Protest the Hero
« Fortress »
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1 | Bloodmeat
 | 2 | The Dissentience
 | 3 | Bone Marrow
 | 4 | Sequoia Throne
 | 5 | Palms Read
 | 6 | Limb From Limb
 | 7 | Spoils
 | 8 | Wretch
 | 9 | Goddes Bound
 | 10 | Goddess Gagged |
   Rody Walker - vocals
Tim Millar - guitar, vocals
Luke Hoskin - guitar, vocals
Arif Mirabdolbaghi - bass, vocals
Moe Carlson - drums |
Keyboard solo on "Limb From Limb" performed by Vadim Pruzhanov (Dragonforce) |
 | "Bloodmeat"
Enemies of the khanate
Strung on hooks like pigs to slaughter
Heads will roll
Heads will roll, and throats will be slit
And blood will flow like springs of water
Heads will roll
To the rivers red, across the ochre steppe
A thousand fathers killed, a thousand virgin daughters  |
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 Стремительно обретя популярность своим дебютным альбомом (“Kezia” 2005), группа начал активно гастролировать. В период с 2005 по 2007 года они делили концертные площадки, с такими коллективами, как Bullet For My Valentine, Between Buried And Me, Dragonforce (клавишник которых, кстати, исполнил соло в одной из песен на альбоме), Avenged Sevenfold, 3 Inches Of Blood, Trivium, As I Lay Dying, All That Remains и Threat Signal. Согласитесь, список внушительный. Кстати, во время одного из турне произошло небольшой инцидент с гитаристом Люком Хоскином – при таможенном осмотре у него нашли 0,2 грамма марихуаны, в результате на время турне Люка пришлось заменить на другого гитариста. Конечно же, всё потом обошлось, но всё же неприятный след остался. И вот в январе 2007 года группа официально заявила о начале работы над материалом к новому альбому, а в августе уже была закончена запись. И, наконец, вот он, родненький! Как мне показалось, группа слегка остепенилась и повзрослела. Это касается мелодики нового, второго по счёту, альбома, которая стала более яркой и ещё разнообразней. Теперь уже нет той лёгкой однообразности, которая была на “Kezia” и на которую можно было закрыть глаза, просто прочувствовав драйв, сочащийся из песен. Теперь большинство песен можно смело нарекать «хитами», в распространённом смысле слова. Возросший уровень мелодичности повлиял на запоминаемость, сейчас хватает двух-трёх прослушиваний, чтобы прочувствовать ту или иную песню. Маткор потихоньку стал растворяться в музыке, то есть он, разумеется, есть, но уже не такой броский и мясной. Маткор на “Fortress” приобрёл гораздо большую мелодичность, чем на предыдущем альбоме. Также мощное преимущество этого альбома перед дебютником – это звук. Спорить я не буду, саунды обоих дисков, вне всяких сомнений, похожи, но рецензируемый альбом обладает гораздо более сочным и чистым звуком. А так как партии всех инструментов очень и очень нелинейные, то и вслушиваться и изучать их с таким вот классным звуком становиться одним удовольствием. Что меня чрезвычайно обрадовало, так это тотальная хитовость. Вот честно, бери любую композицию, и можно смело и клип снимать, и на радио раскручивать – надо только время. Самые яркие песни – “Bloodmeat”, “Sequoia Throne”, “Palms Read”, "Limb From Limb и “Wretch”. Это те вещи, которые убивают с первых секунд. Остальные треки тоже божественны, но именно эти на эти пять песен я бы посоветовал в первую очередь обратить внимание при прослушивании. Вывод: после прослушивания альбомов, подобных “Fortress”, начинаешь скептически относиться к другим представителям данного направления, из-за того, что они просто перестают тебя интересовать. Конечно, многим этот альбом может не понравиться, я не спорю, но зато тех, кому он понравится, ждёт громадное удовольствие от прослушивания. Приятного прослушивания! |
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Основной вокал (певучий) напомнил мне тембром вокалиста Fallout Boy, только диапазон мощнее и чище в несколько раз, почти как у певцов вроде Дикинсона и Тейта. Те, кто любит Fallout Boy, пусть знают, что я только пару песен у этой команды слышал. Техника гитарной игры видна сразу: невероятно красивые соло, бас играет самостоятельный мотив. Ритм-секция – ломаная, поэтому все эти музыкальные идеи придется слушать в большом количестве. Множество вокалов и вокальных партий – и все они в тему. А также спокойные или атмосферные «клавиши», появляющиеся в такой музыке, в неожиданные моменты.
