« Victims of Deception »
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1 | Hypnotized
 | 2 | Opiate Of The Masses
 | 3 | Heathen's Song
 | 4 | Kill The King
 | 5 | Fear Of The Unknown
 | 6 | Prisoners Of fate
 | 7 | Morbid Curiosity
 | 8 | Guitarmony
 | 9 | Mercy Is No Virtue
 | 10 | Timeless Cell Of Prophecy |
   Doug Piercy – gtr
Darrel Minter – drums
David White-Godfrey – vox
Lee Altus – gtr
Marc Biedermann – bass |
 | 1. Hypnotized
Masses form into religion to fulfill their lives
Seeking answers in the bible, hear their helpless cries
Mindlessly, no thought, they follow false prophets of the flesh
Depend on the spirit of the One to grant their every wish
It's not too lat |
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 Хочется воскликнуть подобно Эллочке-людоедке: Шик! Мощный и скоростной трэш-металл калифорнийской школы, классные соло, сложные структуры, интересные тексты – надо ли его ещё нахваливать? Ведь на самом деле, все ценители звука Бэй-эриа рано или поздно найдут этот альбом «Язычников». Без них никак или, конкретней, без этого вот альбома, т.к. предыдущий "Breaking The Silence" (1987) был явно ещё недозрелым с точки зрения композиции и исполнения, а также продукции. А этот опус радует всем – солидным, «толстым» звуком а-ля "Ride The Lightning" от Металлики, игрой двух замечательных гитаристов, сильным голосом вокалиста… И о чём может петь «язычник»? Большинство текстов посвящены критике официальной церкви и религиозному одурманиванию масс ("Opiate Of The Masses" – привет от дедушки Маркса!). Не стану особо расписывать отдельные песни, поведаю только, что "Kill The King“ является кавером на фэнтезийный боевичок стариков Rainbow, а "Giutarnomy", как можно догадаться, очень изящный иструментал. Итого: выражаясь по-немецки – Heidenspass, чёрт побери! |
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Определенно, «Victims of Deception» Heathen - один из самых любимых мною релизов Bay Area старой школы. Данный альбом, кажется, сочетает в себе лучшие качества трэша, а при прослушивании его невольно хочется провести параллели с лучшими работами иных мастеров жанра, в частности - с "Металликой" времен "Master"-"Justice", Anthrax эпохи Беладонны (в первую очередь это связано, пожалуй, с манерой пения Дэвида Годфри, так напоминающей вокал последнего), да работами Exodus второй половины восьмидесятых. Альбом просто сочится энергией; музыка крайне экспрессивна и наполнена агрессией до краев, в результате чего и создается особенная атмосфера альбома. Слушая такие песни как "Opiate of the Masses" или "Fear of the Unknown", хочется просто вовсю трясти головой, - эта музыка доставляет самое, что ни на есть, физическое удовольствие. Лирика, довольно типичная для работ жанра своего (да и не только) времени, в первую очередь, как нетрудно заметить, представляет собой критику в адрес церкви; любопытная деталь - во вступлении к "Hypnotized" звучит отрывок из выступления Джима Джонса, известного американского проповедника. Средняя длина композиций на альбоме составляет примерно семь минут, за исключением кавер-версии на классику от Rainbow и весьма мелодичной инструментальной композиции "Guitarmony". Очень порадовал на альбоме звук; несмотря на дату релиза, здесь мы не слышим так характерного для работ того времени более мягкого звучания. Альбом крайне техничен, особенно впечатляют великолепные гитарные партии и двойные бас-бочки (очередная деталь, так и просящая сравнения с «...And Justice for All»). Отмечу, что на момент записи работы у группы не было басиста, поэтому партии баса исполнил Марк Бидерманн из Blind Illusion.
