Anal Cunt
« Defenders of the Hate (Re-issue) »
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1 | All Our Fans Are Gay – 1:25
 | 2 | Limp Bizkit Think They're Black, But They're Just Gay – 0:45
 | 3 | You Were Too Ugly to Rape, So I Just Beat the Shit Out of You – 0:57
 | 4 | Hebosaurus – 0:28
 | 5 | Even Though Your Culture Oppresses Women, You Still Suck, You Fucking Towelhead – 1:06
 | | 6.If You Don't Like the Village People, You're Fucking Gay – 0:32
 | | 7.Obviously Adopted – 0:54
 | | 8.Walker, Texas Corpse – 1:31
 | | 9.The Word Homophobic Is Gay – 0:24
 | 10 | You Converted to Judaism So A Guy Would Touch Your Dick – 0:28
 | 11 | Bonus Track #4 (Live) – 0:20
 | 12 | You Quit Doing Heroin, You Pussy
 | 13 | Fred Shitbreath
 | 14 | Beating Up Hippies for Their Drugs at a Phish Concert
 | 15 | Anyone Who Likes The Dillinger Escape Plan is a Faggot
 | 16 | I'm Glad You Got Breast Cancer, Cunt
 | 17 | The South Won't Rise Again
 | | 18.I'm Glad Jazz Faggots Don't Like Us Anymore
 | | 19.Bonus Track #5
 | | 20.Ha Ha Holocaust
 | | 21.We're Not 'In Da House', You Fucking Wigger |
   Seth Putnam – Vocals
Josh Martin – Guitar
John Gillis – Drums
Paul Kraynak – Backing vocals
Mark Fields – Backing vocals
Derek Coughlin – Backing vocals |
Tracks 1 - 11 are the original EP
Tracks 12 - 21 are bonus tracks on the CD reissue: |
 | 1. All Our Fans Are Gay
Why do you think we throw stuff at you?
You own all our CD's- you're gay, you're gay
You own all our 7"s- you're gay, you're gay
You bought all our t-shirts- you're gay, you're gay
You go to all our shows- you're gay, you're gay
[Chorus:] All our fans are gay [x4] |
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 «Defenders of the Hate» (Reissue) - переиздание работы 2001 года. Слегка изменённая обложка, 10 добавочных трэков и более разборчивое звучание – вот, пожалуй, и все изменения. Альбом хорош тем, что он выдержан в одном ключе, без добавления всяких посторонних шумов (как на ранних вещах). 20 минут неразбавленного грайндкора и запредельных скоростей производят эффект удара свинцовым кастетом; «Defenders of the Hate» (а особенно оригинальная запись 2001 года) - просто находка для музыкальных террористов. Тексты и названия песен традиционны – например, исследование темы гомофобии, ехидные выпады в сторону слушателя и издевательство над всем и вся. Плюс ко всему, легкий намёк на фашизм (видимо, музыкальный фашизм) - этот орёл определённо прилетел из Третьего Рейха. Всё дело в том, что альбому можно поставить как единицу, так и десятку, обе оценки в чем-то верны. Однако я выбираю второй вариант - это не очень хороший альбом и уж точно не альбом года, это настоящий шедевр на все времена! |
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Отъявленный раздолбай и алкоголик Сет Путнем со своей командой опять покрывают наш прекрасный мир слоем аппетитного коричневого кала, и смеются над всем человечеством, которое в нем барахтается. Если читать текст этого альбома, то он начинается с издевательских фраз "АААА! Ты купил наш диск - ты гей, ты гей!", "ТЫ думаешь что ты знаешь о чем мы поем - но ты ошибаешься!", да и в самом деле почти весь альбом невозможно различать слов (как и раньше), разве только услышать вопли резаного поросенка и выкрики "FAGGOT!" и "GAY!" в самых разных интонациях. Как и раньше они кинули обильную порцию какашек в сторону "видных деятелей искусства", самый большой кусок которых полетел в сторону чмошной MTV-ной коМАНДЫ Limp Bizkit - так и им и надо! Мочить козлов! Что касается музыкального содержания, то тут "Всекарающая анальная манда" пощадила наши нежные ушки, и преподала уже не noise-grind, а обычный в своем роде такой грайнд. Пожалуй, тут даже появились резковыделяющиеся ритмы, так что под "You Were Too Ugly To Rape..." уже неволей начинаешь пританцовывать. Данный релиз может понравиться тем, кто не любит прошлые творения данной группы, а также тем, кто не желает релизов в которые нужно долго вникать. И не рекомендуется интеллигентам, любителям мелодий и евреям))) |
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просмотров: 18120 |
You think you know what we are singing about- you're wrong
You think we care about the underground- you're wrong
You think we won't fuck up your club- you're wrong
You think we care if you like us- you're wrong
If we're nice to you, it's because we're broke
Or unless you got some drugs to smoke
When the drugs are gone, then we are too
