелодического дэта. Строя свой саунд на множестве затейливых околокарамельных гамм и смен темпа на манер Necrophagist, эти американцы семимильными шагами приближаются к званию одной из самых многообещающих команд нашего с ними времени. Схемы ритмические во многом размыты благодаря бесконечным мелодическим наростам, ГРОТЕСК здесь имеет место быть, а соло с претензией на атмосферность редко, но деэлектризуют пространство и позволяют, как в сходные моменты у Neuraxis, вздохнуть пошире для восприятия следующей порции умствований. Говорить о моцартианском духе, пронизывающем игру гитаристов, на мой взгляд, не имеет смысла уже после упоминания не всуе проекта Мухаммеда Суицмеза в качестве ближайших аналогий саунда, а вот бросающий вызов высшим уровням драм-машины Darren Cesca нуждается в особом знаке отличия. Количество метеороподобных пробежек, полноценных минут совершенного бластинга не поддается исчислению и хоть берет он интенсивностью, а не неповторимым набором приемов, другого именно для Arsis нельзя желать. Вещателем же истин посредством вокала у Arsis выступает гитарист (скриминг); сей факт, в общем-то, особого веса не имеет, но надо заметить, что интенсивность игры почти никак не сказывается и на скорости преподнесения текста. Легко потеряться в догадках, с какой стороны еще охарактеризовать этот правильный музыкальный многоугольник. Гитарные и в не меньшей степени ударные механизмы работают без отдыха, с эмоциональной стороны – живо, энергично, но весьма не дарково. Arsis – скорее рыцари светлого образа от техно-дэта (“Two figures ride towards the sunset./ Searching for truth…”), а никакой не кошмар. И приключения они создают себе сами – чтобы убедиться в этом, послушайте хотя бы заряженную авантюрной мелодикой “Sightless Wisdom”. Жаль только, что чисто дэтового «жира» их альбом лишен: все совершенно, увлекательно, но плоско (Диск предоставлен компанией Irond). |
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С переходом на Nuclear Blast Records Arsis доукомплектовались до состава полноценной группы, способной давать концерты, да еще и выпустили самый замороченный из всех своих альбомов. "We Are the Nightmare" - заход на территорию реально техничного дэта, место на иконостасе которого давно заняли Cynic, Atheist, Sadist и прочие серьезные ребята. Откровенно говоря, с ними этим американцам тягаться пока не под силу... James Malone в очередной раз сменил подход к исполнеию вокальных партий, теперь он даже не скримит, а попискивает где-то на фоне. Зато в соответствии с канонами жанра на передний план выведены сочные линии баса, которые бы при всех прочих впечатляли, если бы не Darren Cesca - человек-оркестр за ударной установкой. Как и классические альбомы тех же "Циников" и "Атеистов", "We Are the Nightmare" лишен чисто дэтовой мясистости, которая так выгодно отличала предыдущие альбомы "Арсиса", зато мелодическим талантам гитаристов дали место для маневров - как и прежде эта группа пытается усидеть сразу на двух смежных стульях мелодичного и техничного смерть-метала, вот только от непомерного количества сахарного сиропа в композициях и затошнить может. Вообще, порой возникает ощущение, что весь альбом с его вокально-инструментальным оформлением - один большой стеб умудренных жизнью дэтстеров над пауэром и его стилистическими особенностями.
Любимые песни? После энного количества прослушиваний альбома не могу сказать, что какие-то треки реально запомнились. Да, Мэлоун сотоварищи и сделали все для того, чтобы весь этот материал запоминался как можно хуже. Но все же рекомендую начать ознакомление с "Sightless Wisdom" или "Progressive Entrapment". |
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просмотров: 16764 |
This timeless lie won't stand.
This timeless lie won't stand.
Caught in the dream of this midnight stare.
These are our past sins, we are the nightmare.
When shame and deceit lay too close to me...
This was your worse sin, now it's my nightmare.
[Solo: Malone]
[Solo: Knight]
Bring it down, tonight.
Reprisal for our loss.
We are the nightmare, the chosen silence.
We are...
The night fell swiftly in the shade of shame, cloaked in deceit.
Blind to all except the wretched eyes of the drowning man.
Two figures ride towards the sunset.
Searching for truth, only one can survive the wrath of deceit.
Flowing in our veins, drowning our last breath.
Bring it down, tonight.
Reprisal for our loss.
We are the nightmare, the chosen silence.
We are the night.
Caught in the dream of this midnight stare.
These are your past sins, we are the nightmare.
When shame and deceit lay too close to me...
This was your worse sin, now it's my nightmare.
Caught in the dream of this midnight stare.
These are your past sins, we are the nightmare.
When shame and deceit lay too close to me...
