« The Last Sucker »
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1 | Let's Go
 | 2 | Watch Yourself
 | 3 | Life is Good
 | 4 | The Dick Song
 | 5 | The Last Sucker
 | 6 | No Glory
 | 7 | Death & Destruction
 | 8 | Roadhouse Blues (Doors cover)
 | 9 | Die in a Crash
 | 10 | End of Days Part One
 | 11 | End of Days Part Two |
   Al Jourgensen - vocals & various instruments
Tommy Victor - guitar
John Bechdel- keyboards
Sin Quirin - guitar
Tony Campos - bass
Aaron Rossi - drums |
Produced by: Alien Jourgensen & Dave Donnelly
Engineered by: John Bilberry
Recorded & Mixed at 13th Planet Studios, El Paso, TX
Drum Programming: Alien Jourgensen & John Bilberry
Mastered by Dave Donnelly/DNA Mastering, Studio City, CA
Art Direction, Design & Layout: Lawton Outlaw
All songs performed by Ministry(r)�
Alien Jourgensen: Vox, Guitars, Bass, Harmonica, Programming
Thomas M. Victor: Guitars, Bass, B/g Vox
Paul Raven: Bass, Guitars, B/g Vox
Sin Quirin: Guitars, Bass
John Bechdel: Keyboards
Burton C. Bell: Vox/Die In A Crash/EoD I & II |
 | 1. Let's Go
[Jourgensen / Quirin, Words Jourgensen]
Let's go to the edge of disaster
Push the pedal and go a little faster
Let's slam into a wall at ramming speed
Let's go to the edge of a mountain
Jump off and lets start countin'
Hit the ground and tell me if it bleeds
Let's go insane |
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 Если верить заверениям бессменного лидера Ministry мистера Юргенсена, то этот альбом был призван поставить в карьере некогда едва ли не главных ревнителей индастриала и бесконечных борцов с системой жирную точку. Жирной она не получилось, как не получилось и многоточия, что уже хорошо – Ministry просто записали неплохой альбом, который приятно слушать (особенно в его начале, когда из-за жестких риффов нет-нет, да и проскочит тень Юргенсена образца начала 90-х), но, в общем и целом, вспомнить из него после остановки что-либо довольно сложно. И в чем тут дело сказать сложно – то ли Юргенсену действительно надоело играть, а «The Last Sucker» это эталонно разыгранная роль умудренного опытом актера, то ли вмешались иные силы, не имеющие к музыке никакого отношения, но… альбом лишь неплох. И тут совершенно неожиданно сработало то, что работает не всегда и не везде – самым ярким моментом пластинки стало ураганное, циничное с любого взгляда оголтелого фэна The Doors, и прекрасное для любого, кто просто любит эту группу, исполнение «Roadhouse Blues». Оно настолько энергично, настолько свежо и экстравагантно, что тень былого, которая только иногда скакала, становится чуть ли не осязаемой, уже начинает казаться, что вот, вот оно долгожданное возвращение весельчаков и клеймителей политики «в полной рост». Но нет, этого всего лишь воспоминание – все остальное качественная работа профи. С первоначальной задачей Ministry справились на отлично, ну а прыгнуть выше головы никто и не обещал. Если вы никогда не слышали этой группы, начинать знакомство именно с этого диска не стоит – в дискографии американцев есть записи и лучше. (Диск предоставлен компанией CD-Maximum) |
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Наконец-то прослушал этот альбом и могу сказать следующее. Начинается всё весьма обнадеживающе: 2 первых трека просто убийственны (особенно второй — это нечто неописуемое); далее, правда, высоко задранная планка несколько опускается, но к концу плавно поднимается почти до прежней отметки. Повеселила (и одновременно немного напугала, совсем чуть-чуть), с позволения сказать, «кавер-версия» одного из хитов THE DOORS “Roadhouse Blues” — это будет покруче, чем “Losing My Religion” в исполнении GRAVEWORM! Неожиданно много «живых», незасемплированных гитар; давно не слышал у MINISTRY гитар в ТАКОМ количестве. Оценка: 4+ (по крайней мере, на данный момент).
