 Второй долгоиграющий диск Пятых Ангелов получился на удивление ровным и качественным. Очевидно, новый крупный лейбл и профессиональная студия сделали свое дело - звучание практически безупречно. Уход лидера коллектива Джеймса Бирда несколько повлиял на стиль группы: по сравнению с дебютником, звучание стало более коммерческим, пауэра стала меньше, добавились элементы пограничных жанров - это и глэм, и хард рок. Тем не менее абсолютно твердо заявляю -это по-прежнему плоть от плоти металл, просто не в самой жесткой его форме. Стиль альбома однозначно определить нелегко - тут вам и Hard Rock, и Heavy Metal, и Power Metal - все намешано примерно в равных пропорциях. Материал достаточно ровен и, я бы сказал, весьма силен, несмотря на всяческие попытки музыкантов разбавить его глэмовой "танцевальностью" и прочими элементами коммерческого рока тогдашних времен. И я бы сказал, что в большинстве своем эти попытки успешны: альбом хочется слушать полностью и до конца, не перематывая трэки. Если честно, меня удивило, как такой альбом мог стать коммерчески неудачным (что, к сожалению, и привело к распаду группы), поскольку он сосредоточил в себе лучшее от хард-рок и глэм-музыки, скрестив это с хэви- и пауэр-металлической основой. Видимо, немалую роль в этом сыграла нераскрученность музыкантов...
Новый лидер-гитарист вписался неплохо: соляки выдает хорошие, техничные, пусть даже и не такие красивые и сложные, как у экс-гитариста Бирда, но все равно отличные! Ну и риффинг, хоть и менее жесткий, чем на первом альбоме, здесь обрел элегантную простоту, способную зацепить практически любого рокера - от любителя харда до какого-нибудь дэтстера. Оптимальное сочетание "съедобности" и тяжести! А ритм-секция, на мой взгляд, заслуживает отдельной награды: великолепно прописанные, разнообразные и отлично сыгранные ударные партии Кена Мэри, попеременно использующего то одну, то две бочки, плюс четкий, хороший бас, не очень громкий, но при этом грамотно обеспечивающий
богатый звуковой фон. Ну и, конечно, вокал - те немногочисленные, которые слышали первый альбом, уж никак не перепутают узнаваемый голос Тэда Пайлота, разве что боевые нотки в его пении сменились романтическими и порой звучат теперь немного приторно.
Про техническую сторону альбома было сказано предостаточно, пора переходить к музыкальной: есть как отличные и хорошие, так и просто нормальные песни. На мой взгляд, дебют в этом плане выигрывает - там только отличные и хорошие композиции. Хоть это и вовсе не значит, что сей релиз плох, тем более что эти самые "нормальные" трэки не портят общего впечатления. Необходимо отметить такие сильные композиции, как открывающая хэви-металлическая вещица "Cathedral" с сильным куплетом и отличным соляком в начале, идущие за ней быстрая "Midnight Love", мини-эпик "Seven Hours" и мелодичная, грустная баллада "Broken Dreams". А вот песня, давшая название альбому, как ни странно, не зацепила совсем. Однако идущий за ней кавер UFO "Light's Out", отныне звучащий в духе настоящего пауэр-металла, очень даже неплох! Тяжелая, со скачущим ритмом композиция наверняка придется по вкусу почитателям творчества UFO. Следующие две песни неплохо продолжают альбом и не дадут заскучать перед ураганным боевиком "We Rule" с жестким риффингом, опять же в стилистике Power Metal. Ну и заканчивают его хард-роковая баллада "So Long" и неплохой Hard'n'heavy номер "Feel The Heat".