Итого - крайне сильный релиз, фактически идеальный альбом, безусловно являющийся классикой жанра и вместе с тем одной из наиболее техничных его работ. |
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Дам – с…, трэш от этой банды кое-что напоминает, например альбомы середины и конца 80-х прошлого века от Metallica и Megadeth, при чем слизано и с тех и с других и порой целыми кусками. Скорее всего ребята хотели показать, как бы звучала метла, после культового их «…and justice for all», то есть как должен был бы звучать черный альбом, если бы метла не перешла в разряд хэви металл группы. Недостатки на лицо, но плюс в том, что такой альбом можно слушать неделями или месяцами, так как он дико цепляет своими рифами, классными соло-партиями гитар, акустическими вставками, плотным басом и не дурной работой барабанщика, вокал же, скорее всего смахивает на того же Дейва Мастейна из Megadeth, правда чуть слегка. Записано и сведено все на уровне начала 90-х годов, то есть на нормальном уровне. Так что на выходе получилась смесь вышеназванных групп, чуточку своего, плюс нехилый музыкальный талант и вот он, альбом который является находкой для настоящего поклонника трэша, и тех групп, о которых уже упоминал. В общем, мне понравилось. 7/10 |
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просмотров: 24361 |
You must control your own mind
You're the only one that can release you
It's yourself you've got to find
Fools give money to the church to earn their place with God
In our eyes it's contradiction and religious fraud
Hypnotized by what they say
Your mind is under their control
Hypnotized you will obey
Your fate will soon be called
You must make your own decision of what you think is real
Your soul was given on to you and not for these thieves to steal
Don't be fooled by these hypnotic forces, they will rob you blind
There is no excuse for their actions
Making a mockery of mankind
[Repeat Pre-Chorus & Chorus]
Masses form into religion to fulfill their lives
Seeking answers in the bible, hear their helpless cries
Don't be fooled by these hypnotic forces, they will rob you blind
There is no excuse for their actions
Making a mockery of mankind
[Repeat Pre-Chorus & Chorus]
2. Opiate Of The Masses
The future is scarred by the bloodstained past
Haunted by disgrace
Holy wars that are never ending
Forever fight of faith
Don't accuse these meaningless symbols
Created by mankind
Will they recognize their own creation?
Can they be so blind?
Fools manipulating all they see
Cruel as the world can be
Cries of pain as the tortured souls
whither away into the dust
Power is the fix
And man is drawn to it
The illness and the lies
The virus never dies
To captivate the minds of the masses
Tell them what they want to hear
And for those who will oppose you
They will live in fear
Domination your favorite sensation
Operated by remote control
In your hands are the lives of the helpless
Their fate they'll never know
Fools manipulating all they see
Cruel as the world can be
Cries of pain as the tortured souls
Whither away into the dust
Power is the fix
And man is drawn to it
No matter the cost of what's won or lost
Addiction planted the seed
That sprouted the tree of greed
The illness and the lies
The virus never dies
Control your own destiny
Get rid of insecurity
There's little truth in what they say
Don't let 'em steal your life away
To this world brings death and destruction
Leaving the earth in decay
Breeds organized crime and corruption
Who says that crime doesn't pay?
Greed The green-seeking virus that spreads
And manifests your selfish needs
Spreading the addiction
Man's own contradiction
When it's themselves that they deceive
3. Heathen's Song
Echoed voices silently
Whisper to me in my sleep
Though the words, they are not clear
They say the things I want to hear
Lightning strikes and don't you know
What to say and where to go
In time you'll find your way
In my sleep the voices say
Over the mountains and across the sea
I've searched for the land where I could be free
Freedom is something that I never had
I gotta set myself free or I'm gonna go mad
Just let me be my own way
Have my own god to whom I pray
Don't need your mass conformity
No place for me in your society
Well I believe in life and all it's worth
I never ask the question "who created the earth?"
But I fled from the worship of the other men
Because what you believe must come from within
Just let me be my own way
Have my own god to whom I pray
Don't need your mass conformity
No place for me in your society
[Repeat first verse]
Voices calling
Times are changing
There's no time to rearrange the past
Forgotten sorrow
Until tomorrow
It's overshadowed by the willingness of your soul
Passage walls of glory revealed before my eyes
A narrow task of blissful skies appear within the light
A heathen's journey to a pagan moon
A meeting of the minds
Leads to the challenge of life
Until the end of time
4. Kill The King
Danger, danger
The Queen's about to kill
A stranger, stranger
Life's about to spill
Oh no
Move away from harm
I need a spell, a charm
Fly like the wind
And the pawn will be gone
Speed on, and on
Kill the king
Tear him down
Kill the king
Strike him down
Power, power
Happens every day
Power, devour.
All along the way
[Repeat Pre-Chorus]
Kill the king
Treason, treason
The spectre looms again
Treason, reason
The realm is safe ... and then
Oh no
Move away from harm
I need a spell, a charm
Fly like the rainbow
And the pawn will be gone
Speed on, and on
Kill the king
Strike him down
Kill the king
Got to take his crown
5. Fear Of The Unknown
Superstition creeps within
They alter what we hold in our perception
Our subconscious stores the clues
To what is in our mind and what is real
No one knows the reason
No one has the key
To unlock the door of this mystery
Will we ever find out?