P.S. Упертым коллекционерам настоятельно рекомендую также приобрести «родную» диджипачную версию альбома с оригинальным (нецензурированным) оформлением на толстой голографической наклейке — она того стоит (лейбл: 13th Planet). И, кстати, мне почему-то кажется, что этот альбом не будет последним (по крайней мере, для Юргенсена как исполнителя); поживем — увидим. |
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Если я правильно разобрался в планах мистера Юргенсена, данный альбом — предпоследний героиновый трип Югренсена энд Ко. Как и полагается героиновому трипу, которому суждено стать воспоминанием до самой пенсии (смотри «Ужас и Отвращение в Лас-Вегасе» с Джонни Деппом), он груб и жесток. Чёрт побери, «Министерство» останется для меня важнейшим музыкальным сопровождением массового убийства нейронов, помимо моей воли пообещавшим актуальному обществу поддержку. Мне “The Last Sucker” напомниает героические подвиги коллектива вроде “Psalm 69” (1992) или скорее “Houses of the Mole” (2004): железные, временами забойные, временами неотвратимо размалывающие всё на своём пути, подобно танковым гусеницам, композиции. Раздолбайство в кубе и очередные анти-гимны Америке, находящейся под чутким руководством Джорджа Даблью: тотальное наблюдение за бюргерами, коррумпированная власть, религиозность и прочие ангелы американо-модернистского апокалипсиса не дают мистеру Юргенсену спокойно хавать кокаин столовыми ложками. Поверх железячных и в меру модных риффов наложены ядовитые семплы, большая часть альбома проносится, собственно, на довольно высокой скорости и выплёвывается Юргенсеном через булькающую примочку. Самая умильная вещица здесь — это жёсткий кавер на “Roadhouse Blues” от The Doors. От губной гармошки Моррисон бы точно выпргынул из могилы и отправился искать по Парижу «горючего». От развесёлой “Die in a Crash” хочется сплясать какой-нить суффийский танец, ведь если верить суффию Хаким Бею, хаос никогда не умирал, а хаос и должен звучать так весело и самоубийственно оптимистично. Вот чего не хватает на этом альбоме — это этакой примитивистской и сумрачной песни как, к примеру, “Cannibal Song”, вторая часть “End of Days” едва ли может заменить подобное. На десерт: два милых ремикса. На любителя, конечно, но «Министерство» в этом плане плохим вкусом не отличалось никогда. Почти что лишённая гитар “Watch Yourself” и космическая заглавная песня слушаются хорошо.
В целом, "The Last Sucker" представляет собой довольно стандартную пластинку марки «Министерства», но если быть честным – кто-то ожидал чего-то другого?! Это «Министри», «министревее» надо ещё поискать. Но тот же “Houses Of The Moles” был, если честно, веселее... |
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просмотров: 15493 |
Let's go insane
Let's go to the edge of reality
Let's go for total insanity
Let's go for a government based on greed
Let's go for the final attack
Let's go for a war in Iraq
Let's go for starting up World War III
Let's go insane
Let's go insane
Make my reservation
Let's go for the ultimate crime
Let's go for the end of time
Let's go for an ethnic cleansing spree
Let's go for the final battle
Let's slaughter them all like cattle
Let's go to our graves in victory
Let's go insane
Let's go insane
Let's go!.....insane
2. Watch Yourself
[Jourgensen / Raven, Words: Jourgensen]
"A famous middle-aged rock'n'roller called me last week to thank me
for speaking out against the war, only to tell me he could not speak
himself because he fears repercussions... If you oppose this
administration, there can and will be ramifications"
Watch yourself
Someone's watching
Watching you
Big brother
Will discover
Just what you do
Someone's watching
Someone's listening
Watch yourself
Someone's watching
Someone's listening
Watch yourself
Someone wants information
Watch yourself
Someone wants your deportation
Watch yourself
Just watch yourself
There is no running away
This is the U.S.A.
There is no running away
Just watch yourself
Someone's watching
Someone's listening
Watch yourself
Someone's watching
Someone's listening
Watch yourself
Someone wants interrogation
Watch yourself
Someone wants extermination
Watch yourself
Just watch yourself
There is no running away
This is the world that we live in today
There is no running away
Just watch yourself
Someone's watching
Someone's listening
Watch yourself
Someone's watching
Someone's listening
Watch yourself
Someone's spying on the nation
Watch yourself
Someone wants annihilation
Watch yourself
Just watch yourself
There is no running away
This is the U.S.A.
