« B. L. U. T. »
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1 | Trial
 | 2 | Miss Directed
 | 3 | ...In My Veins
 | 4 | B. L. U. T. (Blood-Lust, Under Trance)
 | 5 | I'm In Darkness
 | 6 | Calling The Rain
 | 7 | Moon - Struck
 | 8 | Ever And Anon
 | 9 | Begotten Son (Of Wrath)
 | 10 | InThe Maze
 | 11 | Goddess In Black
 | 12 | Threnody
 | 13 | Soul Embrace
 | 14 | Land Beyond The Forest |
   Alex Krull - Vocals
Mathias Roderer - Guitars
Richard Scharf - Guitars
Markus Knapp - Bass
Michael Schwarz - Drums |
Produced By Atrocity
Recorded At B-14 Studio,Waiblingen March/April
Guest Vocals Appearance By Yasmin Krull
Keyboards & Sequenzer By Alex Krull
Artwork Of Band Members & Female Voice On
"B.L.U.T." By Ana Pop
Remastered by Alexander Krull at Mastersound
Studio http://www.mastersoundstudio.de |
 | 1. Trial
You know deep inside me are all out of pain
We're condemning, torturing, killing again and again
Waiting for deliverance being nailed to the cross
Hanging there like Jesus Christ
B ut without his graceful sight
Suspected animation antagonized to die
Make your last confession within |
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 Если найти ответ на вопрос “почему” Napalm Records в 2008 году взялся за переиздание всего бэк-каталога Atrocity не представляет большой трудности, то вот с поиском, и, главное, аргументацией, ответа на второй, чуть менее очевидный, но куда более актуальный “кому оно надо”, могут возникнуть определенные трудности. В оригинале “BLUT” вышел в уже далеком 1994 году и не представлял особой ценности даже тогда, что же говорить о нем спустя 14 лет после выхода? Заурядный death metal начала 90-х, неожиданно растерявший всю свою техничную составляющую, но прибавивший в клишированности и однотипности, с вокалом Алекса Крула, больше похожим на крики пьяных мужиков у ларька. Даже не хочется перечислять тот список команд, которые записали подобное (не крича у ларьках, а играя нормально) и лучше и раньше, собственно, именно тех, кого и стоит слушать, чтобы получить представление о death metal’e в период его зарождения. Удивляет другое – каким образом в эти пьяные крики под грузящие однотипные риффы попал удивительно красивый и атмосферный трек “Calling The Rain”, записанный Алексом со своей сестрой Yasmin. Он настолько же отличается от остального материала пластинки, насколько ‘Запорожец’ отличается от ‘Феррари’. Итоговый балл – целиком его заслуга, да еще и приятно оформленного буклета (как ни крути, диск концептуален и посвящен Дракуле), но больше тут, ловить нечего. (Диск предоставлен компанией Irond) |
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“Дамы и господа! Наш театр представляет Вашему вниманию музыкальное произведение группы "Атросити" под названием “Кровь”! И посвящено оно будет знаменитому Владу Цепешу, более известному как Дракула. Будьте готовы к…” Вот тут я мог продолжить эту пафосную вступительную речь, но только если бы сам материал того стоил. А он не стоит. Я, естественно, не знаю всех причин и положения дел в группе на тот момент, но мне кажется, Алекс Крулл и компания решили резко сменить подход к музыке, дабы не стоять на месте и не выглядеть тормозами. Оставаясь в рамках дэт-метала, они, по всей видимости, захотели перевернуть всё вверх дном, и отбросив неимоверно сложный и техничный материал двух прошлых дисков, записать как можно более доступный и понятный альбом. Что они и сделали. Но если на первых двух дисках не обходилось без перегибания палки в плане навороченности, то здесь палку уже перегнули в плане доступности. Абсолютно серый, бедный на импровизации и находки, безликий и неинтересный дэт-материал немцев, который не способен зацепить практически ни одной деталью. Пятнадцать (!) композиций, похожих друг на друга, выглядят валом из бездарных риффов, обыкновенной и безвкусной ударной работы (редкие бластбиты и то кажутся мёртвыми) и омерзительного вокала Крулла, похожего на зов человека, пробудившегося с дикого бодуна (во-во! Мужик у ларька, согласен). Музыку можно было оживить, если бы заявленный в буклете синтезатор