Will we ever see?
What's behind the curtain of perplexity?
So many things in life we just can't explain
There is so much that's still unclear
If we dare to enter the forbidden zone
We'd no longer feel the fear of the unknown
Images of the unseen
Wander through our imagination
It's all so strange, the wonder of it all
Our hopes and fears, the rise and falls
[Repeat Pre-Chorus & Chorus]
This unseen power mystifies the hour
Transforms the blue skies to red
The howling moon is calling
As the dead of night is falling
These spirits dance upon our souls
Sometimes you can feel it
You might not believe it; but things happen that
we can't control
Nothing has changed
It's still the same
Unanswered questions will remain
6. Prisoners Of Fate
There's got to be a solution
There must be a cure
Something to get me through this confusion
What will it take to set me free?
The time that's passed is full of frustration
So much to tell, but no words to say
I've suffered enough and my dues are paid
No turning back now
I'm on my way
When I look back I see
A time of misery
At times it seemed that it would never end
Life is a gamble
No matter how you play the game
Roll the dice and take your chances
Win or lose it doesn't matter
'Cause there's no escape
When you're a prisoner of fate
Anything is possible
But nothing is ever really sure
Not always knowing what's wrong or right
Your only choice is to decide
I stand alone in the pouring rain
I just had to say
Capture the moment before it's gone
You've got the strength to carry on
I was condemned to feel
This pain that's so unreal
The chains that bind me are behind me know
[Repeat Chorus]
Once I was lost in the abyss
No longer could I go on like this
[Repeat Chorus]
Prisoners of fate [4x]
7. Morbid Curiosity
Drawn forth by terror, they gather to see
The wreckage and the carnage, it's like a disease
We read it in the papers, we see it on the news
Conditioned by the media, how can we refuse?
Sirens screaming into the night
A victim of circumstance
A blur of flashing light
Out in the streets, a crowd forms to see
The twisted remains of what used to be
Everyday we run this deadly race
Anything can happen at any time or place
The future isn't certain, no matter what you do
When your time has come, fate falls upon you
Sirens screaming into the night
A victim of circumstance
A blur of flashing light
Out in the streets, a crowd forms to see
The twisted remains of misery
Curious people attracted to death
Capture a glimpse of someone's last breath
Subject of interest for public view
What happened to them could've happened to you
Some people can't wait to hear it
The disaster of the day
It makes them feel better
While their own lives decay
Drawn forth by terror, they gather to see
The wreckage and the carnage, it's like a disease
How will this affect the future in time to come?
How will they perceive us when all is said and done?
Sirens screaming into the night
A victim of circumstance
A blur of flashing light
Out in the streets, a crowd forms to see
The twisted remains of what used to be
Curious people attracted to death
Capture a glimpse of someone's last breath
Subject of interest for public view
What happened to them might happen to you
8. Guitarmony
9. Mercy Is No Virtue
Rip the pages from the book of lies
Never will we ever fall to compromise
Now we're back to set the record straight
Fueled by anger, our pain has turned to hate
Symptoms of stagnation are coming to an end
Solitude's frustration has been our only friend
Now we must break free.
Mercy is no virtue when the mercyful is betrayed
There must be some kind of justice before it's too late
Right at you straight between the eyes
This relentless attack will be no disguise
Things have been said that just are not true
Hear what I say when I say this to you
Symptoms of stagnation are coming to an end
Solitude's frustration has been our only friend
Now we must break free.
Mercy is no virtue, that's what the merciless say
When justice is lost, the system fails, and all we do is pay
Take a look around, 'cause the band is back in town
And vengeance and revenge is what they seek
If you see them coming you better step aside
Because now they'll show no mercy
You can see it in their eyes
Because mercy is no virtue
10. Timeless Cell Of Prophecy
Prophecy's fear that the end is near
As the world takes its final stage
The hearts of many are full of disbelief
As demons fill the air
Raping the minds of the future
Bringing their faith to an end
Blocking the light of the spiritual guide
Leaving us empty again
You will see fire
As the world becomes a living hell
Taking the forces of evil for granted
And that is where you failed
Night after night, you darken the light
Filling the shadows with fear
Your thirst for the blood will be your undoing
Locked in a timeless cell of prophecy
How many times must we live this life
Before we see the truth
Tempted by the fruit of deceit
Juice to replenish our youth
How can you live in such hatred?
How can you live in such fear?
Why is your conscience empty with lies
While your cup is forever filled