Диск очень редок, к сожалению, тем не менее ознакомиться с этим стоит хотя бы в формате mp3. Плюсы этого альбома - саунд и профессионализм музыкантов, вышеперечисленные композиции и то, что несмотря на 11 трэков, альбом не даст заскучать. Из минусов - порой излишняя коммерциализация материала, которая делает его местами немного искусственным. Тем не менее, восьмерки "Time Will Tell" вполне заслуживает. |
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В свое время этот альбом прошел мимо широкого слушателя и не принес группе большой известности. И очень жаль, поскольку альбом превосходный. По стилю - мелодичная версия американского power metal с привкусом эпичности. Прекрасные мелодии не дадут заскучать любому хэви- и пауэр-металлисту. Звук и профессионализм музыкантов просто выше всяких похвал. Голос Пайлота потрясающе красив и мелодичен, а когда надо - надрывен и даже немного агрессивен (в отличие от в основном агрессивных тембров на первом альбоме). Но, что самое главное - слушая эту работу раз за разом, постоянно находишь в ней новые грани. Потрясающие хиты «Midnight Love», «Seven Hours», «Time will Tell» (местами даже немного напоминает Queensryche), «We Rule», достойны быть услышанными не один раз. На высоком уровне и остальные вещи, особенно хороши баллады «Broken Dreams» и «So Long». Есть и скоростной, жесткий кавер на легенду хард-рока UFO, исполненный в духе бескомпромиссного хэви-метала. Что еще? Кстати, сам коллектив из Сиэттла, однако музыка Fifth Angel не уходит в прогрессив-метал, в отличие от соотечественников Queensryche и Crimson Glory, и поэтому еще более доступна, при этом не менее интересна. На мой взгляд, очень зрелая работа, достойная высокой оценки. |
In the cathedral - where they pray to the light
In the cathedral - voices crying to heaven
In the cathedral - they escape from the night again.
I hear them lying, see them cheat and steal.
There's no denying, the endless bloodshed they try to conceal.
And there's a feeling, hiding deep within.
But be forgiven, so they can do it over again - Oh No.
You'll find a way to me.
To reach my soul...
In the cathedral - voices crying to heaven
In the cathedral - where they pray to the light
In the cathedral - voices crying to heaven
In the cathedral - they escape from the night again.
[Guitar solo]
You'll find a way to me...
To reach my soul.
Now hear the whispers...
They call...
In the cathedral - voices crying to heaven
In the cathedral - where they pray to the light
In the cathedral - voices crying to heaven
In the cathedral - they escape from the night.
In the cathedral [8x]
[Outro guitar solo]
2. Midnight Love
Can you feel my hunger burning - burning out of control.
Devil needs that feed the fire - bearing down on my soul.
What I see I can't be dreaming - bodies lost in the flames.
Don't you ever try and wake me - I gotta get into this game.
And you know I live for my fantasies,
Be together everyway...
Midnight love - holdin' on to you in the hot night
Midnight love - you're so far away
Midnight love - searchin' for a break in the moonlight
Midnight love - so far away
Can you feel my head is pounding, my heart can never be slowed.
Can you see the lust inside me, beggin' for your control.
Gotta touch your sweet seduction, more and more everyday.
Waiting just for midnight, so that I can take you away...
And you know we live for our fantasies,
Be together everyway...
Midnight love - holdin' on to you in the hot night
Midnight love - you're so far away
Midnight love - searchin' for a break in the moonlight
Midnight love - so far away...
[Guitar solo]
Midnight love - holdin' on to you in the hot night
Midnight love - you're so far away
Midnight love - searchin' for a break in the moonlight
Midnight love - so far away...
[Outro solo]
Midnight love - yeah - Midnight love - so far away [3x]
Midnight love [3x]
3. Seven Hours
Can you feel the fever, as it burns inside of me.
Seven hours 'til midnight, and the world will be set free.
And there's talk of justice, for the ones we leave behind.
So reveal your sins now, to release you from mankind.
You know you've lived a life of evil.
So - get down on your knees and pray -
Seven, hours, 'til judgement
Seven, hours, I can feel the time is coming
Seven, hours, 'til judgement
I can feel, the time is drifting away.
Preaching down the subways, and they stop you in the streets.
'Cause they have a message, like a saviour when they speak.
When we stop and wonder, if that day will ever come.
Maybe we're believing, in a destiny they've won.
You know you've lived a life of evil.
So - get down on your knees and pray -
Seven, hours, 'til judgement
Seven, hours, I can feel the time is coming
Seven, hours, 'til judgement
I can feel, the time is drifting away.
[Guitar solo]
You know you've lived a life of evil.
So - get down on your knees and pray -
Seven, hours, 'til judgement
Seven, hours, I can feel the time is coming
Seven, hours, 'til judgement
I can feel, the time is drifting away.
4. Broken Dreams
I feel a hunger deep inside.
I hear at voice at night - calling out to me.
Tryin' to escape the doubt that holds me down,
Can't get beyond the wall that would set me free...
Broken dreams - There's nothing left worth fighting for. Broken dreams - I ask the reasons why.
Broken dreams - There's nothing left of dreams before,
Just shattered pieces that I've left behind.
I've felt the pain of losin' once before,
The memory's almost gone - But so is part of me.
I've spent my life in search and wondering.
My dreams aren't made to live, they're just meant to be...