Отличное мат-коровое воплощение металлических идей а-ля Sieges Even с бодрым вокалом. |
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Творчество Protest the Hero мне напоминает одновременно Mastodon и Fall оf Troy. Голос «героического» вокалиста, кстати, больше похож именно на голос парня из FoT, хотя и от Дикинсона что-то есть (то есть мощь в голосе). Похоже, канадские ребята решили протестовать против однообразия и скуки, ради чего смешали традиционный металический драйв (Mastodon) и мат-коровые ритмы, добавив убойнейшего вокала. Насчёт вокала отдельно - это редкость в современных группах, чтобы вокалист выкладывался так и настолько! Вот кто герой! Музыканты тоже очень высокого уровня (меня особенно прикалывает басист - Ариф Мирабдолбахи, с такой фамилией ему судьбой уготованы соответственные басовые партии). Песни все хороши, но в мозг въедаются «Bloodmeat», сингл «Sequoia Throne», «Spoils» и «Wretch», в первую очередь, вокалом. Даже не знаю, как оценить - сравнить не с чем. Но мне не везде понравилось оформление музыкальных идей, зачастую техника подавляет музыкальность... Хотя я могу передумать. В общем: |
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просмотров: 18475 |
With swords still wet, with swords still wet
With the blood of their dead.
Nurjan is upon us, he kills in silence after prayers
Genghis Khan is upon us, he slays his betrayers
Genghis Khan is upon us, he slays his betrayers
Thus now the fools of God will guard the city of our birth
Hold an ear to the ground to hear the sound of clamoring
And horses stammering as their gallop meets the earth
A thousand fathers killed, a thousand virgin daughters spread
With swords still wet, with swords still wet
With the blood of their dead.
Tomorrow they will find us, hide the children free of sin
We will meet their blades by morning protected only by our skin
Tomorrow we will find them, seek the youngest of their kin
We will meet them with our fury,
We will crush them all like vermin
We will crush them all like vermin
"The Dissentience"
Down the street half a block away
In a familiar place regular people
Agree with each other in smoke signals
(Down the street half a block and
In a familiar place regular people
Agree with each other)
{Each in turn}
Interprets the law as aging with its eyesight failing
The law is aging (oh yes it is)
Sitting across, telling stories
Eyes unclosed like books we've read twice (So sit across the table, feed me some lies)
So on the shelves lined with spines
The dust collects as scattered ash
From an urn unturned
Spilling over someone regular
And other such regulars
Cry ghost and boast
Of the friend of a friend
Who saw a strange sight
Or heard a strange sound
Now whispers tall tales of murder
Down the street half a block away
In a familiar place regular people
Agree with each other in smoke signals
Brought together to burn, brought together to burn
{Each in turn}
Interprets the law as aging with its eyesight failing
Interprets the law as aging with its eyesight failing
Somebody's little girl
Dreams of the things she's read
Somebody's somebody's little girl
Dreams of the things she's read
Or the monsters in her bed
Who hacked her to blood-meat
Somebody's little girl
Dreams of the things she's read
Or the monsters in her bed
Who hacked her to blood-meat
"Bone Marrow"
Thus now he knelt before the ruins
Cold of sweat and heat of flame
To vow the severed heads of those who brought the village
the village to it's shame.
Those who plundered, pilfered, pillaged lives
Would now accept the blame.
He would find them all with mighty vengeance paid for in their pain
Shah-jan, the king of kings wore seven rings
And sixty feathers plucked from sparrow's wings.
