« angL »
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1 | Misanthrope 04:58
 | 2 | Scarab 05:17
 | 3 | Unhealer 06:17
 | 4 | Emancipation 05:27
 | 5 | Malediction 04:19
 | 6 | Alchemist 04:19
 | 7 | Elevator 05:07
 | 8 | Threnody 05:08
 | 9 | Monolith 06:27
 | | Total playing time: 47:19 |
   Ihsahn - Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Keyboards
Lars Koppang Norberg - Bass
Asgeir Mickelson - Drums
Mikael Еkerfeldt of Opeth performs lead vocals on the track "Unhealer".
 | 1. Misanthrope
Bring me my wine
And the head of the world
I will drink to h er demise
The subtle art of decapitation
The perfect irony of such an end
Bring me the flesh
Of your sin and repentance
Display the worlds delights
This last meal
My righteous friend
I serve Thee cold
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 Еще в свою бытность в Emperor Ihsahn не ограничивал свое идеи одним лишь блэком, однако полноценно реализовать находки своего пытливого и не боящегося экспериментов ума сумел в сольном проекте, названном так, как он того и требовал. И если первую работу этого талантливого норвежца можно было обвинить в некой сырости и желании откусить кусок от пирога заметно больший, чем на то имелось сил, то по отношению к новой работе «Angl» произносить такие слова было бы глупо. Определив свой путь, Ihsahn с двойным усердием принялся воплощать все свои замыслы – и в результате мы имеем превосходнейший вариант прогрессивного black’a с черт его знает какими примесями, слушающийся не то, что легко – можно сказать, что воздушно. Структура песен не стала проще, её просто довели до ума, и все переходы от напористого и забористого black’a к мелодичным полуакустическим вставкам перестали восприниматься как гром среди ясного неба, наоборот, «Angl» со всем размахом показал все величие грозы, её завораживающую красоту и одновременное осознание того, насколько человек бессилен перед мощью стихии. В первую очередь, на этот диск стоит обратить внимание любителей Opeth (и даже не потому, что в одном из треков можно услышать голос её фронтмена): структура песен в чем-то похожа, а по уровню исполнения норвежец ни в чем не уступает шведам, более того, в какие-то моменты приходит понимание той простой истины, что «Angl» слушать интереснее, чем Opeth, он попросту не настолько предсказуем. Оценить этот диск должны и любители еще одного норвежца, Thchort’a, чей творческий гений постоянно ищет выхода в различных проектах – ряд композиций (особенно в середине) легко бы вписались в пару последних работ Green Carnation. В итоге для тех, кто любит красивую, качественную, и, что немаловажно, умную музыку, этот альбом должен стать настоящим подарком. Ну а пугаться слова black в описании стиля в данном случае не стоит – он здесь лишь как средство донесения глобальной идеи, нежели банальное воспевание од сОтоне и размазывания по щекам клоунского грима (Диск предоставлен компанией Mazzar Records) |
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просмотров: 22499 |
Indulge your lips
I do insist
Drink up drink up
Long ago
I grew deaf
To the echoes of my footsteps
Long ago
I grew blind
To the world through your eyes
I overcame
The bleak destiny
Of your lead filled convictions
I prevailed
And now I soar relentlessly
Beyond the north
In my ascension I scorn the eye of envy
And he who flies is hated most of all
I celebrate the distance
Over which you spill your grief
By your belief you waste your tears
On a liar and a thief
"How could you ever be just towards me?