Broken dreams - There's nothing left worth fighting for. Broken dreams - I ask the reasons why.
Broken dreams - There's nothing left of dreams before,
Just shattered pieces that I've left behind. That I've left behind...
[Guitar solo]
Broken dreams - There's nothing left worth fighting for. Broken dreams - I ask the reasons why.
Broken dreams - There's nothing left of dreams before,
Just shattered pieces that I've left behind.
Broken dreams - There's nothing left worth fighting for. Broken dreams - I ask the reasons why.
Broken dreams - There's nothing left of dreams before,
Just shattered pieces that I've left behind.
Woh-oh, Broken dreams...
5. Time Will Tell
Listen closely it's all around.
The way to make it I've always found is to;
Turn the thoughts inside
Steal the strength that hides.
Follow feelings to make the climb.
Intuitions can tow the line, through the;
Bars that would not break
to the great escape
All alone in a change, may be a lonely place.
Everything is so strange, in this race...
Time will tell, stand and begin to fight for yourself
Time will tell, anyway
Time will tell, only the strong can take it so well
Time will tell, anyway - Only time will tell.
Take a flame to ignite a try.
Indecision won't satisfy, all the the;
Choices must be made.
When your hand is laid.
In the end there may be some pain.
Before you're back on your feet again, but it;
Always comes out right
When you've won your fight
All alone in a change, may be a lonely place.
Everything is so strange, in this race...
Time will tell, stand and begin to fight for yourself
Time will tell, anyway
Time will tell, only the strong can take it so well
Time will tell, anyway...
[Guitar solo]
Time will tell, stand and begin to fight for yourself
Time will tell, anyway
Time will tell, only the strong can take it so well
Time will tell, anyway - Only time will tell.
Only time will tell [3x]
[Outro solo]
6. Lights Out
[UFO cover]
Wind blows back on the battens chargin'
Runs all the way.
Off to the thud, of my gun
Maybe now your time has come -
From the backstreets, there's a rumblin'
Sound of anarchy
No more nice time, black boy shoe shine,
Pie in the sky dream.
Lights out, lights out in London
Hold tight until the end.
Maybe now you'll know they'll never
Wait for tomorrow.
Lights out, lights out in London
Hold tight until the end.
God knows when I'm comin' on my run.
Heaven help those who help themselves,
That's the way it goes.
Frightening thoughts, what's been taught
And now it shows -
Lights out, lights out in London
Hold tight until the end.
Maybe now you'll know they'll never
Wait for tomorrow.
Lights out, lights out in London
Hold tight until the end.
God knows when I'm comin' on my run.
[Guitar solo]
Lights out, lights out in London
Hold tight until the end.
Maybe now you'll know they'll never
Wait for tomorrow.
Lights out, lights out in London
Hold tight until the end.
God knows when I'm comin' on my run.
Lights out in London (repeat 3x)
[Outro solo]
Lights out!
7. Wait For Me
Try to tell them of your fantasy,
But their faces made of stone.
They will cry in anger, they will cry in rage,
When you release the secrets that you know.
Understanding is so far away, Shout but no one ever hears.
Now you know they'll listen, now you know they'll cry,
Into the raging thunder in their ears -
Ah, ah, don't turn away
No place to hide.
Ah, ah, don't you betray
My needs inside.
Wait for me, don't you leave me far behind.
Wait for me, I'll follow.
Wait for me, don't you leave me 'til I find
The way to go - hear the voices in my mind.
Now you take them under your control,
They hear every word you say.
Maybe they're not crazy, maybe they're afraid, If they can realize who you portray.
Ah, ah, don't turn away
No place to hide.
Ah, ah, don't you betray
My needs inside.
Wait for me, don't you leave me far behind.
Wait for me, I'll follow.
Wait for me, don't you leave me 'til I find
The way to go - hear the voices in my mind.
[Main guitar solo]
Wait for me, don't you leave me far behind.
Wait for me, I'll follow.
Wait for me, don't you leave me 'til I find
The way to go - whoah.
Wait for me. Why don't you - wait for me. I'll follow.
Wait for me. Don't you leave me 'til I find the way to go.
Wait for me. Come on and wait for me. Ahhhh ohhhh. Wait for me.
[Outro solo]
8. Angel Of Mercy
You, the obsession in my life,
Leave me so torn up inside.
I only want you to be with me.
Time, isn't always on our side,
But we're trying to survive.
'Cause there's a need in me can't you see.