Growing fat on the throne where he sat like a stone
As a man who has never known no hunger or shown no mercy
In, in promises broke like a bone, bone.
And there he sat like a stone
With promises broke like a bone.
Dispersed about his people, Rostam calls out for his equals
In thirst to rise and curse,
Exact the worst revenge on enemies to hang from trees.
Exact the worst revenge on...
The royalty must die like common beggars and petty thieves.
"Tomorrow they will find us. Oh God, oh God, oh God."
Thus now he knelt before the ruins
Cold of sweat and heat of flame
To vow the severed heads of those who brought the village to it's shame.
The king of kings wore seven rings
And sixty feathers plucked from sparrow's wings.
He's growing fat, growing fat on the throne
Where he sat like a stone.
A man who has never known no hunger, shown no mercy.
Those who ride against us will be murdered where they stand.
Let our arrows rain from sky to drain blood into the land.
If a mortal stands before us, strike him down with sleight of hand
And if heaven rides against us, then god himself must be damned.
"Sequoia Throne"
Did you come here to kill, or did you come here to die?
Did we really think that spaceships would descend from the sky?
Bending light and beaming forth across space-time
to see us scared in the reflection of their oil black eyes?
And stalk us as a predator like our movies imply
They're not the ones who come to kill us
Come to fill us full of lead
They're not the ones who hate us
And they are not the ones who mutilate our animals
Or travel through the stars.
They're not the ones who cause us harm - we are!
We are, we are, we are
We are still-life in cold blood and we feel nothing.
We are still-life in cold blood and we feel nothing.
Hell-bent on heaven
Hell-bent on heaven
Hell-bent on heaven
Hell-bent on heaven
While our righteous men are stuffing corpses full of shit and faith,
We are, we are, we are still-life
We are, we are, we are still-life
We are, we are, we are
They're not the ones who cause us harm
We are, we are
(Did you come here to kill, or did you come here to die?)
We are still-life in cold blood
We are still-life in cold blood
And we feel
We feel
Stuffing corpses full of shit and faith,
They bloviate about a future beyond the moon.
To bring about another planet's doom
To discover peaceful life and beat our war-drum to its tune
Unless my prayers are answered
Our end is coming soon.
"Palms Read"
As often as always evolution is crawling from the sea,
Alive with urgency like suicide, like suicide,
Convinced the grass is greener on dry earth;
The march of serrated utterance like a soft cough
Muffled murmur sneaking through the lecture hall.
The crawl across the island, the sound of waves;
Embodied water sprouting legs as loud as gallop,...
All the young people who took a leap without faith into a riverbed
That drowns about as much as it saves.
...Cuffing down on ground against the cries of gravity.
Belly-up, half buried in the sand.
Extend a hand to the smallness of death.
Understand that only dying is this colossal
Creation shedding skin to find a perfect equilibrium like fossils.
All the young people who took a leap of no faith...
All the young cowards acting out...
All the young cowards acting out for the brave forever hurled
Into the waters of their indifferent graves.
For a million years raise your glass
We will never answer where we came from...
For a million years raise your glass in cheers
We will never answer where we came from only how we got...
For a million years raise your glass
We will never answer where we came from...
For a million years raise your glass
...only how we got here.
"Limb From Limb"
Split the sky asunder
Noble huntress of the clan
In your left hand raise the sword
In your right hand cast the spear.
Summon all the thieves and bastards hiding in the woodland
Crack their skulls into cauldron for invading our frontier.
The shadows fall, the hammer falls, the stone is placed above us all.
We forge our weapons in the furnace, soar to heights like oak trees tall.
Do not beg before me, I'll not heed your appeals
With your final words be grateful you died by Irish steel
Do not crawl before us, your fate has been revealed.
The heavens will not desecrate their gates with your admittance
Do not beg before me, I will not heed your appeals
With your final words be grateful you died by Irish steel
Do not beg before me, your fate has been revealed.
Do not crawl before me, I'll not heed your appeals
Son of flesh, I cast you out into exile forever hence.
