 Лучшие дни этой, неплохой, в общем-то, команды остались еще в начале 90-х, хотя и тогда Cadaver звезд с неба не хватали. Пионерам норвежского death metal всегда не хватало самой малости: расторопности, музыкальной прозорливости, везения, чтобы немного опередить свое время и вырваться из сонма подающих надежды команд. Ни один альбом Cadaver нельзя назвать обыкновенным death metal-релизом. Однако ничего выдающегося, пусть даже в рамках глубокого «подполья», Cadaver также создать не удалось. Альбомы вроде “In Pains” вызывают недоумение: как можно так пресно подать, в общем-то, передовые для своего времени наработки? Тогда, в 1992-м, Cadaver были увлечены заигрываниями с неуклюжим, но по-своему прогрессивным death metal. Спустя более чем десятилетие, пережив следующие один за другим распады, кардинальные смены состава и поправки курса, норвеги вернулись с материалом, который сочетает в себе и наработки “In Pains”, и скоростное, отстраненное звучание альбома «Discipline», выпущенного уже в новом тысячелетии под маркой Cadaver Inc. Музыка коллектива по-прежнему сдержана и аккуратна, однако звездный состав позволил вывести исполнение на принципиально иной уровень. Для характеристики альбома «Necrosis» слово «механистичный», как ни странно, подошло бы куда больше, чем обыкновенно используемая в таких случаях приставка «техничный». Cadaver избегают соло, однако точность, слаженность исполнения не может не удивить даже знатоков стиля! Тех, кто ценит Morbid Angel времен «Domination» или первые две работы Nocturnus, эта музыка, без сомнения, должна заинтересовать. Единственные, но решающие нарекания к альбому – это сомнительного качества звукорежиссура и отсутствие того, без чего даже самый правильный и ортодоксальный death metal жить не может: сильных мелодий. Именно как композиторы музыканты Cadaver со своей задачей не справились. Ни одной запоминающейся темы даже для самого техничного релиза – это, конечно же, провал. Поэтому «Necrosis» оставляет после себя отнюдь не однозначное впечатление. Зная, что неказистый “In Pains” был издан издан еще на самой заре death metal, я проникаюсь к нему невольной симпатией. Несомненно более эмоциональный и мощный «Necrosis» ни музыкой, ни своей значимостью для современного death metal, таких чувств вызвать не способен. |
Send your corpse away
Rid you all of pride - fucking time to die
And the scars I will see
Like the face of the moon
Cast no blessings at me
Necro as fuck!
And the scars I will see
Like the face of the moon
Cast no blessings at me
Necro as fuck!
White burning sand
Pale yearning hands
Fainting hollow eyes
Necro-world will fucking rise!
Come on!
White burning sand
Pale yearning hands
Dying Jesus son
Atrocities have not yet begun
Send your corpse away
Rid you all of pride - fucking time to die
2. Decomposed Metal Skin
Decomposed metal skin - decomposed metal skin
Do you know that you are dead?
Scream you fuck - who is now your king?
Do you know where you belong?
Septic fumes of putrefaction
Massacre - unholy war
Horded of flesh are to be wasted
Bloodstained sand - death and gore
Raining flames are falling down
Lightning strikes - paranoid
Hide behind the metal shields
Live to die for the humanoids
You are dead - decomposed metal skin
Do you know that you are dead?
Scream you fuck - who is now your king?
Do you know where you belong?
Come on! Come on! Come on! Fists in the air!
I did slay the beast - the martyr is dead
Ea- Ea- Ea- Help carry him now to his maker
God - the enslaver of the frightened and the weak
Jesus- Jesus- Jesus- Jesus is dead!
Jesus- Jesus- Jesus- Jesus is dead!
Jesus- Jesus- Jesus- Jesus is dead!
Jesus- Jesus- Jesus- Jesus is dead!
Raining flames are falling down
Lightning strikes - paranoid
Hide behind the metal shields
Live to die for the humanoids
You are dead - decomposed metal skin
3. Evil Is Done
Live to die by the evil oath
Scapegoats of the blind and weak
Recreate - reform our way of life
Dominate - our way of death
Signs are written in digital sand
The storm is still just a swift breeze
The unforeseen is yet to be revealed - to be revealed
Omen one - is still to come
Omen two - is still due
Omen three - will let them free
Omen four - you fucking whore
Omen five - are you still alive?
