 Пожалуй, Швеция держит вполне заслуженное первенство по количеству думовых коллективов. Candlemass, значительно утяжелившие саббатовское звучание, создали в середине 80-х новую почву для творчества очень многих групп, так неравнодушных к понятию дум-металл, в их числе и Memory Garden. К слову сказать, музыканты, которые записывали этот диск, уже успели засветиться в осколках потерявшихся когда-то Candlemass, таких как Abstakt Algebra, Memento Mory. "Forever" - продолжение долгой (и медленной!) эпической эпопеи, начатой Candlemass c "Ancient Dreams" - медленные тягучие партии, высокий чистый голос, фентезийные тексты. Сыграно все профессионально - звук гитар прописан великолепно, ударные поставлены отчетливо. Вокалист отлично исполнил партии, только вот что-то у него не то с произношением - некоторые буквы он проглатывает. Весьма неплохой релиз, я бы его посоветовал тем, у кого замирает сердце при словах Candlemass, Memento Mory, Solstice. |
I will die in battle
With our heads high
And muscles of iron
We fight side by side
With our swords raised
And no mercy to give
We see honour and victory
I deny I am a savage
Who plunders, rapes and kills
I'm just a faithful servant
Who pays tribute to the aesir belief
To pacify the Gods
My oblation will be blood
To be recieved in Valhalla
I will die in battle
Inarticulo Mortis
Come forward thou lovliest
When time is still to come
Let the sun warm your face
Illness has burned it's mark
I'm crucified with burden
Oh you my gemini soul
Father, her flesh is to tired
Longing for rest, sleep eternally, sleep
Sitting with ebony tears
Lost as I am far beyond the dawn
So cold within pain on this endless path
So weak I became after all these years
Silence surrounds me on a trail of sadness
Writing poems of her memory so blessed
Mourner is so deep, in black I'm dressed
In holy ground she can be found
Bones to earth and dust to dust
She passed away to young, too soon
I've gone mad, so bad I talk to the moon
Soon she will be
In rigor mortis
Seek me in this peaceful place
Where the grass grows and covers my face
In a coffin of finest ebony
With ornament and name in ivery
The oaks shallows my epitaph
Leaves covers the narrow path
To where I reign my own
Not like a God on a throne
I'm waiting to be buried deep
With sweet pleasure I will sleep
When the angels gathering the sheep
The dreamweaver I will meet
Who said that life is delight
I'm so enchanted of this eternal night
Philosophy of the resting so wise
I wish a lot to never arise
I'm waiting to be buried deep
With sweet pleasure I will sleep
When the angels gathering the sheep
The dreamweaver I will meet
In the sleeping garden of tranquillity
I've searched and found
My private utopia
In the sleeping garden of tranquillity
I've searched and found
My private utopia
Autumn Anguish
Autumn is here again
Summer is gone here comes the rain
The clouds linger on tighter
Day's are shorter and less brighter
Sitting alone with cold winds raging
December depression descends
Light the candles to keep the dark away
Obeying the anguish to fade
I wish I had someone here to stay
In this cold embrace of earth I wish to lay
Blurry thoughts of suicide
Pierce my head sleeping so sweet
Death will greet me so warm, be my guider
I seek the legions of sorrow
We all know there will be no tomorrow
So many of me has died
Cold winds of loneliness I ride
A soft voice of fear speaks in me
Why should you live you don't need to be
Trees are naked and my soul so cold
No need to be afraid, I've been told
A rook I hear far truly die at last
Existing is an excuse
Deep in my haert so red
Everybody want's to die