 Многие критики утверждают, что ТРУ-БЛЭКА в России нет и не было. Однако они возьмут своё мнение назад, прослушав местных московских злобарей под названием – CERBER. Они играют тот самый примитивный, злобный, бескомпромиссный ТРУ-БЛЭК, который мы хорошо знаем. Они вобрали в себя свирепость и агрессию Darkthron’а, быстроту Marduk’а, мрачность Dark Funeral, а также всего того, что присуще ТРУ БЛЭКУ. О чём поют ребята может не догадаться только тот, кто не знает о блэке ничего. Тексты песен носят крайне радикальный и экстремальный характер по отношению к христианству – SUPPORT THE WAR AGAINST CHRISTIANITY. В состав банды входят трое человек: Dron Northdark, Neron, Waranger. Сочинением текстов и музыки в основном занимаются двое из троих – Dron Northdark и Neron. Качество записи альбома я бы назвал средним, т.е. ни хорошо, ни плохо.
Когда прослушиваешь альбом, кажется, что находишься в тёмной комнате или падаешь в бесконечную бездну. Хриплый и свирепый вокал пробивает до мозга костей. Ударные не стучат, а просто стреляют – настолько быстро поставлено, только они немного приглушены. Гитарные риффы и соляки как бы «режут» уши и…
Тем самым, можно сделать вывод, что альбом неплохой, но из-за невысокого качества ставлю только 7 баллов.
The God!! of thine remember thee
He is real and pure! Nadir
of your pleasure were thy your selfness
Blacken essence falls down
About immortality you were sure
Bearer of stigma!
Immortal one
Imaginary demi-god
Soon immortality shall gone
Your life is lies
From heaven your are
Came from the skies
From far far
But it's was thy dream
And thou shall die soon
As neither man haven't seen
Notified by Blind Glory
In thy dreams did you see
How I've shown thee a sign of death
How thy spirit is bleeding for me
Thy imagination is broad less
You are messiah from another realm
But it's shall disappear soon you don't believe?
It shall be soon wait and see my dear...
It's only all from thy imagination, about changes
Did you remember poetry and humiliation?
Of thy consequence
Hell were nothing and there were no servants
Blinded by success you were raised
By thy preaching and science
You were drowned in happiness and light
You thought what you are the he
The marked one
You are so glad and so pure you bear the light
But Iscariot knew thy purpose
And thy power shall gone
Death from above seek destination
on earth
From galaxy beyond
They ride on the black wings of hate
World is worth
Death and beyond
Cometh fly through the eternity
to crush the world
Saws the fire
Fire is reign seventh dimension
After thy body shall gets cold
Black prophecy is done
The prophecy of death
There shall be armageddon
Terrible event
And world shall be crushed
And face of God shall be smashed
Earth shall be renewed
By armageddon we comprehend the truth
Risen from ash
Death's days crawls near
and near
Nocturnal dust
And predicted horror
dark fear
My eyes shines
In center of five galaxies
and observe
How humanity dies
And death write my sign
By warriors of north
Black prophecy is done
The prophecy of death
There shall be armageddon
Terrible event
And world shall be crushed
And face of God shall be smashed
Earth shall be renewed
By armageddon we comprehend the truth
(solo by Neron)
Firebirds are flying
Invisible for eyes
And they burn the Gods fields of
Eternal curiosity and angel's cries
Death to humanity
Death to christianity
And death shall come to you
Before you didn't receive life
When you are young
Carreless live you
In thy dreams you are falling unto the
abyss of ''dark lord''
Before thy flesh is virgin
And thy mind is didn't desecrate
I hear damnation calling and I Know
I know humanity's fate
(solo by
D. Northdark)
3.Thy Winter Throne
Embraced in eternal frost
Mighty mountains of coldness
Calls thee to endless journey
Summoned by winter's breathe
These frosty fields of snow
And seas of frozen waters
Eternal life in the lifeless ice
Hidden the wisdom of greatest
Ice queen reigns this realm eternally
In lonely majesty she sits in castle
She sits on cold frozen throne
The throne what now has gone
Once exiled far away in the depths
Now she is the queen of nothing
She waits thee in misty halls of frost
Perpetual life eternal cold brings
She is mornfull beauty eternal freezings exists
She sits on frozen throne in gloomy mist
She is the mistress of eternal cold
She reigns this endless world
Guitar solo:
1st - Neron