This was your worse sin, now it's my nightmare.
2. Shattering The Spell
Are my hands not black?
Black with the filth of this ageless denial?
From the first birthing breath, to the stillness of death
The light of the "right" has been deceived
And thus we live our lives
Always one step from the "heavens"
Shattering the spell
One act that will free us
Shattering the spell
Beaten by the lies of failure's conquest
One step from the "heavens"
Shattering the spell
When every breath's a warning and every moment a sign,
Lay me amidst the pinewood walls to regain what once was mine
All's pale
Shattering the spell
Flesh pales
Shattering the spell
Are my hands not red?
Red with the truth that has conquered denial?
From the first broken vow, to the last fighting breath
The light of the "right" has been deceived
And thus we die
What's left, left for the living?
In the eyes of the purest truth?
What's left, left for the living?
In the arms of denial's only son?
When every breath's a warning and every moment a sign,
Lay me amidst the pinewood walls to regain what once was mine
All's pale
Shattering the spell
Flesh pales
Shattering the spell
[Solo: Malone]
And thus we live our lives
Always one step from the "heavens"
Shattering the spell
One act that will free us
Shattering the spell
Beaten by the lies of failure's conquest
One step from the "heavens"
Shattering the spell
3. Sightless Wisdom
The congregation mourn the pale and listless,
Sullen eyes were blind to you
Then let blindness be their only truth,
Sightless wisdom in the shade of longing
For failure comes in many disguises, vicious flaws entombed by prose
Then let this grave hold their only secret,
Sightless wisdom in the shade of longing
Upon these grounds dwells an aura of mourn where every womb-bound soul shall awaken stillborn
The congregation celebrate their shame,
Sullen eyes blinded by guilt
Then let this guilt be their only virtue,
United by their flaws
Upon these grounds dwells an aura of mourn where every womb-bound soul shall awaken stillborn
Let blindness be their only truth
Let guilt be their only virtue
Let this grave hold their only secret
Sightless wisdom in the shade of longing
Upon these grounds dwells an aura of mourn where every womb-bound soul shall awake stillborn.
4. Servants To The Night
I remember, the kiss of shame.
The hopeless greed that once united
our paths from earth to the wretched night.
Now we are closer to hell than to wholeness.
Forever in lustful disdain.
The drowning heart shall always remain,
in fear of our lustful disdain.
These eyes shall drown in shame.
In the light of our blindness,
Servants to the night, we are.
Bleeding for our hearts' reprisal,
Servants to the night we are.
A heart condemned to treachery.
Thick are the rivers of hopeless greed.
Three words to bind madness and mourn the loss of self.
[Solo: Malone]
[Solo: Knight]
I remember, the kiss of shame.
The hopeless greed that once united
our paths from earth to the wretched night.
Now we are closer to hell than to wholeness.
Forever in lustful disdain.
The drowning heart shall always remain,
in fear of our lustful disdain.
These eyes shall drown in shame.
In the light of our blindness,
servants to the night we are.
Bleeding for our hearts' reprisal,
servants to the night we are.
Lost words, heavenless.
Servants to the night, we are.
In the light of our blindness,
servants to the night, we are.
Servants to the night.
Servants to the night.
5. Failing Winds Of Hopeless Greed
So, the sight has finally left us
with dreams of the failing light.
Born again, beneath ashen cloud
and the restless lies betrothed,
I curse this winter.
And my nightmares become your dreams,
come blindness, stealing grief.
On failing winds of hopeless greed
and blindness lead the light,
I curse these winter eyes.
Beneath ashen cloud,
I curse this winter.
Beneath ashen cloud.
I curse this winter.
And my nightmares become your dreams,
come blindness, stealing grief.
On failing winds of hopeless greed
and blindness lead the light,
I curse these winter eyes.
An ashen cloud of hopeless splendor,
A robe of ice unsurrendered.
A slave to this kingdom winter
Under skies of fire falling.
Falling, falling, falling.
[Solo: Malone]
[Solo: Knight]
So, the applause have ended,
the plague, lost within sleep.
The last right of spring, now lays beneath.
A shroud of fire as the winds sing...
We curse this winter.
And my nightmares become your dreams,
come blindness, stealing grief.
On failing winds of hopeless greed
and blindness, lead the light.
I curse these winter eyes.
6. Overthrown
Aside from the memories
This life and curse has failed us.
Dreams lost to the greyest light
Awoke screaming with bloodless eyes.
So end it now,
and see yourself,
So end it now,
this life has cursed us.
And like the night, where anger can survive
you and I will be walking a tightrope.
And like the night, where anger can survive,
you and I will be over, overthrown.
Every moment that came and went
That cursed and crushed our innocence.