появлялся чаще, но и тут ничего внятного не получилось. В некоторых местах материалу явно не хватает мелодичных клавиш. И вот как такое могло выйти у группы, которая создала в начале 90-х свой собственный, в некотором роде, уникальный саунд, и сделала немецкую сцену ещё более привлекательной для поклонников тяжёлой музыки? С таким подходом даже во времена зарождения стиля мало чего можно было добиться, я уже и не говорю про середину 90-х, где сей диск кажется просто ленивой подделкой. И тут уже не способны спасти ни концепция диска, ни в каком-то смысле статус родоначальников вампирической тематики в метале (вот не уверен что-то), ни действительно красочное оформление буклета, ни даже наличие трёх вменяемых песен. А именно, “Calling the Rain”, печальная акустическая композиция, которая мне сразу напомнила о чудесной итальянской формации Ataraxia. Только вот вокал сестры Алекса Ясмин даже близко не дотягивает до сильного голоса Франчески Николи. Остальные две песни - вполне годный драйвовый дэт в виде “Beggoten Son (of Wrath)” и последней “Land Beyond the Forest”, которая похожа на “Calling the Rain”, но с гитарами и почти думовой атмосферой. Что самое занятное, в этих трёх песнях можно даже вокал Крулла вытерпеть, ибо, как мне показалось, он даже рычать стал приятней.
Но в остальном, тут описывать больше нечего. Альбом ничто не способно вытянуть из пучины музыкальной бедности. После этого группа, видно, впала в депрессию, и дабы её победить, окунулась с головой в экспериментаторство, и по ходу, в себя не пришла до сих пор.
Оценка солидарна предыдущей. |
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просмотров: 14451 |
Deads I win
Tails you loose
Blackest sin
Trial by ordeal
Foreed smile, frozen face annoyed arch enemy
No weakness, no fraility even without empathy
Your mind is closed, disturbing fortitude
Hatred, fear
Melt into a mental beast
Forced to fight
Steel annealed
Prepare to strike
Trial by ordeal
Demolishing anger, concentrated violence
Attempt, conquest
No mental anguish, warrant of distress
Unfailing strength, unflagging opponents
At blood hit the inner conflict
Trial by ordeal decides your life or death
pouring out the vails of wrath and damnation
Taking a delight in an unholy domain
Blasphemous, unholy
benedicted under God's name
2. Miss Directed
Neon lights, erecting sight
Welcome to the flesh-bemal scene
XXX Psychopaths
Going for nother aim
Control me, dominate me
Entering the pits of Mistress D.
Walking through the chamber-light
Tonight is Miss Directed-night
Miss Directed, Miss Directed, please me
Miss Directed, Miss Directed, teach me, how
Oh my tough feather queen
I lick your Makepeace submissively
Groveling before a dungeon-chain
Absurb wishes of sexual pain
Show me methods of torturing
Sadistic lessons all I need
You hurt me, you whip me
You give me just everything
Miss Diorected, Miss Directed, lease me
Miss Directed, Miss Directed, teach me
Miss Directed from behind, Miss Directed all the night
Miss Directed bring me up
3. ... In My Veins
Fullmoon night in disguise, i look up to the eternal skies
My mind infected evil, live my life not only twice
I have wakened all the pain which grove the world insane
You see the infernal black, you know me, I bring you
Down, down on your knees
you're tasting the disease, you see
Never cross my ways
Death, Death in my veins
Hate, Hate in my eyes
Your life was ended
When you surendered
Just by my fingertip
Death< Death in my veins... in my veins
"Wherefore, O king let my councel be accepted unto thee
and break off Thy sins"
Eyeball like fire, pain and desire, you're ffeling the reging hate
Endless enduring, godforsacen creature, along to survive
Death, Death in my veins and I send yuou to your doom,
dwelt your mind.
Rape your soul, I like you to consume,
endlessly in the dusk,
All night I hear you scream
Death, Death in my veins
Like an one thousand year darkened
dominion - The field of the dead seed
Burnt and withered, you would never
consider to an once prospering land
Day is night and night is day
In the kingdom of the dead.