Flidais rides again
Flidais rides again
She is the forest, she is the rain
She is the huntress, she is the... {prey}
She is the dusk and
She is the dawn
She is the moon and
She is the sun
See her bellow out
See her, see her
See her bellow out in anger,
See her raise the infant fawn
She is drawn by a cart of cervidae,
She is here, she is gone
She is here, she is gone
She is gone
Endowed with the art of casting names upon its beings
The humans claimed dominion over every living fucking thing
Proud as purpose as they began to walk the earth as they arraigned
The common creatures caught within the corpus cursed, conscious human brain
Every word ever written will fall short of its intent
Even sung or spoke or screamed they will betray what they have meant
Language is the heart's lament, a weak attempt to circumvent the
loneliness inherent in the search for permanence
All the future ghosts who scratch their names in wet cement
Demeaning meaning as they shout out at the emptiness
Abstractions are the stake between the anima and animus
Deflesh the word as scourge of human destiny
Behold the world in other people, life is clarity
Chews the fat with his creator
Over breakfast in the sunlight
Though when he says grace, when he says grace
He feels enveloped like a shadow
But there are evenings
There are evenings when this decimated world of movement, colour and form
Gets thin, and getting thinner
When lights are dim, and getting dimmer
When nights are grim and they're only getting, only getting grimmer
As they barter their boulders,
and martyr their soldiers,
teach a man to tear her fucking head from her goddamn shoulders
Held into the sun, by the threads of her hair
By the threads of her hair
By the threads of her hair
They impart a secret hatred from their fathers to their heirs.
In a silence left unbroken, Oh
On a bed bound and gagged, bound, bound and gagged
with culture, language, myth and law
Our goddess gave birth, our goddess gave birth to your god.
On a bed bound and gagged with culture, language, myth and law
from a wounded womb where flesh is scarred and raw
Our goddess gave birth to your god
Our goddess gave birth to your god
Our goddess gave birth to your god
Our goddess gave birth to your god. Goddamn!
Culture, language, myth and law
(Our goddess! Gave birth!)
Culture, language, myth and law
(Our goddess! Gave birth you your god!)
You wanna see the galaxy?
"Goddess Bound"
Take everything your parents taught you, throw it to the dogs
It's the forgotten flesh of something dead, its blood drips from your jaws.
Take everything your school has taught you, throw it to the dogs.
It's the meat that dries in summer heat and reeks now of its rot.
It speaks now of the fate that we await, to be forgot.
Just as mountains live outside of rocks
And time itself outside of clocks.
We hope this life exists beyond our lonely bones in the pine box.
From the bottom of my heart, at the top of my lungs
From the corner of my eye at the tip of my tongue
Take everything your parents taught you, throw it to the dogs
It's the forgotten flesh of something dead, from the bottom of my heart
Take everything your fucking school has taught you, throw it to the dogs.
It's the meat that dries in summer heat and reeks now of its rot.
It's everywhere, it's everywhere, it's everything, it's everyone
It's anywhere, it's anywhere, it's anything, it's anyone
It's the neighbor saving face by saying grace
Today for yesterday's behavior
It's the neighbor saving face by saying grace
Today for yesterday's behavior
Oh my God
Live to fuck and fuck til death
Drink to sorrow and regrets
Live to fuck and fuck til death
Drink to sorrow and regrets
"Goddess Gagged"
Oh God!
What they must have heard in the distance:
A wilderness of sound and movement repeating itself across
the narrows of mountainsides, the cries of creatures crashing
against cold rock, human voices heralding the hillside.
Their bellows bounding ripe with resonance
From here unimportant call received the all important answer.
Oh goddess who bore us what we must have done to have buried
your daughters and prayed for a son.
The wind and the rain spoke a language of wonder
To a species rising thickly to a dialogue with thunder
In the empty place between better and worse
Language unravels and irony hurts.
In the common place between hunger and thirst
The words that define us a blessing and curse
The words that confine the ideas traversed the ear
To hear the song without verse, the sound of the sound of the sound
Utter first, the burst into nothing so sudden and soft.
The silence inside you when the music has stopped.