2nd - D. Northdark
Giants guards the gate to inferior realm
Where nothing dies where life is frozen
Thousands of icicles hang on the ceiling
It's all awaits thee,long time you are chosen
This world where snow grows eternal
And time flows imperceptibly and fast
The blazing in the north sky like fire
Enchanting thee , exiting thy lust
Surrounding the embankments of snow
Winter demons drive a round dance
Join to them and let this will be eternally
Please the winter queen's glance
4.Heart Of Ahriman (instrumental)
originally performed in ‘Konan The Destroyer’ movie
5.Dethrone The Master Eternally
Term is blood stained,
Thy hands are washed by lies
Diligence are bleeding,
Thy times dies
Your love is destroyed now,
By ignorance end of thine
Your fields are blood-soaked
and soon death to your kind
The time like a sand falls
Unto the down of the clock
Thy lands are dying,
They are compressed by smoke
Your caress ness leads you
To bottomless abyss
And new preachers will be
From above on you piss
Deprivation of Laws and Death
Painful death with grand part torture
How nice to see thy last breathe
Deprivation of Laws and Death
Scornful defeat, you are dead
How nice to see your body shreds
Many deaths on your conscience,
Seems forgotten but not.
All what did in past,
Shall return, and rise by rock in throat
But what you don't remember
I’ll remind you
I waited this day and time
is over and blood is spilled too
You shall be exiled,
On the new emperor change
It's natural, my dear,
It’s could not seems strange
Ash it's what is now,
From thy empire
Thou art death,
We had this desire
But we waited more 2000 years,
Now we here
You were not ready to this event,
But thy end was near
How you ask me:
-Why I am, What Am I?
I answer you:
- Thy death is came and you shall die
How dying culture is breathe,
I cannot tolerate
To this thou criers,
Solved you pitiful fate
How you ask me:
-Who Am I, Why I Am?
I answer you:
-Your time is over, you are ended
Astral cogitations by Neron
Deprivation of Laws and Death
Painful death with grand part torture
How nice to see thy last breathe
Deprivation of Laws and Death
How nice to hear thy pitiful cry
Thou shalt DIE!!!
6.At The Dark of The Labyrinth
With every death of day
When sun closes by misty clouds
When frozen winds whistle in my ears
Shadows rises above the ground
Covered by eternal winter snow
Reflected in the dark of the moon
Greedy stars laugh in the night sky
The light now is consumed
Taking the life with anger and smile
Of victim what has caught and cry
Surrounding the place of burned crosses
With raised hands invoking the sky
These dark figures now are possessed
By spiritual demise of unknown force
What prevails and dominates above
From divine's underworld source
The fog of fire shines the district
Perpetual dancing around the flame
Oaken kingdom, forgotten maze
Ancient bearded man asks the name
Seven mankinds in black robes
Facing the blood altar say sounds
The sounds what are obscure
Elder preacher tears the flesh of lamb
Somewhere in the depths of wood
They stand surrounded by smoke
Worshiping their goddess of dark
Spilling the blood under drum's strokes
Guitar solo by Neron
Obscure words flows from dark mouths
Breaking the silence of obscurity
The paths are covered impassable dark
Shadowed lands in black eternity
Nine obscured silhouettes stand
In front of ancient divine's flame
Grassy soil impregnated by doom
They glorify the goddess, bringing the fame
She has protected them a long years
From the beginning of human's times
She is mighty ruler of black aeon
She has brought no one thousand lives
Guitar solo by D. Northdark
At the dark of the labyrinth you can’t see the light!
7.De Sanguis Dom Deum
It's time for dark
Now has come like fever
The shining of black mark
Shall provide the darkness forever
Bewithched worlds stay
The christianty pray
To their unexistent God
Praise hail the death of goat
Enlightened world
Now ask us for mercy
But life wilt not be
Wait and see
I see bloodred skies
And I shall see how last
demon and angel shall die
The existence of life shall stop
We'll drink thy last blood's drop
Sacred blood....
These earths washed in clean angel's blood
The corpse of last arcangel lies here
Burned wings of demons blacken the soil
Life is dead , presence is unclear
Circular motion by D. Northdark
8.Finsternis (instrumental)
All lyrics by D. Northdark