4. B.L.U.T. (Blood-Lust, Under Trance)
i remember the night
sitting on the dark
the battle was won
but lost my love
I left the light side
chosen the dark
sworn another solemn
at fullmoon I bark
walkingthrough the centuries
a pathless path
symphonic blood lust
on this funeral march
My innerself
is drifting in a red sea
bizarre and sweet
... B. L. U. T.!!!
awaiting the next vein
posessed byu essential desire
damned and addicted to survive
this form of life
I'm searching for her
the love I lost
I'm searching for her
taking away the frost
But too many years are gone
my mind like ice
B. L. U. T....
... you are my beauty
With my servants
I enter the air
diving down to the mortals
let them join the eternal form of life.
Stapin de abscuritate,
fantoma nucturna
dragostea inseamna viata besnica,
care a obtinem numai prin moarte
"Yes, but I will neve die!!!"
B. L. U. T. - you are my beauty.. till I
reach eternal peace!
5. I'm In Darkness
Peacefull silence, quake with fear
Deep blue blackness is surrounding me
Leaving you - in the dark
Alone with me in my world of doubt
I'm in darkness
watching you
Deep blue blackness
Calling thee
Fearing the visions of the deepest past
The deadlynes on my final quest
I'm in darkness
Watching me
Mystic loneliness
Calling thee
Feel the breath right behind yourself!
taste the foulness in the air!
Running, hiding - another unsafe place
stalking, seeking,
the noghfall becomes a maze
cold sweat at every pore
but not being froghtened anymore
Search and find - even if you loose
your fate and destiny
you're not the one to choose
solution is so clear
uncertaintly disappears
I am you, You're me
you feel the intcinct calling thee
I'm the demon, you're the beast
the night, pur playground, is set free
I'm in the darkness
lost eternally
deep blue blackness calling me
See the visions from the deepest past
the deadlyness on my finel quest!!!
6. Calling The Rain
moods and emotions
circles ibrations
Dark days are rising
in eternal remembrance
I feel like I have failed my life
when thoughts of sorror lead my mind
I feel like calling the rain
I feel like calling the rain
Daguely and clearly
threatning and knocking
dark cloud formation
from vanguished despiration
hoping for enlightment
but holding the light
being moved but not ready to cry
I feel like calling the rain
7. Moon-Struck (Prelude)
A lonely shining light
takes the viens of night
Each shaft another thought
thought of different ways
ways of dust you see
dusty air you breath
Dark clouds are passing by
clearing up the darkened sky
face in the teeth of the wind
to watch the rising fight
Nightly scene
nocturnal game
moon obsessed
With my lonely beating heart
step by step, so close to you
punding, pounding amid the glade
I raise my arms up to the sky
I'm dressed up
for the splendour in silver-grey
I dance the moonlight dance
Changing garment night by night
appearing in habitual grace
ocean dressed in silver clothes
the ercscent keeps my thoughts
moon obsessed
The old calaboose memoruies
fleshing through my mind
from time immemorial
you guide my blood-damned life
I'm dressed up
for thwe splendout in silver-grey
I dance the moonlight dance
With my lonely beating heart
step by step, so close to you
pounding, pounding amid the glede
I raise my arms up to the sky
I'm dressed up
for the splendour in silver-grey
I dance the moonlight dance
8. Ever And Anon
Time is so heartless
time is malice
time is the aburd absolution
time leads me to disillusion
Here I find myself
the helot of the handman
fearing the certain death
and hoping for salvation
Ever and anon - flying
Ever and anon - dying
shattered thoughts, they're flowing
leaving you in the shades
What eve I'll create
what eve I will think
never I'll be meant
self-regulated punishment
A live from agony
dust-eating, blood-drinking crearure
sharing insanity
earth to fed up but open wide
Ever and anon - flying
Ever and anon - dying
still on the knee you're playing
but no god wanna fisten - to you
i fly a little bit, I die a little bit more - ever
I fly alittle bit, I die a little bit more - anon
I search for the wisdom
Left in the sand
awaiting the final solution
bringing myself to the end
Land of elover-feats
land of desolation
land of no believes
I fly for the unflating nation
Ever and anon - flying
Ever and anon - dying
Ever and anon - falling
ever and anon - crushing
9. Begotten Son (Of Wrath)
Burning, crushing
a homicidal horde of destroying
I have cuesed you endlessly
'till you suffer eternally
I bring you do despair
once you will repent
burning, impaling
I sought and found you - praying
