« Holy Roller/ Scum/ Americana »
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1 | Holy Roller
 | 2 | Scum
 | 3 | Americana |
   Dave Peters - Vocals
Mark Choinere - Guitar
Matt Mentley - Bass
Ben Dussault - Drums |
 | Holy Roller
Crucify me for a lie
While You cut another line to breathe
Holy roller, poster child for fear and insecurity
Well, nothing is holy and nothing is sacred
They'll cut to the bone to get under your skin
I've stolen, I've lied, I've done my time,
But I won't pay for your sin
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 Трехпесенный промо-сингл, которому выпускающая компания даже не удосужилась придумать название (а, по большому счету, зачем ломать комедию, если это промо) и снабдить какой-то обложкой (по тем же причинам), предвосхищает выход уже пятого альбома американской команды Throwdown, «Venom & Tears», Если судить по этой записи, группа играет нечто энгритрэшовое с элементами металкора. Понятия не имею, как будет слушаться альбом целиком (а в нем будет аж 14 вещей), но эти три песни не дают скучать (каждая по-своему бодра) и демонстрируют завидное разнообразие: от более металкорно-трэшовой «Holy Roller» (а судя по тому, что этот трек будет первым на альбоме, её позиционируют как один из главных хитов), до грязновато энгриобразной «America» с качовым припевом. Материал неплохой и должен заинтересовать всех, кому не чуждо творчество Фила Ансельмо и его группы Pantera, а также тем, кому по душе работы Machine Head – Throwdown без труда предоставят материал, чтобы попрыгать всласть. |
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просмотров: 8820 |
You don't have to bow your head in shame
Cus I can see right through you and I know that you have felt that way
Never will I bow my head in shame
I live this life with no regret, a lesson for you in respect
Sermon of hate spoken between a smile and words of piety
Well, I've got a use for you
It's time we stuck the pig
Well, nothing is holy and nothing is sacred
They'll cut to the bone to get under your skin
I've lived and died a thousand times,
But I won't pay for your sin
You don't have to bow your head in shame
Cus I can see right through you and I know that you have felt that way
Never will I bow my head in shame
I live this for no one else. Save your judgement for yourself
Teeth in my tongue for far too long
I've watched your lechery
So let this be your requiem...
When there's no eulogy, I'll speak
You don't have to bow your head in shame
Cus I can see right through you and I know that you have felt that way
Never will I bow my head in shame
I live this life for no one else. Save your judgement for yourself.
I'll never bow my head in shame
We need a fuckin plague, a flood, a war to kill it all to cure it all
cus every corner turned
the scum of the earth
Fuck the gangs of middleclass suburbia, the gutter punks, their prozac medicated parents too strung out to give a shit
Where did we go wrong? How in the hell did it come to this?
You’re pissin in the wind if you think it can be fixed because I’ll tell you what we really need…
Go to your gods, beg for
Deliverance from the scum of the earth
Let the locust swarm, allow the jaws of earth to swallow us alive Baptize me in the blood of scum for rebirth
If I see another pedophile priest released,
a hipster glam rock wannabe, a cop shooting an unarmed teen,
I’ll carve my eyes out with a stick
Where did we go wrong? How in the hell did it come to this?
You’re pissin in the wind if you think it can be fixed because I’ll tell you what we fucking need…
Go to your gods plea for
And in your prayers beg for
Our only chance is
from the scum of the earth
Deliverance…deliver us from the scum of the earth