There is no running away
Just watch yourself
Just watch yourself
There is no running away
This is the world that we live in today
There is no running away
Just watch yourself
3. Life Is Good
[Jourgensen /Quirin, Words: Jourgensen]
What do you say to the ones you love
About the shit you've seen?
Third time back from the war in Iraq
A never ending dream
Bodies & limbs scattered all over town
It's all I ever see
Come back home to the same ol' shit
There's nothing here for me
Life is good!
What do you say to the best of friends
When they ask what it's like?
I tell them I kill everything that moves
Within my rifle site
I look into the eyes of my unborn child
And I tell you what I see
The same damn eyes as a day old corpse
On a highway full of IEDs
Life is good!
What do you say to the guy on the street
Who wants to shake your hand
I'd rather take him down then talk to him later
You wouldn't understand
I didn't ever really wanna be this way
But this is what I've become
Can't wait to see my unit again
To live and die by the gun
Life is good!
4. The Dick Song
[Jourgensen / Quirin, Words: Jourgensen]
I've got something to get off my chest
I've got a person that scares me to death
First name is Dick and you know the rest
Well I've got something I just got to say
This vice president will make us pay
We're inching closer to judgment day
My name is Cheney I got no remorse���� run run run Cheney's got a gun
I get my way or I get to use force - on anyone
You know he's evil, he's not of this race���. run run run Cheney's having fun
He used a shotgun to blow off a face
He's still not done
Dick Cheney Son of Satan
He is the Chosen One
He's starting wars at the drop of a hat���� run run run Cheney's got a gun
He says he's certain he's driving them back
Were almost done
Let's have another let's fuck with Iran���. run run run Cheney's having fun
It pleases Satan
When there's blood on the hands
Of his Number One
Dick Cheney Son of Satan
He is the Chosen One
The smell of money keeps him alive���� run run run Cheney's got a gun
He thinks it's funny when the bodies arrive
What's done is done
The occupation of Satan is near���. run run run Cheney's having fun
Now Revelations is oh so near
For everyone
Dick Cheney Son of Satan
He is the chosen one
5. The Last Sucker
[Jourgensen / Victor, Words: Jourgensen]
Born and raised in the USA
I got a different type of DNA
I got a bloodline from Texas to Maine
We run the world like a parlor game
I got twins and a Stepford wife
I never had to work a day in my life
I never studied but got my degree
I never had to with my family tree
Now I'm the last sucker
Now I'm the last one
No longer in charge
Of anyone!
I got others tell me what to say
I'm like an actor in a tragic play
They give me speeches
I cant understand
It doesn't matter
As long as no one else can
Now I'm the last sucker
Now I'm the last one
No longer in charge
Of anyone!
Last sucker sorry fucker
Nice try
Last sucker Sorry fucker
Bye bye
Now it's my turn for something to say
You made me king so I could have my way
The people hate me and I don't know why
They hate me more with each and every lie
Now I'm the last sucker
Now I'm the last one
No longer in charge
Of anyone!
Last sucker Sorry fucker
Nice try
Last sucker Sorry fucker
Bye bye
6. No Glory
[Jourgensen / Victor, Words: Jourgensen]
One thing's for certain
We fucking work for Haliburton
One thing is clear
They're the fucking reason why were here
Who the fuck's in charge?