I choose your injustice as my portion"
Now for the grand finale
You will be protagonist
This tragedy you did inspire
Crucifixion with a twist
Bring me my wine
And the head of the world
I will drink to her demise
For this last meal
My righteous friend
I serve Thee cold
2. Scarab
As the sun returns
From the shades of night
So am I reborn from my own corruption
I invoke the consuming fire
And from the ashes mould
The renaissance of my decadent self
At the dawn of my rebirth
The heart is overflowing
I indulge and dissipate
And when the cup is empty
I drink from nothingness
The venom by which I disintegrate
This is not merely pride
Or lust for eminence
This is the reoccurring cycle of my existence
As the sun returns
From the shades of night
So am I reborn from my own corruption
Behold - the god returns
Solar balls upon his back
A sacrifice
I invoke the consuming fire
And from the ashes mould
The renaissance of my decadent self
My Sacrifice - My Corruption - My Death
3. Unhealer
[feat. Mikael Åkerfeldt on lead vocals]
The peaceful tools
Of a righteous man
Serenity complete
And you believe
That time will heal
Erase your wounds
Your lies conceal
Cleanse your soul
In dreams of death
Wherein you may concede
But when you wake
Remember this:
In my domain
Those scars will bleed
Your peace is not my peace
Where you redeem
I summon guilt
Your fear is not my fear
I summon the fire
Your hell is not my hell
The life you shun
Is mine to live
Your sins are not my sins
In me you find no heir
Your lies are not my lies
Such grace
I do renounce
Your god is not my god
Where he forgiveth
I will unheal
Ever defying
The pride and joy
Of a nemesis
Solitude complete
Yet - I will see
Your faiths defeat
Thy will undone
My kingdom come
Wash your hands
In frozen convictions
Beyond you make your plead
But come the end
I guarantee:
In my domain
Those scars still bleed
4. Emancipation
The open air
Atop this mountain
Welcomes my hungered voice
Yet - in the echoes
Of my indulgence
I hear a calling from below
Silent cries
To my solitude profound
In too deep
There is no return
For the soul unbound
In too deep
I draw circles
Sacred boundaries
Around my desolate temple
Blood is spilt
And thorns grow
On the path to liberty
In pain and rapture
I was summoned
And I was forced
Yet - I willed it so
5. Malediction
Rabid convulsion
Of blasphemy
Thus appear my venomous cries
To your ears
Were they truths or were they lies
Of denial
I would surely burn myself at the stake
Were my demons the spawn
Of your lusts and perversions
Mundane creed
In times of moral crisis
The darkest places in hell
Are reserved for the neutral
And so you earn
My contempt
My enmity
Though my path be that of thorns
The way of my affliction
Is the way to myself
The devil will not let me go
Though I do not mind
Through fiery lakes to where cold rivers flow
I honour the contract I signed
Rabid convulsion
Of blasphemy
Thus appear my venomous cries
To your ears
Were they truths or were they lies
Of denial
I would surely burn myself at the stake
Were my demons the spawn
Of your lusts and perversions
No - the devil will not let me go
And I never did mind
Through fiery lakes to where cold rivers flow
With pleasure I honour the contract I signed
6. Alchemist
Again I find myself in this narrow chamber
And my kettle simmers with the same old brew
Now turning sour
There must be more to this than chemistry
As my soul burns with fever
Instinctively I do repeat the simple formula
"Solve et coagula"
He stands to face his fate alone
Who will not be content with stone
Some distant glimmers used to lessen my despair
Since then this darkened cell has lost its charm
Now I seek a lightning's glare
"Grips thee, thou Superman! Where is the soul elated?
Where is the breast that in its self a world created" -M
"Why grinnest thou at me, thou hollow skull?
Save that thy brain, confused like mine, once sought bright day
And in the sombre twilight dull,
With lust for truth, went wretchedly astray?"
7. Elevator
Night comes with the smell of murder
And shadows fall long on my trail
Such are the hazards of my craft
All lights disperse
And the devil takes me down
There is panic in my fascination
Like soothing wine is my despair
Gracefully I fall to pieces
Then lights disperse
And the devil takes me down
The gears keep turning
And the ropes stretch far
In this world of hopelessness
I have come a long way now
The fatal riddles
Beckon me
I have come a long way now
A leap from faith
And gravity
I have come a long way now
To find the nest
Where treasures sleep
I have come a long way now
The fairest lies
Are hidden in the deep
In the deep
There is vanity in my destruction
There is mockery in my ordeal
Indefinite is the course of my decent
When lights disperse
And the devil takes me
8. Threnody
He lies quiet now
In the nothing
And there is no epitaph
No stone
Yet - his legacy flows
Like a river
Walker of barren paths
Seer of night
Friend of shadows
A carrier of light
And his legacy flows
Like a river from ice
The hungry heart opens
And drinks from this fountain
So cold
There are no promises
In his solitary grave
There is no salvation
Only words
But what then are these precious streams
Of coldness from the heights?
They will never reach the fields below
What is this silent grave?
To those who never sought to find it?
What is greatness to the dead?
And his legacy flows
Like a river from ice
The hungry heart opens
And drinks from this fountain
So cold
9. Monolith
It was never
The icy winds of the heights
But the coldness of the world
That hardened my foundation
Whether your approach
Is that of praise or blasphemy
The construction of my being
Will remain the same
If my soaring presence
Threatens to break your neck
Then so be it
You shall dread my name
There is a fundamental cleft
Between your world and mine
One of divine origin
Were you to witness
The nakedness of your own soul
It would still appear a tower of Babel
Is it such a crime to go apart and be alone?
Your holy simplicity turns gold into stone