« New Life »
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1 | Forever Gone 05:18
 | 2 | Never, Never Again 04:28
 | 3 | Trapped In Two Worlds 04:14
 | 4 | Repentance 04:42
 | 5 | I Am Lost 04:29
 | 6 | Broken Emotions 03:27
 | 7 | Need You 04:42
 | 8 | New Life 03:25
 | 9 | Knife Edge (Emerson, Lake & Palmer) 03:41
 | 10 | Lake of Memories (2005 version) 07:07
 | | Total playing time: 45:33 |
The return of the mitic band will be performed by Dave Rotten (Avulsed)
Includes a Video-Clip of "Trapped in Two Worlds". |
 | 1. Forever Gone
Your times of glory
If they ever really were...
Now they’re forever gone
Protecting you in a shell
You’ll never come back
Your fear is consuming you
Falseness and lies are your new weapons
You think you know it all and
You betray yourself
Appealing to the easie |
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 «New Life» - очень серьёзное заявление испанцев из Golgotha об отдельных возвращениях некоторых команд к истокам doom death. За время существования жанра он постоянно претерпевал серьёзные изменения, склоняясь у некоторых скандинавских представителей в сторону doom, а у американских - в сторону death, видимо в силу исторического наследия :)
С «New Life» всё гарантированно ясно. Это doom death в чистом виде, с утробным гроулингом, с меланхолией, депрессией, но в то же время, с энергетикой, причём сильной энергетикой. Гроулинг кстати местами сильно напоминает Amorphis времён «The Karelian Isthmus». Ритм альбома небыстрый, выдержан от первой до последней песни.
Из песен отдельно стоит выделить «Forever Gone», «Never», «Never Again», «Knife Edge». Они наиболее запоминающиеся и выделяющиеся. А некоторым нетерпеливым рекомендовал бы для того, чтобы понять их это альбом или не совсем, для начала прослушать «Knife Edge» ;) Лично у меня понимание альбома не пришло с первого раза. |
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Оговорюсь сразу - ничего общего с тем, что выходило у Голгофы до этого, данный релиз не имеет! Это просто чудеснейший, классический дэт-дум во всём его меланхолически-симфоническом великолепии! Я была очарована этим альбомом буквально с самого начала - его своеобразной, просто захватывающей ритмикой, величественным гроулингом, прекрасным уровнем записи. Вот такие прыжки: 1998 и 2005, между которыми самая настоящая пропасть... Голгофу с её «Новой жизнью» (символическое название) можно было бы смело поставить в один ряд с такими монстрами фьюнерала, как Colosseum или Evoken, если бы не её «жизнерадостность», но это вовсе не недостаток, а пикантность, делающая звучание группы своеобразным. Да-а, вокал у Дэйва для таких вещей подходит как нельзя кстати (и что он столько времени пробавлялся в Avulsed, не удосужившись попробовать себя в дэт-думе раньше?!). К сожалению, продолжения, в силу неизвестных пока причин, не последовало… пока не последовало, но надежда остаётся... |
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просмотров: 8329 |
Now you’re nothing but poor loser
You’ll never come back
Your fear is consuming you
You’ll never come back
Your fear is consuming you
2. Never, Never Again
You analyze me
Don’t appreciate me
And I seek
Refuge where there’s not
You fear me
I’m stronger
More patient
My weapon is stronger
Never talk to me
Without listening to me first
Without listening to your mind
Never, never again
I’ve got you
Now you’re inside of me
I dominate you
You can’t do anything
Locked up
Weak and without strength
You resign
And a new soul for me
Never talk to me
Without listening to me first
Without listening to your mind
Never, never again
3. Trapped In Two Worlds
Sun rises and everything’s the same
I thought I was in another place
Now I realice all was just a dream
A world created by me for myself
Is this day fiction or reality?
I live trapped in two worlds
I confuse and mix up both parts
Don’t know where I am and what to believe
Illusions are enough for me
Believing them as they were true
Is this day fiction or reality?
I live trapped in two worlds
Small gleams makes me see reality
They frighten me,
They move me away and I suffer
And I come back to my fiction, my world
Created to escape from what I think is reality
Is this day fiction or reality?