your weak god is powerless
In my world of emptyness
you are left alone
i impale you through the bone
i saw the fiery pits of hell
and the torturing of the lost souls
lost eternally
lived infernally
all the ended in the dusk
Shatteder, wasted land
see you in bloodred tonight
The usurper is scared to death
he has beaten to retreat
struggle for power
days are numbered
tyhe stubborn land has to be free
Shattered, wasted land
see you in bloodred tonight
I'm the begotten son of wrath
the one who decides your fate
not living for the honour but for pain
my revenge is mercyless,
you bodies are ipaled
and your life is always in my hands
Begotten son of wrath
Like a guiding star
corpses' avenue
droping blood turns to fountain head
Hate os growing strong
Mind is down below
not weakens until you ret in pain
begotten son, he's not from the heaven-sent
he is taking your lives like wildfire
chosen victims, you don't know even when
look at the heaven's vault
i bet you will never see again
the cosmos, the universe
closed their gates for my deadly vengeance
10. Into The Maze
11. Goddess In Black
all that night
this feeling, that pleasure
stealing my soul
all I found was lust
a bizarre romance of caressing
deleterious love
you are
Denturing into a world of frustration
living on the age of damnation
living in the circle within the bats
and fading meanwhife
on and on and on
this headiness
caused by deadnes
raping my mind
not heaven-born magic
a fogged world of lying dreams
Oh, I know my deatiny
I pay the price
the voice comes from the heart
cut off the soul
moving to another p[lace
earning the wages, you are
Denturing into a world of frustration
living on the edge of damnation
laying in the circle within the bats
and fading meanwhile on and on and on
Goddess in black
you're feeling her might
between your legs
awaiting temptress
beyond all reason
your mind is runnong free
in the night of damnation
Enchanted, blinded can't you see
the witchraft of a beauty beast
creeping, crawling in the head
snake - hissing on youe neck
sneaking fiend from the back
fiery love - scene at its height
Black temptation in a murky night
Goddnes in black
beyond all reason
goddess in black
weird obsession
lucifoguous and bad
Goddess In Black
Coming under her influence
strange maiden dressed in black
grotesque flames of fire
kept my soul soothfast soul
Howsoever this night will be ended
I have to ask the question
where are the guerdiam angels
followed all my lyfe?
All that night
this feeling, that pleasure
craving for more
squirming fustfully
abstract, abysm fantasies
deleterious love
you are
Denturing into a world of frustration
living on the adge of damnation
laying in the circle within the batsand fading meanwhile on and on and on
Goddess in black
beyona dll reason
goddess in black
weird obsession
accord with the devil's pact
delivered to the
Goddess In Black
12. Threnody (The Spirit Never Dies)
Again I feel the dirty ground
I stand with my boots on
rotten, deceerated, holy place
raped mother land
we fought side by side
we held the banners high
together we touched the sky
our aim out of reach
Those days we shared the pain,
and stood as one
those days our spirit was one union,
those days are gone
We fought side by side
we held the banners high
together supposed ti die
our aim never reached
i still hear you strong voice,
Telling me about Utopia
Yes I still can hear you,
your spirit will be erver inside me
Does any god listen to me?
you took just the comporeality!
no one can break my melody
listen to my threnody
I've lost nmore than a friend
(but) one day we'll meet again
I won't loose you twice
because your spirit never diea - never/you'll return
I keep the free spirit, I carry on, I keep on fighting
I know, I snatd alone, your return: a further ending
Does any god listen to me?
you took just the corporeality!
no one can break my melody
listen to my threnody
13. Soul Embrace
14. Land Beyond The Forest
I walk through the hills
and march down the plains
so many years but I was always there
Deep in my heart I remember the time...
oh father,
how could you endure this fate?
i will stand for
I will fight forI die for the land beyond the forest
Oh yes,
I will complete what you have begun
I will face my destiny
oh father, I won't fail my final mission
The greenest grass, the whitest snow
i breathe the air, I absirb the land
so cold the wind, so high the mountains
I will never forget this fascination, this closeness, this familarity
this familarity I will never forget
in life beyond death
I will stand for
I will fight fir
I will die for the land beyond the forest