Cause no one seems to want the job
Haliburton soldiers
Overrun by angry mobs
Our Deaths Our Guts No Glory! No Glory
Blackwater and Bechtel
Taking us down a path to hell
Dying for nothing
Except to make their pockets swell
Mission accomplished
Bush is having fun again
The only thing accomplished
Is making money for his friends
Our Deaths, Our Guts, No Glory! No Glory
The congress, the senate
I guess they just don't get it
An act of war was signed
And no one even read it
The public, the papers
We're on to all your schemes
So's the Army, the Air Force,
The Navy and Marines
Our Deaths Our Guts No Glory! No Glory
7. Death and Destruction
[Jourgensen / Quirin, Words: Jourgensen]
"Now I hear the voices and I know the speculation (uh) but I am the
decider (uh) and I decide what is best (uh) what's best (uh) death and
destruction, death and destruction (uh) death and destruction (uh)
death and destruction (uh)�"
You go to war without a care in the world
No matter what the cost
Must be a reason for all this treason
It never mattered if we won or lost
You want it
You got it
You break it
You bought it
Stuck in the middle of a civil war
Well what the fuck do you expect
Our occupation of other nations
Is bound to have a fucking violent effect
You want it
You got it
You brake it
You bought it
So what, you always try to go to war
but you never went
It doesn't matter if blood is splattered
We make a killing off the ones that we send
You want it
You got it
You brake it
You bought it
8. Roadhouse Blues
[Morrison / Krieger / Manzerek / Densmore, (c) Doors Music Company]
I'll tell you this man,
All i wanna do is have my
kicks before this whole shit
house goes up in flames
Keep your eyes on the road,
Your hands upon the wheel.
Keep your eyes on the road
Your hands upon the wheel.
Yeah, we're going to the roadhouse,
Gonna have a real good-time.
Let it roll, baby, roll.
Let it roll, baby, roll.
Let it roll, baby, roll.
Let it roll, all night long.
Well, the back of the roadhouse,
They've got some bungalows.
Yeah, the back of the roadhouse,
They've got some bungalows.
And thats for the people
Who like to go down slow.
Let it roll, baby, roll.
Let it roll, baby, roll.
Let it roll, baby, roll.
Let it roll, all night long.
Give up your vows.
Give up your vows.
Save our city.
Save our city.
right now.
Well, I woke up this morning
And I got myself a beer.
Well, I woke up this morning
And I got myself a beer.
The future's uncertain
And the end is always near.
Let it roll, baby, roll.
Let it roll, baby, roll.
Let it roll, baby, roll.
Let it roll, all night long.
9. Die In A Crash
[Jourgensen / Victor / Bell, Words: Bell / Jourgensen / Victor]
Can you feel the pressure of life? (I can feel it)
You surviving through the mess and the strife? (I'm trying)
Do you feel that you're living a lie? (Goddamn)
Are you consumed by the passionate crime? (I am)
Become a rascal and a scandalous type
And I just can't take this anymore!
I can feel it
I can feel the pressures of this life!
Turn away don't show your face
Forget your future is lost
Consumed by rage, eyes full of hate
I pray for holocaust
God damned us all to hell to make us pay
Abandoned into immorality
I hate today, I hate your tomorrow
I hate the way that no soul seems
to fucking care no more
I can feel it
I can feel the pressures of this life
Live fast, die in a crash!
Live fast, die in a crash!
10. End of Days Part One
[Jourgensen / Victor / Raven / Bell, Words: Bell / Jourgensen]
Judgment day's upon us and I see no one cares.
Lies for death in pools of blood and I'm stoned with fear.
A trigger happy finger solves a problem not a prayer.
I see this world falling apart and I fucking swear
It is the end of days
It is the end of days
We've clearly lost our way
Revelations, dissipation, condemnation
dissolution, do you feel like you're under a gun?
Desperation, condemnation, indignation, terror nation
That's what the world is today!
Hey! Hey!
It is the end of days
It is the end of days
We've clearly lost our way
Judgment day is upon us, I don't care.
Judgment day is upon us, do ya fear?
I'm in a world of shit, I don't care!
11. End of Days Part Two
[Jourgensen / Victor / Raven / Bell, Words: Bell / Jourgensen]
As the future unfolds in the end of days
Judgment of our times in biblical ways
Our man made gods, genocide is faith
Idea warfare has been engaged
Cannot trust your fellow man at all these days
Sycophants out looking to get paid
Images burned into my face
Pangs of Distress salt my flesh to flay
I constantly fear everything I see
Blood is the fist of authority
Pestilence is my rabid dog unchained
Another road sign marks the end of days
I disregard those who govern me
I hate all of this treachery
I numb my mind and try to walk away
Toward the trail of tears and to the end of days
Face down on pavement and drunk at the end of my days
I hang from a noose that was made to slowly decay
The pangs of distress salt my flesh to slowly flay
Face down on pavement and drunk at the end of my days
The end of days