Then we'll go back to making fun of you
[Fan voice:] "But I've supported you guys for so long"
2. Limp Bizkit Think They're Black, But They're Just Gay
Fred Durst is a fucking faggot
He thinks he's black, but he's just gay
He cancelled a show 'cause he sprained his ankle
He's also a fucking midget
You're not fucking black, you're just fucking gay (x2)
You're fucking gay
The guitarist wears a mask
To hide the cum stains on his face
They're the gayest band I've ever seen
And I've seen the Culture Club live
Fred wears a hat to hide his baldness
I refuse to believe blacks think he's cool
I wish he'd beaten and raped by some black guy
And see if he still wants to be black
3. You Were Too Ugly To Rape, So I Just Beat The Shit Out Of You
Rape [x4]
I drank a case of whiskey
And you looked like Jeanine Jizm
I drank another case of whiskey
And you looked like Roseanne Barr
You were to ugly to rape, so I beat you up
When I looked at you, I had to throw up
I drank a case of whiskey
And you looked like Sheila Micheals
I drank another case of everclear
And you looked like Ileana Douglas
4. Hebosaurus
You're such a fucking hebe
You're always freebasing pennies
You went to a plastic surgeon
And got your nose enlarged
You've got a tattoo of a penny- you're a hebosaurus
Your uncle's Murray Lender- You're a hebosaurus
You know all the words to Yentil- you're a hebosaurus
You're breath smells like a bagel- you're a hebesaurus
You have a yamaka welded on your head
You've tried to shoot up money
You beat off inside of banks
I want to stuff you in an oven
You've got a tattoo of a dradle- you're a hebosaurus
You idolize Gene Simmons- you're a hebosaurus
You think Scott Ian's cool- you're a hebosaurus
Your breath smells like matzoballs- you're a fucking hebosaurus
5. Even Though You're Culture Oppresses Women, You Sill Suck You Fucking Towelhead
You fucking towelhead
You wear a towel on your head, you fucking towelhead
I hate women, you do too
But you have a mustache, you fucking towelhead
Towelhead, towelhead. Towelheaad, you fucking towelhead (x4)
It's cool they beat up women when they show their head
It's cool they beat up women when they show their face
Those cunts have to cover their fucking ankle
You think you're cool 'cause you ride a camel
6. If You Don't Like The Village People, You're Fucking Gay
Jacques Morali wrote the heaviest music ever
Glenn Hughes had a deeper voice than Will from Mortician
He wore chains before Slayer and Venom
Jacques Morali was portrayed by Steve Guttenberg
[Chorus 1:]
If you don't like the Village people- you're fucking gay
If you think Jeff Olson was better cowboy- you're fucking gay
If you think Ray Simpson was a better cop- you're fucking gay
If you think Y.M.C.A. was their best song- you're fucking gay
All death metal songs were ripped off from Village People
"Evil dead" by Death is actually "Liberation" from the Village People
Will Rahmer looks like he should be in the Village People
No, Morbid Florist wasn't a reference to Will Rahmer
[Chorus 2:]
If you think Death were good after their demos- you're fucking gay
If you think rape is wrong- you're fucking gay
If you think the holocaust wasn't funny- you're fucking gay
If you think of Hellhammer as the drummer of Mayhem- you're fucking gay
Y-O-U-R-E-G-A-Y You're gay
7. Obviously Adopted
You P.C. fucking faggot
You're trying to win an Oscar for adoption
I hope your kids kill you and rape your wife
Amistad is the stupidest movie I've ever seen
Obviously adopted, obviously adopted, obviously adopted, fuck you Spielberg [x2]
How coma all the black extras and slaves
Had names, but the white ones didn't
I fucking hate you and your gay movies
Amistad was an excuse to bully your way to an Oscar
8. Walker, Texas Corpse
Your characters supposed to be 40
But you have to be at least 80
The make-up department should win an Emmy
For making people think your alive
Chuck Norris- you're really fucking old
You're the worst singer I have ever heard
You're even worse than I am
You should be climbing out of a grave
While you sing the fucking theme song
You look like you just got embalmed
And were shopping for a coffin
Your partner looks fucking stupid
Being black and wearing a cowboy hat
9. The Word Homophobic Is Gay
I'm not afraid of faggots
But I like making fun of them
It was made-up by some P.C. faggot
To make fag haters look stupid
Anti-homophobe by Brutal Truth
Is a pathetic attempt to be P.C.