Live to die by the evil oath
Scapegoats of the blind and weak
Recreate - reform our way of life
Dominate - our way of death
Signs are written in digital sand
The storm is still just a swift breeze
The unforeseen is yet to be revealed - to be revealed
Omen six - fire on the styx
Omen seven - there is no heaven
Omen eight - will choose your faith
Omen nine - will hit you blind
Omen ten - you are one of them
Evildoers - evil is done
Evildoers - all earth - life is gone
Evildoers - keep your hate
Evildoers - enter the gates
Omen six - fire on the sticks
Omen seven - there is no heaven
Omen eight - will choose your faith
Omen nine - will hit you blind
Omen ten - you are one of them
You are one of them - you are one of them
You are one of them - you are one of them
You are one of them!
4. Odium
Their souls omit from their necks
Hung up are blade carves new beliefs
We ridicule your ancestry
And thoughts of holy union
We condemn and clave
The earth trembles
As our machinery slithers forth
It slithers forth
Pass your religion - pass your lies
Minerval worshipper of he who dies
Pass your religion - pass your lies
Eater of all - bringer of hate
Bringer of hate
5. Awakening
Dig your way to misery
Spark eternal hatred
Burn all brigdes - set it free
Your time has here has been altered
Awakening - free your mind
Insanity made you blind
Awakening - free your soul
Let your cold winds unfold
See the storm of the horizon
One man against it all
Without fear - mind control
You are ready for your quest
Awakening - free your mind
Insanity made you blind
Awakening - free your soul
Let your cold winds unfold
Bloodline from the Stone Age
Primitive and old
Eyes like reptiles you see
Brain mass blurs the imagery
I cannot hide from life or death
I want to be allone
My eyes can't see what you can see
I see no flesh or bones
Dig your wayto misery
Spark eternal hatred
Burn all bridges - set ot free
Your time here has been altered
6. Goat Father
Goatfather's son - sacred holy words of loyalty claiming your salvation when the timing of the rulers of your life is depending that their words are truly reviling you from pain you feel when you wait to die ... Your pain
Blinded you sacrifice your mind for their beheading
of all you are when time is running out
A soldier nothing but a piece in the puzzle
Lead by those you should not have trusted with your life
With violence our life is measured up against the idea of pride
You forget your quest for the new ideas to fill
your daily needs
No one lives for anything but earhly matters
no protection is given you if you don't become a slave... in time
7. Unholy Death
Gaze into my eyes
The light is killing me
Sick - white - unholy death
Stab my sorry lungs to hell
Let the suck my blood
Feed the stench of blasphemy
As I die - die - die - die
Sick - white - unholy death
Do you feel merciless?
Come on, let's fucking see
Feel the stench of blasphemy
As I die - die
Life is not precious
Take me to death where I belong
Vile and obnoxious
I cannot hide my joy - or what's to come
Sick - white - unholy death
Do you feel merciless?
Come on, let's fucking see
The solid mass that once was me
is still a curse
8. The Etching Cleanser
Waste as the seas flood
The religious soil and
Mankind lays in ruin still
We burn with joy
Heed the call the distorted grin
The enlightened has prevailed
Now face the sewer
Spirits die with the written words
Icons scattered in the sea
...the etching cleanser
Cold - waiting - grave
Words end...
So come extinction
The ethnic savior
No lies - hope - dies terrified
The sickened fall - fall
The mindless weep polluted tears
Preachers vomit human waste
The shapeless crawl in cancer soil
The melting earth still breaths
Heed the call the distorted grin
The enlightened has prevailed
Now face the sewer
Spirits die with the written words
Icons scattered in the sea
...the etching cleanser
9. Heartworm
The crawling hear reeks
Like fungus from the soul
The prowling worm seeks
It's grace and its grief
Heart is sworn
And the worm, it licks
Tongue like thorns
And the spit burns holes
The fever aches
Grows with the tainted self
The sweat flows
And paints the inner hell
Heart is sworn and the worm, it licks
Tongue like thorns
Heart is sworn and worm, it licks
The spit burns holes
The fever aches
Grows with the tainted self
The sweat flows
And paints the inner hell
Heart is sworn and the worm, it licks
Tongue like thorns
Heart is sworn and worm, it licks
The spit burns holes