I live trapped in two worlds
4. Repentance
In my head, memories from the past
Things that I ever thought they were right
Now fills me with doubts and contradictions
Looking at my great mistake and I can’t forget
And they follow me (x4)
I feel all the pain I’ve caused
Burning inside of me
Living every scene
Punishing me and breaking my heart
Now I understand many of the things
That back then I had to learn
Consuming the repentance inside of me
I’m dying a little bit more every day
In my head, memories from the past
Things that I ever thought they were right
Now fills me with doubts and contradictions
Looking at my great mistake and I can’t forget
And they follow me (x4)
5. I Am Lost
To the truth
To face reality
I never
This moment would ever come
I am lost
My emotions
Have dissapeared
Making room for fear
Messing up my personality
I feel I’m dying
With no solution
Resigning to what’s coming
And failing once again
I am lost
I can’t feel
I’m not here
I’ve failed, failed again
A despise to everything
I am lost
My emotions
Have dissapeared
Making room for fear
Messing up my personality
I feel I’m dying
With no solution
Resigning to what’s coming
And failing once again
I am lost
6. Broken Emotions
I can see you through my curiosity
The more I know you, the more I want to know you
I offer you everything of me
And you can’t understand it at first
Your thoughts inside my head
My heart is breaking
I’m trapped inside of you
I change my way of thinking
And I don’t even trust myself
I’m falling without conscience
I’ll never be the same
My broken emotions
Now that everythin’g finished
The aftermath of such a sad end
Will remain in my head
Enslaving my way of living
I can see you through my curiosity
The more I know you, the more I want to know you
I offer you everything of me
And you can’t understand it at first
Your thoughts inside my head
My heart is breaking
7. Need You
Day by day I’m getting away from you
Not realizing that I’m closing my heart
I’m not aware of what I’m doing to you
Until I’m in front of you
I realize how much I need you
You guide my steps that I forget
Now the way gets straight
And really easy to walk
How many times
I got you away from me
I thought I was happy
I’m me again
In no time
I needed you again
In bad times
I need from you
I’m your slave, I’m inside of you
By your side I feel I’m dying
We’re together even in disagree
I still need you
How many times
I got you away from me
I thought I was happy
I’m me again
In no time
I needed you again
In bad times
I need from you
8. New Life
Will dominate you
One solution
For myself
My previous time is is over
I’ll never be who I was before
Now I look
To change
My new life
My previous time is is over
I’ll never be who I was before
9. Knife Edge (Emerson, Lake & Palmer)
Just a step cried the sad man
Take a look down at the madman
Theatre kings on silver wings
Fly beyond reason
From the flight of the seagull
Come the spread claws of the eagle
Only fear breaks the silence
As we all kneel pray for guidance
Tread the road cross the abyss
Take a look down at the madness
On the streets of the city
Only spectres still have pity
Patient queues for the gallows
Sing the praises of the hallowed
Our machines feed the furnace
If they take us they will burn us
Will you still know who you are
When you come to who you are
When the flames have their season
Will you hold to your reason
Loaded down with your talents
Can you still keep your balance
Can you live on a knife-edge
10. Lake of Memories (2005 version)
Like it was wrote
You appear in a place
And not knowing why
Your dreams comes true
Fighting too much to get it [yeah]
So many walls to jump
So many questions to answer
So many problems without solution
So many pain without pardon
And you understand how difficult is
That your eternal dream comes true
And you understand how difficult is
That your eternal dream comes true
I'm caught in a magic spell
In spite of the long distance between us
Day after day
Night after night
My head is going on circles
That makes impossible to me to forget
Although I am
Who denies his help
The image of the dark ceiling
Makes me think in everything I've lived
Makes me think in everything I've had
And now I haven't got
And I feel a current through my dorsal spine
That shakes all my being
Like a void eating my soul
Later I breath, keeping the air,
Keeping the tears, keeping the screams
I unleash it all!
And a descomunal rage invades my eyes
Flooding them with a lake of memories
Happens what happens, they'll always be mine
And will be in my dreams
Which I'll never forget and help me to keep waiting
...to keep waiting