I need some time to think it over -
Just find a way to work it out -
Angel of mercy - lay your hands around my heart.
Angel of mercy - don't you know I need you.
Angel of mercy - tellin' me you're torn apart.
I know there's something left here.
I know you bleed, the way I do.
I, have been trying for so long,
Tryin' to find out what went wrong.
And why I need you I'll never know.
Now, it's so hard to understand,
I've been brought down by your hand.
But your belief in me never shows - oh, oh.
I need some time to think it over -
Just find a way to work it out -
Angel of mercy - lay your hands around my heart.
Angel of mercy - don't you know I need you.
Angel of mercy - tellin' me you're torn apart.
I know there's something left here.
I know you bleed, the way I do.
[Guitar solo]
I need some time to think things over,
Oh...I'll find a way to work it out -
Angel of mercy - lay your hands around my heart.
Angel of mercy - don't you know I need you.
Angel of mercy - tellin' me you're torn apart.
I know there's something left here.
I know you bleed, the way I do.
9. We Rule
Hey you - you know that I'm watching
And I - know just what you do.
We have power - we will rule your lives.
Hey you - your dreams are no secret
Cause I - can see in your mind
Always hoping - fighting to survive
Over and over I hear the voices call -
We rule - the lords of the wasteland.
We rule - the eyes of the underground
We rule - the lords of the wasteland.
We rule - the eyes of the underground.
Hey you, I feel your anger
So, I will take you away.
Hide your madness from those we control.
And you, you lust for the power
Cause I, am holding the keys
(To) chains that bind you, tearing at your soul.
Over and over I hear the voices call -
We rule - the lords of the wasteland.
We rule - the eyes of the underground
We rule - the lords of the wasteland.
We rule - the eyes of the underground.
We watch you, we see you,
We'll tell you what is real.
No running, nowhere to hide -
[Guitar solo]
We watch you, we see you,
We'll tell you what is real.
No running, nowhere to hide -
We rule - the lords of the wasteland.
We rule - the eyes of the underground
We rule - the lords of the wasteland.
We rule - the eyes of the underground.
We rule - the lords of the wasteland.
We rule - the eyes of the underground
We rule - the lords of the wasteland.
We rule - the eyes of the underground.
We rule.
We rule
Whoah oh oh oh
10. So Long
Many years of my life I have been in search of,
Someone to shelter from the cold.
I may be a fool, standing waiting here forever,
In those quiet eyes I know -
That' it's - So long I've been left too far behind
So long to me.
Cause it's - So long that I've almost lost my mind
So long to me - I'm so tired of tryin'
There are those who stop and tell me who I'm best for,
And that love will pass me by.
But they'll fade away, and I continue searching,
All my life -
That' it's - So long I've been left too far behind
So long to me.
Cause it's - So long that I've almost lost my mind
So long to me...ahhhhh ohhhhhh...
[Guitar solo]
And it's - So long I've been left too far behind
So long to me.
Cause it's - So long that I've almost lost my mind
So long to me - '
So long, So long, So long to me.
So long, So long, So long to me.
[Outro guitar solo]
So long. So long, So long to me.
11. Feel The Heat
Feel the heat, let my heart rise,
Feel the heat -
Through the alleys and backstreets,
I'm watchin' and I'm waitin' for you.
Should have known you could not change.
I don't know why you're putting me through.
Satisfied that I need you, more than words can say.
Just a change before I'm through, to touch you my own way -
Baby can't you feel the heat, let my heart rise.
Need so much, the fire in your eyes.
Feel the heat, take me to the sky.
Let me touch the fire in your eyes.
You can work me everyday.
Run me 'round in circles again.
It's a game we've always played.
And now you've brought it all to an end.
Satisfied that I need you, more than words can say.
Just a change before I'm through, to touch you my own way -
Baby can't you feel the heat, let my heart rise.
Need so much, the fire in your eyes.
Feel the heat, take me to the sky.
Let me touch the fire in your eyes.
I'm so confused, I feel so alone.
Maybe your love would save me.
So why don't you take me into your arms. Oh -
[Guitar solo]
I'm so confused, I feel so alone.
Maybe your love would save me.
So why don't you take me into your arms. Oh -
Feel the heat, let my heart rise.
Need so much, the fire in your eyes.
Feel the heat, take me to the sky.
Let me touch the fire in your eyes.
Feel the heat. Baby can't you feel the heat.
Feel the heat. Whoah - feel the heat.
Feel the heat. Let my heart rise. Feel the heat.
Feel the heat [3x]