And we all must realize
That no spells can save us.
And like the night, where anger can survive
you and I will be walking a tightrope.
And like the night, where anger can survive
you and I will be over, overthrown.
[Solo: Knight]
So end it now, and see yourself
So end it now, this world has cursed us
So end it now, and see yourself
So end it now, this world has cursed us
[Solo: Malone]
And like the night, where anger can survive
you and I will be walking a tightrope.
And like the night, where anger can survive
you and I will be over, overthrown.
7. Progressive Entrapment
You are the tightrope,
that is strung about my neck.
The hope of failed wishes,
that haunts and dwells upon the grounds.
And may the pain help me to see
the truth of nights' atrocities,
and the way to make you suffer.
I saw the coming of you, I saw the signs.
Your presence was progressive entrapment.
Follow the vicious circle, all life denied.
Your presence was progressive entrapment.
Flowing like a river of greed,
thick with the hopes of blinded mortals.
And although our lives are entombed by prose
this one last wish now lays far beneath the rose.
I saw the coming of you, I saw the signs.
Your presence was progressive entrapment.
Follow the vicious circle, all life denied.
Your presence was progressive entrapment.
For fear of blindness, three words to trap us.
And your presence was progressive entrapment.
[Solo: Knight]
[Solo: Malone]
You are the tightrope,
that is strung about my neck.
the hope of failed wishes,
that haunts and dwells upon these grounds.
And may the pain help me to see
the truth of nights' atrocities
and the way to make you suffer.
I saw the coming of you, I saw the signs.
Your presence was progressive entrapment.
Follow the vicious circle, all life denied.
Your presence was progressive entrapment.
For fear of blindness, three words to trap us.
And your presence was progressive entrapment
8. A Feast For The Liar's Tongue
[Solo: Knight]
What life lies beneath this thoughtless mass?
What dreams could be there?
What vengeful screams lifted from a severed tongue?
Could halt failure's progress?
A quest for pure beliefs,
leading us to blindness and silence,
and so we live dark and mortal days.
Dark and mortal days!
[Solo: Malone]
A quest for pure beliefs,
leading us to blindness and silence,
and so we live dark and mortal days.
You reek of failure, its grandest progress,
and have shown the way to dark and mortal days.
[Solo: ?]
A feast, a feast for the liar's tongue!
A handful of grief to satisfy!
There can be no satisfaction in shame!
and nothing but shame in my deceit!
A quest for pure beliefs,
leading us to blindness and silence,
and so we live dark and mortal days.
A quest for pure beliefs,
leading us to blindness and silence,
and so we live dark and mortal days.
9. My Oath To Madness
Awake, awake for the dream has failed
and failure speaks the purest truth.
Time was lost before our eyes,
now on your knees to worship depravity.
My oath to madness whispered seven times,
can hold the answer within all these lies.
My oath to madness, within seven breaths,
can hold the answer and the weight of lies.
This is my oath to the lie.
Scream, scream for vindication,
for madness comes in many waves.
Blindness was left behind
and consciousness vanishes beneath the waves.
My oath to madness whispered seven times,
can hold the answer within all these lies.
My oath to madness, within seven breaths,
can hold the answer and the weight of lies.
This is my oath to the lie!
This is my oath to the madness!
[Solo: Knight]
[Solo: Malone]
My oath to madness whispered seven times,
can hold the answer within all these lies.
My oath to madness, within seven breaths,
can hold the answer and the weight of lies.
This is my oath to the lie!
This is my oath to the madness!
This is my oath to the lie!
This is my oath to the madness!
10. Failure's Conquest
[Solo: Knight]
[Solo: Malone]
Your lowering breath reeks of penance,
with blinded eyes and severed tongue.
Your foulest words greet the knowledge,
with Denial's only son.
We are the ones who've chosen silence,
Whose blinded eyes can see the truth.
We are the ones who've chosen silence,
On hopeless winds of stolen grief.
The conquest of failure was in the heart of you,
By the eyes of winter, denial was renewed.
The conquest of failure was in the heart of you,
By the eyes of winter, denial was renewed.
This is failure's conquest!
This is failure's conquest!
This is failure's conquest!
Your lowering breath reeks of penance,
with blinded eyes and severed tongue.
Your foulest words greet the knowledge,
with Denial's only son.
[Solo: Knight]
[Solo: Malone]
Your grief came with the frailest words,
your severed tongue ever spoke.
The aura of mourn that once dwelled,
now wears the madness mark!
We are the ones who've chosen silence,
Whose blinded eyes can see the truth.
We are the ones who've chosen silence,
On hopeless winds of stolen grief.
The conquest of failure was in the heart of you,
By the eyes of winter, denial was renewed.