Kevin's obviously not a homophobe
Because he's a fucking faggot
10. You Converted To Judaism So A Guy Would Touch Your Dick
You just broke up with Jaime from Hatebreed
Even Chris Barnes won't blow you again
You heard all kikes have to get circumcised
You fantasized about some rabbi grabbing your dick
No one would touch you, now you're a Jew
You fucking hebe, now you're a kike
After you got circumcised
Guys still wouldn't touch you
It's bad enough you were a fag before
Now you're a gay faggot Jew
11. Bonus Track #4
12. You Quit Doing Heroin, You Pussy
13. Fred Shitbreath
Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Shitbreath [x4]
Even Paula Parsons wouldn’t kiss you
Your breath is worse than GG’s ass
I almost puked while you told me about a TV
I wanted to get out of there really fast
His name is Fred and he looks divorced
He’s a loser that works at Ann & Hope
Only Tom Pascual rivals his shitty breath
I wish he’d drink a gallon of Scope
[Repeat everything]
14. Beating Up Hippies For Their Drugs At A Phish Concert
You’ve got no fucking money and your girlfriend is ugly
So I stole your drugs [x2]
Your van’s a piece of shit with a Dead sticker on it
So I stole your drugs [x2]
First I stole your nitrous
Then I stole your acid
Then I stole your mushrooms
Then I kicked your ass
Then I stole your pot
Then I stole your beer
Then I stole your tickets
And sold them for crack
[Repeat everything]
15. Anyone Who Likes The Dillinger Escape Plan Is A Faggot
Harvey Fierstein told me you guys ruled
John Zorn called to tell me you’re great
The caller ID was from a gay bar
You guys fucking suck
Any guy who likes you
Likes Neurosis and dicks up his ass
You think you’re so fucking original
Gay bars used to be original too
You never get bad reviews
Because all the writers shoot up cum
Everyone who likes you
Is a gay homosexual faggot
16. I’m Glad You Got Breast Cancer, Cunt
Guys always used to buy you drinks
And they’d always kiss your ass
Now you have just one tit
Ha ha you stupid cunt
I always hoped you’d get AIDS
But breast cancer will do
Now you’ve got just one tit
But you used to have two
A drunk guy tried to feel you up
But there was nothing there
So he punched you in the teeth
And stole your money, cunt
17. The South Won’t Rise Again
You toothless inbred retard
Why do you still even care?
There’ll never be another Civil War
You’re mad 'cause your trailer has a flat tire
The south won’t rise again [x4]
What could you possibly gain
By breaking the country in two?
Your overalls are gay
Let go of your sister’s tit
I think it’s cool that you make moonshine
It’s even cooler when you go blind from drinking it
How come your ancestors didn’t realize
They’d lose 'cause their president was named after Boss Hogg
18. I’m Glad Jazz Faggots Don’t Like Us Anymore
We just wanted to sound like shit
But you thought we were avant-garde
You thought we went to art school
But we worked at gas stations
You thought we were cool
But you didn’t know we hate you
You thought we were cool
Fuck off all you fucking faggots!
You didn’t know we were a bunch of assholes
You thought we were liberal and arty
You tried to act weird and pretend you were violent
When I whipped chairs at you, you ran off and cried
Once you realized we hate people like you
You finally stopped coming to our shows
Now there's less faggots, less people with glasses
Less know it all eggheads, no more jazz fags
19. Bonus Track #5
[Sung In The Key Of Gene Simmons Counting Money]
You'd better watch out
I own a bank machine
You only took out 10
I charged you for 19
I said you’d better watch out
You'd better watch out
I’m a Jew named Gene
I said you’d better watch out
Better look out
I said you’d better look out
Oh yeah!
Better watch out
20. Ha Ha Holocaust
I got bored of writing rape songs
Then I remembered the holocaust
I couldn’t write because it was so funny
I’m glad lots of people died
Ha ha holocaust [x3]
I’m glad lots of people died
People are too fucking PC
To admit Hitler was funny
How can you not laugh your ass off
Watching people bulldozed into a ditch?
21. We’re Not ‘In Da House’ You Fucking Wigger
Real niggers always use you
Real whites think you suck
You want to give us props
But we hate you, you wigger
You think you're black- you're not
You think you're cool- you're not
You're not black- you're gay
You think you fit in- niggers hate you
Talk like a white man
Or I’ll beat your face in
You're not Doctor Dre
Stop thinking you're black